Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 726: lost heavily

I wish my comrades all the best in the new year!


The shadow of the giant sword in the air appeared cracked, and the face of Chen Jieyi was tight.


The roar of the landslides, the huge sea of ​​swords in the air blasted. A figure flew out, and Chen Jieyi hugged his hands in his arms. The huge impact hit Chen Jieyi back and forth, and the already injured body could no longer withstand such a fierce impact.


Chen Jieyi spurted a spurt of blood.


The piano pair that she was holding in her arms also spewed out a blood, and she was soft in the arms of Chen Jieyi.


The dense figure flew in the direction of the demon, which was the demon that was smashed out by the sword field, hitting the monster outside, and became a mess.

"Qin double, I will take you away..." Chen Jieyi stabilized his figure and held the piano in his arms. He was going to run on the mountain.

"Put me down!"

The piano double condenses the channel, and then the endlessly restored moon in the town demon tower has been moved into the sea. Chen Jieyi turned to run:


A strong hand, pressed on the shoulders of Chen Jieyi, let Chen Jieyi, whose physical strength has begun to overdraw, squint, almost sat down on the ground, staring blankly at her piano.

Qin double just lost the energy of the spirit, causing the body to swell, but her physical strength is, the power of the body has reached the fourth layer of Wu Sheng, where is Chen Jieyi in the late part of the distraction able to resist?

Qin double jumped from the arms of Chen Jieyi and turned to look at the opposite demon. At this time, the demons had just stabilized from the monsters that tumbling in the sword field explosion, and saw the appearance of the piano double weakness. Can not help but scream, and shocked the piano double.

The piano double-handedly moved the handcuffs while stretching toward the sides, then slammed into the air.

Grass and wood are soldiers!


Before, because of the deprivation of the vitality of the demon, the perfusion was given to the vegetation, and all the mad plants were moved. The thick branches swayed toward the demon, and the grass on the ground was like a sword with the same handle. It rose up and leaped toward the demon. The leaves on the branches detached from the branches and hovered toward the demon.

The grass and leaves in the distance, rising from the sky, gathered into a green sea, rushing toward the demon, covering the sky and hiding the sky.

Countless vines swayed and entangled the demon.

"Endless, you adjust your interest."

The peak of the mountain came to the sound of Wanzhong Mountain, and then I saw thousands of swords like a dragon. From the top of the mountain, like the Tianhe upside down, it poured toward the demon on the ground.

Qin double looked back above the mountain, and saw Wanzhong Mountain. Yang Yingtian and Zhang Zongzheng held a sword in their hands and pulled out toward the demon under the mountain. Every time they pulled out, there were thousands of swords hanging down. As the dragon tumbling, squatting into the mountain under the demon, criss-crossing, circling, and a hundred miles, it is like a dragon sword, stirring the situation.


Countless demons fell into pieces, and there was no demon of the demon. In the face of the anger of the three Mahayana periods, it was completely unstoppable. Only in the face of three Mahayana attacks, the confidence of the demon collapsed. At this time, they discovered that the five demon saints who led themselves were gone. I don't know which demon screamed first, turned and fled, and even all the demons began to flee.


Wanzhongshan, Yangyingtian and Zhangzongzheng are carrying a violent temper, and the body shape is spurred out on the mountain peaks. They are chasing away from the demon, and the swords in their hands are constantly coming out, such as the dragon sword Pour out and ravage the demon.

Looking at the demon who had been defeated all the way, Qin doubled a long sigh of relief and transferred the moon into the town demon tower. Then he sat down on the ground and took out a medicinal medicine with Dan Yun. Repaired.

"If you don't have a town demon tower, if you can't transfer the moon into the town demon tower at any time, you can count on hundreds of thousands of demons. The result is really hard to say."

Even if there is an endless stream of months to recover in the town demon tower, if it is not Yang Yingtian's three Mahayana period to resume repair, categorically shot, I am afraid that I face the impact of the remaining demons, do not want to die, only escape.

In fact, the piano double effort, only for a quarter of an hour for Yang Yingtian and others.

It was only this quarter of an hour that was enough to shock the monks behind her.

Xu Feibai opened his eyes and looked at the back of the piano. He could not help but sigh.

"The endless is getting stronger!"

In less than half a quarter of an hour, Wanzhongshan, Yangyingtian and Zhang Zongzheng came back. After all, the Luofu Zong monks are here, they are not at ease. Three people fell in front of the Qin double, seeing the piano double breath, this is the heart. I also looked at the surroundings and couldn’t help myself.

When it came, more than 100,000 monks. Today, it is only 20,000, and nearly 80,000 people have died. Then look at those monks who have not yet adjusted their interest rates. Where are the initial landings on the mainland of the warriors, and have not encountered the spirit of the demon?

Feeling tired, frustrated, even... fear!

I thought that when they first landed on the mainland of the warriors and pushed toward the depths of the mainland, they almost never encountered demons. Even if they encountered a small number of demons, they would be cleanly and cleanly killed. So they left an impression on them. That is, there are not many demons on the mainland of the warriors, and they are not very powerful.

At that time, they were full of enthusiasm, not only looked down on the demon, but also looked down on the warriors on the mainland.

Just a little demon, and repaired as poor, even defeated the military, occupying the territory of the Great Qin. To what extent is this warrior weak?

They even thought that they would soon be able to squander the demon, then defeat the warrior, unite the warrior continent, and the glory of the monk came.


When they faced the demon and encountered the real first battle, their pride, their dreams, were ruthlessly shattered.

When they saw endless endless tens of millions of demons rushing to them, they were dumbfounded when they saw the demon smashing, the magical demon and the demon.

This is not a war, it is simply a unilateral massacre. Even, they don't have the courage to collide with the demon. They are not young people, and they are not covered by reason. When Yang Yingtian saw the demon coming from the sky, he did not choose to fight with the demon. He immediately chose to take all the monks and fled in the direction of the sea.

Not bad!

It is to escape!


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