Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 725: Withered



A figure passed by the side of the piano double, fell behind the piano double, nervously looking at the opposite of the demon.

"Hurry to swallow the drug to adjust the interest!"

Those monks listened to it, and this time the interest rate adjustment? Those distracted elders looked hesitant, and some small and medium-sized sects and families, as well as scattered repairs, did not dare to adjust their interest. They only took the medicinal herbs and still looked at each other nervously. The disciples of Luo Fuzong have great confidence in Qin double. Moreover, Xu Feibai first swallowed the medicinal herbs and sat down on his knees. Other disciples also swallowed the medicinal herbs and mobilized their lives.

"Endless..." Luo Fuzong's late elder Chen Jieyi fell to the side of Qin Double, and his face was anxious: "How can you let the disciples adjust their interest at this time?"

Qin double smiled gently: "Chen Chang, you look at those disciples, if you do not adjust the interest in time, you can not withstand the impact of the demon."



The piano looked at the scene in front of him and frowned slightly. At this time, there were more than 10,000 monks who came to the back of the piano, but there were still more than 10,000 monks, and they were entangled in the demon.

The piano double refers to the sword, and the Dinghai sword hover around the body, hovering around, and there are seven lotuses.

Wood lotus root: seven lotus.

A circle, seven lotuses.

Two laps, fourteen lotuses.


One circle after another, one after another...

Just less than ten minutes, the shape of the piano double has been completely covered by layers of lotus, lost track.

"go with!"

A slap in the air, like a thousand rays of light transmitted through the clouds, and then the layers are stacked, I do not know how many lotuses spurred toward the opposite demon.

The sky is full of lotus flowers, like the sky and the lotus, falling in the air.


The blossoming lotus flower bursts, and every lotus flower bursts with countless lotus petals. The lotus petals are all formed by the sword gas, and they are cut toward the demon everywhere.

Qin double's face became pale, in order to release the wooden lotus root to the maximum power, she almost released all the power of the moon. Moreover, it is the power of the gods after the integration of the gods and the sea ginseng, and it is almost taken out by the piano in an instant. Knowing the months in the sea is endless.

When the piano doubled his mind, he moved the moon into the town demon tower and threw in a few Danwuyan drugs. Slightly narrowed his eyes, looking at the opposite demon, squatting in the body screaming and running, hands and fingers slightly curved, Fu Qin refers to waiting at any time.


The wood lotus roots entangled the demon, freed one of the Luofuzong monks, and squatted toward the piano.

"Master sister!"

"Master sister!"


One by one passed by the side of the piano double, and then sat down on the knees, took out the medicinal herbs to swallow, and adjusted the interest rate to restore.

Qin double sighed, she released the wooden lotus root did not expect to kill the demon, after all, this wide range of Taoism, not for a demon, its purpose as long as the obstruction of the demon, so that the entangled human monks have a chance to get rid of. However, even so, it only escaped less than 10,000 people, and thousands of monks still died in the hands of the demon.


The petals of the sky are smashed by hundreds of thousands of demons, and hundreds of thousands of demons are like the tides of the sea. Chen Jieyi struggled with a long sword, stepping forward and blocking the front of the piano pair:

"Endless, you are going!"

Chen Jieyi felt a flower in front of her, and she saw the endless back of the moon standing in front of her body, while hearing the endless sound of the moon:

"No, I am coming!"

The mind was moved, and the endless month was moved from the town demon tower into the sea. At this time, the endless moon has completely recovered to its peak.

The piano double looked like a sea tide, and the demon that rushed toward him, flashed cold. With both hands holding the road, the moon in the sea is endless, and the power of the gods is drained.

The piano double stretched out his hands and grabbed the demon coming from the crowd.

The appearance of Chen Jieyi behind the piano double changed. At this moment, it was clear that in her eyes, the demon who was like a sea tide could see the demon in the mouth, but she could not hear the slightest sound.

At this moment, it seems that the world has lost its color, turned into black and white, and became dead...


If there is a sound that sounds like nothing, then the sound is like a big river, and the waves are not shocked, but it gives people a feeling of passing.

A trace of vitality sheds from the body of the demon, disperses toward the space, and disperses in all directions. In the front of the demon, the vitality of the body has passed the fastest. Chen Jieyi clearly saw that the bodies of the demons quickly dried up, then decayed and scattered on the ground. However, the vegetation on the ground is growing wildly.

The glory of the glory of the glory of the gods.

Rows of demons continually rushed toward the front of the piano, although the rows of rows became decaying, but the distance from the piano is getting closer and closer, and the endless power of the gods is almost exhausted.

Qin double will be sent to the town demon tower again in the endless month, reaching out to volley a grip, Dinghai sword will be in the hands. Dinghaijian crossed a mysterious trajectory in the air and stabbed the demon.


The shape of the piano double disappeared, and a huge Dinghai sword smashed into the sky, spreading the sword from the Dinghai sword, blocking it under the mountain, and separating the mountain and the mountain into two worlds.

Those demons rushed into the Jian Jianguang and disappeared.

In the sword field.

Qin double stood on top of the sword, and saw the demon rushing into the sword field, screaming toward the piano double screaming, the piano double arms stretched toward both sides, and suddenly went up.


Thousands of long swords humming, floating toward the air, and then rushing toward the demon, like a sword rain.

Countless demons fell, and more demons poured in. During the time, the sword field was roaring and oscillating. The demon and the sword of a handle struggled, and pressed against the piano above the sword.

The spiritual power in the body of the piano is rapidly consumed, and the face gradually becomes pale. The sword field continues to flow into the demon.




At the foot of the mountain, Chen Jieyi looked at everything in front of him, watching the demons constantly rushing into the sword field. Suddenly, she looked up at the huge sea of ​​swords in the air, and there was a worry in her eyes.

Although she did not cultivate the field, she knew that even in the field, she could not swallow so many demons.


The shadow of the sea stalk in the air began to tremble, and the release of light began to become unstable. But it still lingers in front of the foot of the mountain, and the savage demon is desperately resisted.



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