Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 730: Devouring




Qinqin spit out a long breath and felt that the world has become more and more complicated and more and more dangerous.

I remembered that before I had the courage to kill the Five Demon Saints, the pride of one person who singled out hundreds of thousands of demons gradually disappeared, but the heart raised a vigilant heart.

Turned his head and looked to the front, his look became dignified.

"This has become a ruin. It has even become a land of nine yin. It seems that the island has been defeated. It is not known what will happen after it meets with Snow Island."

The piano doubles its sleeves and the body shape goes to the peak of the mountain. Fly away in the distance.


Above a big tree, a white figure falls on a branch and looks around.

The big tree broke and the ground cracked. The piano stood steadily on a branch, looking at the human body, the demon and the demon's body on the ground, sighing sighly, and the body shape fluctuated with the ups and downs of the branches.

"It seems that after the merger of Yiye Island and Snowless Island, it is impossible to resist the demon. Are they evacuating to the coast or going to the Huanglu Island?"

The power of the soul of the piano double spread out, and then the look is a joy.

"Sure enough, I went to Huanglu Island."

The toes of the piano pair are lightly on the branches, and the figure is pulled out in the air with a vague image, flying toward the station of Huanglu Island.

After three days.

Qin double stood on the top of a mountain and looked into the distance.

In the field of vision is a grand scene of tragic and fierce, echoing huge roars and screams in the ears, the wind is stirring, the blood flows into the river. It is the demon and the monk who are fighting fiercely.

Qin binoculars swept through, she not only saw a leaf island, Huanglu Island and the snowless island monks, but also saw the monks of the Quartet. It seems that when Yiye Island retreats on one side, it will notify people without snow islands, and Wuxue Island will inform Huanglu Island in advance. Huanglu Island will inform the Quartet and everyone will gather in the station of Huanglu Island. , and the demon is a deadly battle.


Calling the extension of the game actually pressed the devil's eighth floor to fight, Xiang Baiji is also a person pressing two magical saints, Huang Ludao's current island owner Ouyang Bi is also a fierce battle between two devils. The remaining Mahayana period is the pair of the previous devil or demon.

Qin double looked up at the battles of the Mahayana in the sky, and the heart was a slight sigh. From today's situation, the Terran monks have the upper hand. However, Qin double knows that if they can not achieve an overwhelming advantage in a short period of time, then the advantages will be turned into a victory, and the final defeat should be these people's Mahayana period. Because the humanist monk's body is too weak, half of the strength is used for defense in the battle, so their consumption will be large, and it will not last long.

The Mozu are different, and their bodies are even stronger than the warriors. Once the races of the Terran are too large, the power will be greatly reduced. By that time, they had only two ways to go, one was to escape, and they could not escape. The other way is death.


A demon sanctuary was killed by a Mahayana monk, and a **** spray was sprayed, and the body fell from the sky. Although the monk of the Mahayana period was pale, it was consumed too much. But he bit his teeth and rushed toward a demon, and a monk with a Mahayana monk.

The eyes of Qin double are bright, you must know that the number of demon saints and demon saints has always been more than the racial period of the Terran. The Mahayana period of the Terran is not one-on-one, that is, one-on-two. Now that there is a Mahayana killing a demon saint, it can create a two-to-one situation from the local. This is the beginning of a new situation. This majestic monk is like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

Not bad!

The Mahayana period was the lowest among the current 11 Mahayana monks, but the Devil who played against him was also the lowest, and it was slightly lower than the Terran Mahayana, so that the Terran The Mahayana period is desperately strangled.

The repair is lower, it is also the Mahayana period, once combined with another Mahayana period, it is the advantage. Moreover, this human race Mahayana monk is very clever. The magic saint he found is the lowest of the remaining 13 demon sacred sacred monks, so his joining, and another human race during the Mahayana period, became The last straw that really overwhelmed the camel.

It is foreseeable that the ending of the demon sacred death is only to see how long the demon can last. If this magical saint is also strangled, the Terran will suddenly have two Mahayana periods, and a chain reaction will occur. At the very least, in the peak matchup in this battle, the Terran will win.

Qinqin spit out a sigh of relief and took his eyes back from the air, looking at the battlefield below. The brow was not only locked, but there was anxiety in his eyes.

Unlike the battle in the air, the battle situation below is completely one-sided, and the demon is pressing against the Terran. The number of demons is too much. Compared with the demon, the number of Terran monks is like a small island in the ocean. The face of Qin double can’t help but smile. Even if she encounters so many demons, If you don't leave, there is only a dead battle.

Not bad!

It is a dead war, and the final result is to die!

Here is the ant bite dead elephant!

Qin double looked at the sky again, and she gave up the idea of ​​helping the Terran monks below. Even if her current strength has reached Wu Sheng, but into the bottom of the battlefield, it is like a drop of water into the sea. The only way to do this now is to help those who will kill the demon and the devil during the Mahayana period.

Once you have killed all the demon and the demon, the demon is the leader, the psychological collapse. Only by joining forces with the eleven people in the Mahayana period can we fundamentally change the trend of this war.


Qin double pulled out the dragon sword, his knees were slightly curved, just wanted to fly up, but suddenly it was as stiff as a woodcarving, staring at a silhouette in the air, his eyes showing excitement, his lips shaking, Whispered out:


In the sky, a man appeared. A **** red robe, standing on top of the clouds, silently looking to the battlefield.


He keenly perceives a gaze, slightly overturned, and toward the distant mountain, a white piano looks at the past.

The look on the face was not waved, but there was a slight wave of sway in the eye, and then the volatility disappeared and disappeared.

The young man in the blood red robes suddenly grabbed his hands toward the ground, flying in big sleeves and pointing up.

"Puff puff……"

The human body, the demon and the demon's body, which had already died on the ground, suddenly swayed. The blood in their bodies was ejected from their wounds, like thousands of blood arrows, and fireworks all over the place, toward the blood red. The youth in the robes went away.

Wanliu returned to the sect.


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