Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 727: select



One escape is a thousand miles, and there are countless deaths and injuries. Fortunately, after a thousand miles, the demon just left a million demons, and the remaining demons rushed toward the territory occupied by a leaf island. Only this million demons have greatly surpassed the number of monks, and there are five demon saints, which have caused great casualties.

Entering the mainland of the warrior, the first time in the true sense of the encounter with the demon, it completely collapsed.

This made them understand why the warriors on the mainland of the warriors were defeated by the demon, and why they were occupied by the demons in the realm of the Daqin Empire.

Not a warrior is not strong, but the demon is too strong, too many!

When the monks saw Yang Yingtian and others come back, they let go of their minds and began to exercise their interest. The piano doubled quickly, and the Dan Yundan medicine she took was better than Danfoss. So when Yang Yingtian came back soon, Qin double will be restored to the peak and opened his eyes.

"Endless, are you okay?" Wanzhongshan asked with concern.

"Nothing!" Qin double shook his head gently.

Yang Yingtian sighed a sigh: "We lost a lot this time, 100,000 monks, and now only 20,000 are left."

"When you want to stand on the mainland of the warrior, casualties are essential."

"But... this casualty is too big!" Zhang Zongzheng looked hard to see: "There has been no foothold, and it has lost four-fifths of the monks. We simply can't stand the impact of the demon."

"Yeah!" Wanzhongshan also sighed: "Actually, we have not really fought with the demon. We are in the pursuit of the demon, all the way to escape. If there is no strength against the demon, how to be in the war The mainland is based?"

"Master, you... what do you mean?" Qin double looked at the three people.

Yang Yingtian waved a soundproof ban, and then whispered: "Wan Shidi, Zhang Shidi, endless, we must now make a decision immediately. Is to stay on the mainland of the warrior, or immediately evacuate and return to Luofu Island."

Wanzhongshan and Zhang Zongzheng were silent, and Qin’s eyebrows were picking:

"Sovereign, let's go back like this?"

Yang Yingtian’s face became very ugly: “We are not estimating the strength of the demon. I am afraid that the entire Luofuzong will die here, then I will swear to the lords of Luofu.”

Qinqin sighed in the heart, knowing that this was because Luo Fuzong was too smooth on the way, and then suffered a serious blow, and confidence began to collapse. I am afraid that not only Luo Fuzong, under the horizontal push of 20 million demons, but also has a peak of the Eight Diagrams of the Devil, even if it is an island, Huanglu Island, Snow Island and the Quartet will be hit by a headache.

Even if the extension of the cloud is the late stage of the Mahayana, the attack power is even higher than the peak of the Eight Diagrams of the Devil, but in the face of 20 million demons, and there are 13 Demon and Devil, you can’t resist it, as long as Escape a road. Qin double suddenly heard a heart:

"Sovereign, why didn't we escape to the direction of the island, but fled in the direction of the sea?"

Yang Yingtian's face is a bitter road: "At that time, thinking of fleeing in the direction of the sea, the demon will not chase too far. Who knows, the demon will always chase and kill."

Qin double could not help but shake his head, Luo Fuzong still did not experience the cruel baptism of this kind of racial war. If you only have a small amount of demons, I am afraid that they will not catch up. But that is more than 20 million demon, and if you just split a million, you can hold on.

not to mention……

These demons have just suffered a big loss in the Crescent Moon Empire, and their hearts are sullen. I met Luo Fuzong, a rookie who has not experienced victory, and vented it without hesitation. How could he give up?

At the beginning, you should retreat in the direction of Yiye Island and gather with the monks of Yiye Island. Thinking of this, the piano double sighed:

"I don't know if Ikea Island will retreat in that direction. If we are retreating in the direction of the sea like us, I am afraid that even if it will not be completely destroyed, there will be little left. If they retreat in the direction of Snow Island, and Snow Island The monks gathered together, and then retreated toward the direction of Huanglu Island, and then retreated toward the Quartet. The four forces merged together, and there is no need to compete with the demon."

At this time, Yang Yingtian, Wanzhongshan and Zhang Zongzheng also reacted, and the faces of the three people showed shyness. You must know that the number of the monks of Luowuzong is the lowest in the army of the five-way monks. Only in the early 100,000, the second-ranked Quartet has 150,000 monks. Yiye Island, Huanglu Island and Snowless Island each have a million troops. If the Luofuzong and Yiye Island were gathered together, then the five-way monks gathered together, it was nearly four million monks, and there were fourteen Mahayana monks, which, as the piano double said, may not be able to Demon war.

Even if you can't fight the demon, you can do it back in an orderly manner, and you won't be so bad.

"I hope that the Three Islands and the Quartet can be brought together in one place." Yang Yingtian said resentfully.

"The lord does not need to blame himself." Qin double advised: "We are the first to encounter the demon army, and it is a sudden encounter, there is no time for us to think about it. It is wise for the lord to decisively choose to evacuate instead of head-to-head combat. s Choice."

"Forget it, don't say it!" Yang Yingtian puts his hand in the hand: "We still come to speculate, how do we choose."

Wanzhongshan looked at Qinshuangdao: "The endless, we defeated this time, we can say that it is because we don't understand the situation on the mainland of the warrior. And we were blinded by the previous smoothness. This lesson has made us wake up. We are really on the mainland. I don’t know anything, only you know about the mainland of the warrior. Endless, what do you think?"

Qin double whispered: "Master, we were blindly blinded before, and the psychological expansion is so powerful. Now it is psychologically collapsed by the demon. In fact, whether it is psychological expansion or psychological collapse, it is not normal.

The demon is powerful, otherwise it will not be pressed against the warrior. However, it is absolutely not so powerful that it can be devastating to us.

The two demons on the mainland of the warriors should be the highest of the demon and the demon, and the number of demons will exceed 100 million. It is absolutely not easy to pull out more than 20 million demons. There must be something we don't know. ”

Qin said, while he smiled in his heart. Luo Fuzong suffered more than two million demons, and actually he was still the pot of the moon empire.

If it is not a crescent moon empire, the demon will not gather fifty million demons in this area. If it wasn't for the Chronicle Empire that killed more than two million demons, the demon would not be so arrogant. The monk's landing will not encounter so many, so crazy demon attacks.

"What do you mean?" Yang Yingtian looked to Qin double.


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