Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 761: Powder cloud



So again in the past six days.

The piano is standing on the roof of the car. The right hand holds the phoenix sword and gently strokes through the air. With a mysterious trajectory, nine fires are born. Every fire lotus has hidden power.

Jinyun’s body squatted on the rut and shivered. Gao Xiaoxiao was stunned and horrified.

"How could this be? Just the burst of breath on her body is equivalent to the peak of the five layers of the demon, and the nine fire lotuses released, there is absolutely the power of the peak of the demon." She is not the ten layers of the demon god? Why? Such power is what is the practice of her cultivation, what is the law of these nine lotuses?"

The piano double thorns the phoenix sword in the hand toward the sky in front, and then sees that the nine lotuses appear leisurely outside the kilometer, in the direction of the nine palaces, colliding toward the middle.


The nine lotuses collide together to form a huge flame, and the shape of the flame is a huge fire lotus.


The flame of the shape of the huge fire lotus disappeared, but the space that disappeared was still the space of that side. The space on the other side was burnt by the fire lotus, causing the space to collapse.


Gao Xiaoxiao took a breath of cold air, this type of space collapsed, not to mention the six layers of the demon, it is the seven layers of the demon, I am afraid that there will be no bones.


The piano doubled up the Feng Yujian, sitting on the top of the carriage with the knees on the knees. The phoenix fires constantly constructs the stencils on the phoenixes of the burnt spirits, and runs the spiritual power to absorb the power of the stars into thirty-six. The acupoints, the warmth and strongness of the sword in the cave.

Warrior continent.

The demon and the demon monks continue to enter the warrior continent from the demon gate and the magic trail. These demons who enter the warrior continent quickly gather in the life defense line.

The tops of the demon are very clear, and the empire of the Crescent Moon now has an innocent desert there, and it is shrouded in a large array. As long as the big squad cannot be broken, attacking the empire is to die.

Moreover, the Yueyue Empire was originally in the border of the Daqin Empire. It is a place with a poor cultivation environment. Even today, the mainland of the military has restored its aura. Compared with other places, it should be a barren land. There is no competition. value.

Even if it eventually became the lingering land of the Terran, trapped in the cultivation environment, the Terran would never rise there, and it would never be a threat to the demon.

not to mention……

The demon will not always ignore the moon empire, they will always look for ways to destroy the big array. They believe that once the big array of innocent deserts is broken, the Crescent Moon Empire is the lamb to be slaughtered.

Therefore, the demon put the empire of the moon on one side. As for the monk, the feeling for the demon is too weak. And the number is too small. According to the demon, there are more than two million people in the world. For the demon who has once again exceeded 100 million, it is easy to kill the monk.

It’s just that they put their energy on the line of defense at this time, and they are too lazy to pay attention to the monks. In the mind of the demon, Wu Zongdian is still their biggest enemy. On the one hand, the Wu Zongdian's warriors are indeed very strong. On the other hand, the number of warriors in charge of Wu Zongdian is too much, more than the total number of demons.

The most important thing is that the twenty fortresses of the lifeline they have finally occupied are now more than ten times, and they can't be lost. Once the remaining ten fortresses were taken back by Wu Zongdian, they were completely blocked from the lifeline, and they lost the bridgehead of the deep ice empire. Wu Zongdian stood firm. At that time, the demon and the two had completely lost their advantage and stood dead with Wu Zongdian.

If, at that time, Wu Zongdian, the Jiuyue Empire and the monks would unite again, they would almost form a close relationship with the demon.

Therefore, the demon must at least keep the ten fortresses of the existing occupation. If you can counterattack and occupy more fortresses, then it is even better. Wu Zongdian also refused to lose the fortress he had won. They wanted to drive the demon out of the lifeline. Therefore, the battle of life defense is very fierce now.

Wu Zongdian did not ask for help from the Jiuyue Empire and the monks.

When the Jiuyue Empire received 50 million demons, Wu Zongdian did not act at all, so Wu Zongdian did not have the face to seek the help of the Jiuyue Empire at this time. As for the monks...

How can Wu Zongdian seek help from the monks?

They are called the demon roads, and in their hearts, the demon and the demon are not much different.

Therefore, the power of the demon and Wu Zongdian are concentrated in the life line of defense. The territory occupied by the Crescent Moon Empire and the monks was rarely calmed down.

The warriors of the Crescent Moon Empire still honed themselves by hunting and killing demons in the Wanli Huangsha Array. At the same time, they also obtained cultivation resources, while those who could not cultivate were building cities in the rejuvenation array. The millions of land in the reincarnation have become more fertile with the passage of time.

Between the Crescent Moon Empire and the Lifeline, the monks also began to build their own foundations. The place where Ikeshima originally planned to establish the mountain gate became a place of Jiuyin, so I chose another place to start building the mountain gate. Instead, the sacred sects who followed the island of Ikegami saw this place of Jiuyin, ecstatic, and established the sect of the sacred sect to be located not far from the land of Jiuyin.

Demon world.

Gao Xiaoxiao took the cart and flew, breaking the clouds and fog.

Sunset in the west, the evening glow is magnificent.

In front of them there was a layer of pink clouds, mixed with the magnificent sunset, and could not be distinguished. Gao Xiaoxiao pulled the cattle cart and rushed into the pink cloud.

The double end of the piano sits on the top of the car, and the brand is engraved with the scent of the scent, while absorbing the star power and strengthening the sword, and suddenly a hint of pink gas invades her body.

A few thousand miles away from here, dozens of big demons gather here, and the demon clouds are filled. They are waiting for Fengming, and they want to kill Fengming.

A figure appeared in the air, looking down toward the demons below. Sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, there was a bloodthirsty glow in his eyes.

"Good blood food! This Yaozu is much stronger than the human race."


Several big demon suddenly looked up and looked at the figure in the air. There was a sneer on the face of the figure, and both eyes became blood red.

"I am against the day, you are my blood, hahaha..."

Tian Rui laughed and swooped down to the dozens of big devils below.


His stature was made into a boundless blood sea, and dozens of big demons were all enveloped in the blood. There were a lot of **** faces in the **** sea, and a large mouthful of blood was opened, biting the past.

"What is this?"


"kill him!"


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