Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 729: Jiuyin Land



"It should be the residence of Yiye Island."

Looking around, there was silence in the air, and there was a thick **** smell in the air, without traces of moving objects.


The piano double sighed and sighed, in the direction of the coastline, there was no trace of destruction, and the distance was still lush. And in the direction of life defense, it is a mess.

This shows that the extension of the cloud chose to evacuate in the direction of Wuxue Island. From this point of view, Hu Yanyun is much higher than Yang Yingtian. Made the most correct decision.

The reason why Mishima can become the strongest force in the monastic world is not a fluke!


The piano double robes the sleeves and flies along the trail.


Qinqin suddenly stunned his body shape and looked around. He saw the wind blowing in the wind, and the earth was **** red. It was blood stained. The **** red clouds in the air linger.

Qin binoculars quickly looked around for a circle, and my heart was a glimpse.

"The land of Jiuyin!"

This is a vast plain with nine huge mountains around the vast plains. These nine huge mountains form a natural land of nine yin. Before this, the land of Jiuyin was only a genius, but now it has been injected with a lot of blood and ghosts, and it has become a real land of nine yin. The face of Qin double could not help but show a strange color. I didn't think of the place where Yiye Island chose, it turned out to be a land of nine yin.


The wind became more and more fierce, and the long hair of the piano pair was continually blown up, flying backwards, and the white dress was tightly attached to the body. The cold wind was mixed with **** smell, and the piano double felt very Uncomfortable, there was a layer of goose bumps on the body.


Surrounded by dense ghosts, these ghosts are ethnic, demon, and demon. They wandered around the plains, and some found the doubles, which came together to the piano.


The piano double runs the phoenix collection, and the flame rises around the body.


The ghosts around them made strange noises, which made people feel numb. The piano doubles the sky, like a swaying flame, flying toward the front.


Ghosts are collided by flames, cracked, broken, dissipated...


There was a thunder in the sky.


The wind blew from the sky with heavy rain. The large drops of rain fell on the body of the piano. The piano doubled his eyes and his eyes were amazed.

That rain...

A blood red!

It was a **** rain, squatting on the ground, and making a dense buzz.

The piano double supports the spiritual protection and isolates the blood from the outside. Soon the defense was dyed red, and the piano double was like being in a **** river.

The piano flew in two directions and the heart was cold.

This **** rain will aggravate the changes in the land of Jiuyin. I am afraid that it will not take long before it will become a Jedi.

Qin double spread the knowledge of the gods, in the **** rain, identify the direction, flying all the way.

In front!

A huge figure slowly came, it was a big demon up to a kilometer, it was a ape, but it was already a transparent ghost. The two thighs are like giant pillars, and they walk toward the piano.

The body of the piano pair is like a cockroach ant, and it is inconspicuous. The piano double felt a boring chest. Breathing has become abnormal. It seems to be shrouded by what is impenetrable.

She knew that this was the oppression of the creatures in the land of the nine yin, and also because of the oppression of this monkey ghost. She stared at the huge ape monkey opposite.

This ape monkey she knows, it is one of the nine demon saints who attacked the Wanli Huangsha big array at the beginning, and the cultivation of this demon saint is not low, and there is a repair of the demon saint six layers. Nowadays, it is nourished by the land of Jiuyin. Although the strength is declining, it is even more fierce, and it is a kind of oppression for the soul.

If it is not the soul of Qinshuang who reaches the peak of the tenth layer of Wusheng, it will be forced by this yin pressure, and the soul will collapse and dissipate.

The wind blew in the blood and rain, and the yin and blood rain filled the ghosts, but they were extremely oppressed by the creatures. Around the body of the piano, the flames linger around the flames, looking at the huge ape, wrapped in hurricane and blood, step by step toward her, driving the surrounding wind to form a whirlpool, those vortexes spread toward the double, even let the double There is instability in standing.

Qin's eyes are slightly stunned. She doesn't know if she can suppress this ghost if she bursts out all the cards. But I know that I will be entangled and waste time. Let her not be able to get to the battlefield of the monks and demons in time, without first-hand information. If you use the technique of Confucianism and Taoism, you should have the possibility of killing this ghost, but the piano is not willing. Once you catch up with the demon, the technique of Confucianism and Taoism is her last strongest means.


The piano double opened the fire phoenix body and displayed the flying phoenix dance. It was like a phoenix. It reopened the heavy rain curtain and made an arc in the air. It bypassed the huge ape and flew away. .

In her back, a roaring sound was heard. The yin wind spurred her like a sharp arrow. She was like a leafy boat in Wang Yang, crumbling, and like an oil lamp in the wind, swaying.

It was not until half an hour later that the ape was far behind, and the oppression in the heart gradually eased.

The huge apes saw that they couldn’t catch the piano and stopped. It was a wandering aimlessly. At the same time, the hurricane and blood are gradually getting smaller.

The piano doubleed up the fire phoenix body and continued to fly toward the front. It took another quarter of an hour, and the hurricane and blood rain stopped completely. Qin double also flew out of the land of Jiuyin, standing on a mountain peak, looking back at the land of Jiuyin, the eyes in the eyes are uncertain.

"In the legend, once the land of Jiuyin is formed, there will be a big ghost. If you let it develop here, it will be a place of great murder."

Qin double muttered to herself, she naturally knows why this is the real place of Jiuyin, it is because there are too many people, demon and demons who died here.

Although the land of Jiuyin was just born here, it is a gathering of Terran, Yao and Mozu. It is more dangerous than any other place.

Such a murderous land, the ghosts that have been bred, once they grow up, go out of the land of Jiuyin, it is a catastrophe on the mainland of the military.

"The Terran, the Yaozu, the Mozu, and now a ghost family, this warrior is really lively."

At this time, the **** rain has stopped, the dark clouds in the sky have dispersed, and a crescent moon hangs in the sky. The moonlight falls like water. In front of the piano, a bloody, smoky gust is in front of her, but it is quiet. , formed a sharp contrast.


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