Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 731: War days



The blood gathered from the young hands of the blood red robe, the blood rose, the impurities in the blood were evaporated, leaving only pure blood between his hands, exuding the power of powerful blood. .

Zhang mouth sucks, the blood of the blood is swallowed by him, Qin double can clearly perceive his cultivation as a rapid improvement.

"This is... the breath of Wu Sheng... God gave him a breakthrough in Wu Sheng!"


The young man in the blood-colored robes once again grabbed the ground toward the ground. This time, not only the dead bodies on the ground, but also the blood of the living Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu, also ejected from the wound, toward the air. The young hands of the **** robes gathered together.

The monks and demon saints in the sky stopped. The Terran, Demon and Mozu on the ground also stopped. The blood-skinned youth who looked into the air with fear.

It’s never been seen before, and the horror that brought it to everyone is too great. Every monk had a layer of goose bumps on his body, and his heart was blank.

"How could this be?"

The pair of blood-colored robes youth who looked incredulously in the air suddenly leaped in the heart. A frightened thought floated to my heart.

"Don't God's gift have been taken over by the devil in his body?"

"Do not!"

"Will not!"

"God will not!"

There was a **** smell in the air, and the wind moved to the piano double. The double look of the piano is changing, the redest is the empty step, walking in the air toward the youth of the **** robes step by step.

"Tianci..." Qin doubled out.

The young man in the **** robes turned his head to look at the double, angular face, a scar from the eyebrow to the chin, but gave a more tough feeling. The corner of the mouth tilted slightly, and the smile was a bit cold.

"I am not a godsend, I am a god!"

"天逆..." Qin double is a little lost.

"Not bad!"

Tianrui slowly walked toward the piano, and his eyes gradually showed bloody, **** red hair, **** eyes, **** red robes.

"I was born for the sake of the sky. I will tear this day in the morning and evening, and put this day under my feet sooner or later. You are my blood food against you, your birth is to provide me with blood food, hahaha. ......"

"No!" Qin double screamed: "You are not a god, you are God. God, you are there? Are you there?"

"My name is Tianrui!" Tian Rui's face became more and more cold.

"Call..." Qin doubled a long breath and forced himself to calm down, his eyes gradually becoming colder:

"I don't know where you are from, but you occupy a body that should not belong to you. You give me out."

Tianrui looked at the piano double, and the half smiled.

"Oh... I admit that I killed the godsend and occupied this body. Well, this body is very good, it is suitable for me. Ha ha... But what about it?"

"You killed Godsend?" The light of the piano double became cold.

"Yes, I will do a good thing today, kill you too, let the two of you meet in the ghost field."

"Oh la la..."

The sky was swept, and the extension of the cloud and others retreated to one side. The demon also retreated to the side, leaving the Tianshen and Qinshuang far away, and gave the two positions to the two.

The sky is too strange, so that their hearts are full of alert. Before they figured out the details of the sky, they first thought of keeping a distance from the sky.


Just by the hands of Qin double, see the bottom of the sky.

The Terran monks on the ground were also separated from the demon, and each of them was withdrawn to the side, looking up to the sky and the doubles in the air. These two people appeared abruptly above the battlefield, and the two men were very strange to them. In particular, the means of sucking blood in the sky, let them be scared.

The sky reversed the piano and single-handedly grabbed it. The face of the piano double was changed. She felt the blood in her body suddenly boiled up, as if it had to penetrate from her sweat pores and flew toward the sky.

Qin double immediately holds the Yuan Shouyi and keeps his body blood. Turning his hand and turning his hand toward the sky, he took the past. A large handprint covers the sky, with a gust of wind, volley hit.

Cover the sky!

There is a hint of interest in the face of Tianrui’s toughness.

"Your blood is very strong, swallowing you, will definitely make my cultivation surge!"

Tianrui waved a punch and slammed toward the big handprint. When the "bang" burst into a loud sound, it shattered the big handprints, and the body shape rushed toward the piano as a blood shadow.


The piano was shot with one palm, and ten dragons roared out and slammed toward the blood. The hands of the sky are like claws, waving continuously in the air, tearing up ten dragons.

"Who is that blood robes?" A demon sacred to a demon sage: "His body is full of magic, is it the overhaul of your demon?"

The Devil shook his head and said: "I have never seen it."

"Do you recognize that human race?" asked Chang Yanyun.

"I don't recognize it!" Xiang Baiji shook his head and said: "She should be a warrior, very strong."


Qinshuang and Tiansui continually collide in the air, and it is difficult to distinguish them up and down.


The giant crocodile sword is held in the hands of Tianrui, and the eyes of the piano are abrupt.

"You don't deserve to be a giant crocodile sword!"


Qin double pulled out the dragon sword and two people fought together. The eyes of the piano reveal the color of shock. He found that this day is more than a star and a half higher than the gods. He bites his teeth and the dragon sword pierces the mysterious trajectory in the air.

Sword field!

A dragon sword was in the shadow of the sky, and the piano double disappeared.


That day, the reversal was not absorbed into the sword field. Instead, he has spread countless blood from his body. His hands are flat on both sides. A **** red blood has spread from his body. It is full of abnormalities and flows. It is just an instant, and it envelopes the sky. In the air, the **** smell is floating around.

The shape of Tianrui has disappeared into the sea of ​​blood. Looking up from the ground, the rapid expansion of the blood sea, as if there is a blood curtain between the blue sky and white clouds, is rapidly blocking the sky.


The **** area enveloped the sword field. Within the sword field, the piano stood on top of the sword and looked toward the air. I saw my own bloodshed through my sword field. In the looming, I saw the rebellion in the blood, and my mind moved, and the sword field spurred toward the sky in the blood.


The sword field rips the **** sea, almost spanning dozens of miles in an instant, and stabbed the body of Tianrui.

However, what is strange is that the face of the day has a cold smile on the face, and then the whole person falls into the **** sea like the same blood.


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