Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 734: Magic blood



A white dress with a dragon sword behind it.

"God, I will definitely catch the sky, seal him, then rescue you and help you regain your body."


Qin double suddenly snorted, his look changed, she felt that a combination of blood in the blood is eroding her own blood, an extreme danger has come to mind.

Her nose, mouth and ears all flowed out of blood, and the almost collapse of the sword field made her suffer, especially the blood changes in her body, which made her blood rush.


When the piano doubled, the body shape swept away in the direction of the disappearance of the sky, and disappeared instantly.

Behind her, the demon sacred peaks flickering in the eyes, and the heart is chasing the piano double. He can feel that the piano is very weak at this time, as long as she catches up with her, killing her is easy. To compare the killing of the piano, killing those monks can be said to be insufficient.

The double play of the piano to the demon is too big. More than 50 million demons attacked the string month for more than a month. Not only did they not kill a warrior of the string month, but they lost more than 20 million demons, which has been in the invasion of the warriors. , something that has never happened.


That day is really frightening, and the piano pair is chasing in that direction. This made him really afraid to follow.

The eyes swept over the monks, and there was a sigh of relief in his eyes. Calling to extend the heart of the cloud, the big hand waved, the monk slowly retreated toward the coastline.

The eyes of the demon stalked the demon, and the heart could not help but see that the demons were very weak. In front of me, I seem to recall the scene of the anti-absorption of blood before the day, knowing that this is the reason why the demon was forcibly absorbed by the heavens. Then think of the monk's Mahayana monks who are already dominant, and finally helplessly sigh, waved with the demon to leave.


The Terran monk spoke a long breath and called for the extension of the cloud and other people's eyes to sweep down, the muscles on his face could not be convulsions.

Originally more than three million monks, now only one million is left. This is the first battle with the demon, and the loss is big.

The only peace of mind is that the Mahayana monks did not die.

Hu Yanyun and others fell to the ground, Ouyang Bi condensed the channel: "Hohyan Island Lord, do you know who is the Tianrui? Who is the woman who killed with Tianrui?"

Hu Yanyun thought and said: "Tian Tian has never heard of it. We have done a detailed investigation before entering the mainland of the warriors. The name of Tianrui has never appeared in the mainland of the warrior. It is the dress of the woman and The weapons used are very similar to the Moon King."

"Moon Huang Qin strong?"


The piano fell on the ground, his body squatted, surrounded by tall, straight trees. The piano leaned against the trunk of a big tree, leaning over his head to look to his right shoulder, where there was a wound. It was hurt by the sky. The brows of the piano double wrinkled, and the color of thoughts appeared in the eyes. Suddenly, the eyes were horrified in the eyes, and the creeps were stunned.

"Tianshi is against him...will not be a Gorefiend?"

She once heard the **** demon in the blood, and naturally has a certain understanding of Gorefiend. Then think of Godsend and she said, he sealed a devil in his body.

"The devil is not a Gorefiend? That... doesn't mean..."

Qin double looked at the scar on his shoulder, then closed his eyes and began to perceive the invading blood.




The heart of the piano is a glimpse, and her heart has already confirmed that this is the blood of the Gorefiend. The bloodqin once said that once it is attacked by the blood of the Gorefiend, the blood of the Gorefiend will change the blood of the host, making her a Gorefiend, a Gorefiend controlled by the real Gorefiend, and become a part of the Gorefiend.

"Do not!"

"I can't be a Gorefiend!"

"I want to save God!"

"Right, strip the blood!"

Qin double began to run off the blood veins, just started running, Qin double's face is a huge change, suddenly stopped running, his face is horrified.

This operation stripped the blood veins, and the piano doubled that she was peeling off her blood, not the blood of the Gorefiend. If she continues to run, she will peel off her own blood, and the only blood in her body will be the blood of the Gorefiend, which will turn herself into a thorough Gorefiend.

"How could this be?"

"How could this be?"

Qin double muttered to himself, and then suddenly in the heart, this practice is taught by the blood piano to her. Maybe this practice is created by Gorefiend. In this way, the blood he stripped is naturally the other blood, retaining the blood of the Gorefiend.

“How can this be good?”

The panic in the heart of the piano is tumbling. She feels her body. The blood of the Gorefiend is constantly consuming its own blood. Every time she swallows a trace, the blood of the Gorefiend will expand.

The piano took a breath and forced himself to calm down. She knows that the more flustered she is at this time, the more she will get the Gorefiend.

"How to do?"

Suddenly, the heart of the piano double moved.


"The spirit of Haoran is righteous in the world, and it should be able to extract the **** demon."


The consciousness of the piano double entered into the heart of his own heart, and the face appeared frustrated. Not to mention the awe-inspiring liquid, that is, the arrogance of the air is not left.

"If you want the essence of the blood of the blood, you must first restore the awe-inspiring spirit. There are two ways to restore the awe-inspiring temper now. One is to meditate on the sound of Hao Ran, but this method is very slow to restore the arrogance. If you don't, you have not waited to restore the awe-inspiring spirit. He has been completely eroded by the blood of the Gorefiend and turned into a Gorefiend. Another way is to use the time of his own breakthrough to absorb the rhyme, so that he can quickly restore the awe-inspiring spirit.


Where is the breakthrough so easy?

Especially now that the blood of the bloodsucker erodes her blood all the time, it is impossible for her to have the time and energy to cultivate. ”

"How to do?"

Qin Shuangjing calmly thought about it, but now it is only through the heroic song to restore the awe-inspiring spirit, but before restoring the awe-inspiring, he needs to curb the erosion of the blood of the blood of the blood.

"Containment! How to contain it?"

Qinqin began to use the power to force the magic blood, if it is better to force those **** bloods out of the body. However, she found that the blood of the magic did not work at all.


Qin Shuang’s heart suddenly jumped. She remembered that Tianci could tell her that there was a mysterious seal in his body, which sealed the big devil’s head.

"Maybe the seal is effective for the blood?"


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