Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 746: Feng nationality



Of course, the Terran trapped in Fengming City did not dare to leave the territory, so they got the ore and herbs and refining them without any high-quality goods. However, with the understanding of the Qin and the pair of demons, the price will not be lower.

Thinking of this, Qin double went to the warehouse, took away a lot of herbs and ore, and then to Tian Fengdao:

"I have to shut down for a while, don't bother me."

After rushing away from the suspicion of Tian Feng, Qin double entered his room, laid out the array, and then entered the town demon tower.

Fengming is practicing, there is no town demon tower, Fengming is now only the fifth floor of Wushen. Qin double will give those ores to Fengming:

"Feng Ming, tired of cultivation, they will refine these ores into weapons suitable for the Yaozu."

"Yeah!" Feng Ming nodded.

"However, your main energy is still on cultivation, and now your repair is somewhat low."

Feng Ming turned a white-eyed road: "If there is such a time flow rate in the town demon tower, there is such a reiki concentration in the town demon tower, there is a medicinal herb with Dan fog, my current repair has already surpassed you."

"Then you work hard!"

Qin double laughed, then flew away toward the southern alchemy room.

Qin double refining the three-month medicinal herbs in the town demon tower, refining a large number of ten-level Dandao divisions and one dandan master's medicinal herbs, they came out from the town demon tower and pushed open the door. Going out. All the way out of the hall, holding hands, thinking that he should go to the first fortress, see the phoenix dance, inquire about the situation of the three races of the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu.

As I thought about it, I saw Tian Feng thinking about her flying and coming to the front of Qin double.

"The city owner, Fengying of the Feng nationality came for a while."

"Feng Ying?" Qin double frowns, what Feng Ying she did not know, and she was in the town demon tower for three months, less than a day outside. It seems that Feng Ying is just coming, can't help but look back at the hall:

"How come I didn't see her?"

“She heard that the city owner was retreating and said that she was going to Fengming City.”


Qinqin gently nodded, and at this time, he saw a figure rising from the sky, while flying toward the piano, while screaming:

"Fengming City is really wonderful! The retreat is so wonderful, only less than a day."

Qin double heard, can't help but smile. I said that it was a retreat. As a result, I went out of customs in less than a day, but it was a bit strange. Looking into the air, she saw her wearing a red cloak, a heroic woman, and fell to her front.

"砰" and the front of the Qinqin double standing, the fierce momentum broke out. The imposing atmosphere is mixed with blood. At first glance, she knew that she was not a vase, but she had experience in fighting and killing.

Qin double smiles Shi Lidao: "Feng Ming, how do you call it?"

Feng Ying also said: "Feng Fengying."

Qin Qin looked up and down Feng Ying, keenly felt the hostility of the other side, then frowned:

“What advice does Feng Sister come to Fengming City?”

Feng Ying looks straight at Qin Double Road: "Feng Ming, although you are the owner of Fengming City, but also the people of the Feng nationality. You may not be able to manage such a large territory. Let me manage part of it for you."

Qinqin couldn’t help but frown, and said in his heart: “It seems that Fengming City has been met by the eyes of the Feng’s monks! It’s just a Feng nationality monk who is unclear, but there is no foundation in the Feng nationality. It seems Some monks of the Feng nationality moved their minds. This Fengying may be just a tempted monk. Once he has promised it, I am afraid that it will not take long before this Fengming City will no longer belong to itself."

"I built Fengming City on the side of the Yaozu, but it is not for the benefit of the Fengzu, but for the Terran to live and multiply. Once it is occupied by the Phoenix, I am afraid that it will become a place for the Terran."

Feng Ying's eyes flashed: "I heard that you are a Dan Dao teacher. You don't have to worry about trivial things in the future. You will concentrate on alchemy. I will sell your refining medicinal herbs for a good price."

In the eyes of Qin double, there was a sarcasm, and she also regarded herself as a descendant who gave her special alchemy. At the same time, that Feng Ying’s eyes also revealed irony:

"Don't think that you can escape from the demon world, and you can kill the three layers of the demon sanctuary outside Fengming City, and think that you are invincible. That is because there are Fengzu people behind you, otherwise you think that all parties are Yaozu Will you be singled out with you? There will be rules that are not allowed to exceed the three levels of the demon? Do you really think that you are a young leader?

The Yaozu has many unsuccessful Junjies, and our Feng nationality also has a monk who can easily hang you. Even if we don't say that we are a demon, it is the humble man who has the people who have covered you. You are still immersed in the glory of the past, but you don't know that no one has talked about you now. The young Junjie you are talking about today is the Qin of the Terran.

This Qin double has been chased by countless demon saints, and eventually she has not returned one of her demon saints, but she has returned from the sea, all the way to demon slayer, even in the innocent desert, killing more than 20 million demon . ”

Qin Shuang’s heart was dumbfounding. In Luo Fuzong, the monks and she said that the demon had a phoenix how powerful. When I came to the Yaozu, I heard how the piano pair was so powerful.

Feng Ying smiled slightly: "A few months ago, there was a monk like a **** sea, called Tianrui. The demon who we are strangling the monks swallowed water, and at that time the piano appeared, it actually defeated. That rebellious day made the day fleeing against the emperor. Now that the piano is famous, you have so many people in the world. Once you know the piano, you can kill it here. Can you resist the piano pair with your strength?"

Qin Double saw Feng Ying so praised himself, and his face showed a little embarrassed color. Being slammed in front of someone, it is the coolness of the piano and the heart is a bit shy. Seeing the red face on the face of the piano, Feng Ying thought that the piano was afraid, and smiled lightly:

"You don't want to be afraid. I am here to manage Fengming City. It is Qinqin. I also let her go."

The picture is poor!

Qin double heart is funny, he said faintly: "Human family double? Ha ha ... I did not expect, in your eyes, will think that a human race is so strong. District people, will be my opponent? What month Huang Qin double One day, I will fight her."

Speaking of this, I looked at Feng Yingdao coldly: "You don't have to say much. You said so much. Doesn't you think that your strength is stronger than mine? Do you want to win my foundation? This is no problem, we both You can fight me and fight me. This Fengming City is yours. If you can't beat me, then you can honestly return to the tribe. It is very dangerous outside. It is not the flower of your greenhouse that can withstand it."


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