Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 728: Alliance



"We can't go back, the sovereign, you choose a place first, hide it, I will explore the news. Since we want to stand on the mainland of the warrior, we must have a detailed understanding of the mainland of the warrior. When I come back, I will make a decision. ”

"Good!" Yang Yingtian and others nodded.

Qin double stood up and said: "Master, Master, Zhang Shishu, endless, then leave."

"Be careful!" Wanzhongshan is very concerned.

"The disciple knows."

Yang Yingtian dissipated the ban, and the piano doubled into the sky, and the figure crossed the sky and disappeared between the clouds.

Before the innocent desert.

Three days of people fell from the sky.

A white dress with a dragon sword behind it. An emerald green dress. A black dress. It is the white clothes double, the green clothes are endless and the black clothes are phoenix.

"Endless, this time I go back to the string month, you are my good friend who made friends in the monastic circle. You represent Luo Fuzong, I represent the string month, and we have a friendly alliance."

"Yeah!" The moon nodded endlessly.

The three men took a step at the same time and entered the Wansha Huangsha. The piano doubles the handcuffs and makes a pattern.

Fighting the stars!

The next moment, the three people of Qin double appeared on the holy mountain.

"Moon Emperor!"

"Feng Master!"

Everyone greeted them, and Qin said with a smile: "Let, let me introduce you to you. This is called the endless moon. It is my good friend who is in the other side of the sea."

These people of the Crescent Moon Empire have no prejudice against the monks, because the Qinshuang is always consciously or unintentionally edifying.

not to mention……

The only Wusheng of the Yueyue Empire is the **** warrior. The Yueyue Empire can be said to be under the guidance of the Qinshuang, the first open arms and the kingdom of all human power.

Months endlessly introduced the power of the monks, and proposed the idea of ​​an alliance with the chord month empire. Qinqin is naturally a hammer, agreeing to an alliance.

"Seven sisters!" Qin Wu said: "We are now only forming alliances with Luo Fuzong, or allied with the entire monastic community."

"For the time being, it is only an alliance with Luo Fuzong." Qin double thought and said: "The endless is the chief disciple of Luo Fuzong, and I know each other and the endless. There is no problem in the alliance. The monastic community is also very complicated. Luo Fuzong is in the monastic field. It is not the strongest party, just like our string moon empire is not the strongest party on the mainland. The Luo Fuzong is only an alliance with our string moon, but for the time being it has not yet formed an alliance with Wu Zongdian. And tolerant.

In the field of monasticism, the strongest is the one-leaf island, no snow island and Huanglu island. These three islands may not have a good impression of the warriors. Therefore, once the people of our string month meet the monks other than Luo Fuzong, they must be on guard. ”


"Shen Big Brother."


"You will go to Luofuzong tomorrow and Fengyan together. They will discuss with them the various issues of alliance. Once the alliance is formed, Feng Yan will set up a large array of guards for Luofuzong. Luo Fuzong has a large array of guards. Only then can we have a foothold."

"it is good!"

Shen Qiu nodded easily. He knew that there was a big master of Feng Yan, and there must be no problem with the alliance of Luo Fuzong. After all, a large array of guards is too important for Luo Fuzong.

"Moon, what about you?"

"I am going to the Luofu Mountains with you, and then you will meet with Luo Fuzong, and I will follow the traces of the demon, and also go to the Frost Empire. Now the mainland is in a chaotic era, we are There must be a clear understanding of the situation in all parties."

“The crowd nodded.”

"Second brother." Qin double looked at Qinwudao: "After we left, the string month entered the construction period, first do not rush out of the innocent desert, and fight with the demon. First build the holy city, and the various cities. The village also It was built, and then some people came in to start planting and producing all kinds of living materials. The warriors continued to hunt those demons and sharpen themselves in the innocent desert."


The next day.

The sun is shining on the earth, and the gorgeous sunset glows into the sky. The clouds flow like sea water, the piano doubles, the revenge, the moon is endless and the Fengyan is above the morning glow, and the clouds are on the way.

Very late at dusk.

Four people came to the Lofo Mountain Range, lowered the cloud head and landed on a mountain peak.

"Let's go." Qin double whispered.

" Take care!"

The moon is endless, Feng Yan and Shen Qiu leave and leave, Qin double looking down the mountain, slightly frowned. The corpses everywhere, the **** smell floating around.


Qin double sighed, the sound drifted in the air, but the figure has already swept away under the mountain. She did not fly in the air, but flew to the ground. In this way, it is possible to track the traces of the demon battle and identify the direction of the move.

There was a dead silence around me. Only the sound of the cloak of the piano doubled was empty and quiet.

Along the way, through mountains, rivers, plains, streams, valleys...

The environment is constantly changing, but the thick **** smell has remained the same.

The evening has passed and the night has come. The earth is **** red, it is blood stained.

"This monk really chose a wrong landing time!" Qin double sighed, his eyes through the heavy night, looking at the direction of life defense.

"Now is the best time for Wu Zongdian to seize the lost fortress of life defense, that is, I don't know if Wu Zongdian will seize this opportunity."

If the Wu Dian master can't grasp this opportunity, waiting for a large number of Yaozu to come in from the door of the demon, a large number of Mozu out of the magic path, it is too late.


The piano double spit out a long breath and looked at the moon in the sky.

"It's already midnight!"

The piano stood on a branch and looked down. Below is a corpse, a human race, a demon, and a demon. However, the human body has a large body. The bodies of those Terran are incomplete, some lose their upper body, some lose their lower body, or have no head, no arms, or no legs, leaving traces of biting on the body, and they are eaten by the demon.


The piano double robes the sleeves, flying in the distance under the night.

After about half an hour, there was no more body on the ground, but a large piece of grass was trampled, and the big tree was stretched out in one direction.

Qin double knows that direction should be the direction leading to the territory of an island. The piano doubles in the direction of the traces.

Sunrise and sunset!

When the sun came again, Qin double stood above the ruins, the plants here were almost completely destroyed, the ground cracked everywhere, and the bodies were everywhere. At first glance, it was a big battle.

Qin Shuang’s eyes swept over the body and saw the costumes of those people’s bodies wearing an island. Looking back, I was sure that I had determined the territory occupied by the parties in Dengxiancheng.


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