Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 764: Sawtooth fish



"Do you mean that there is a heritage of space magic?"

Some monks screamed, this talent for swallowing the squirrels is a space supernatural power. If this is the inheritance of the empty Moi, is this a heritage of space magic?

“No!” The empty silence shook his head: “It’s not just space magic. After we swallow the adult, we will naturally have space magical powers. The difference is that because of their different qualifications, the space power is different.

However, our ancestors are not only possessing space magical powers. According to records, our ancestors have already understood the laws of space before they soar. ”

"You said that there is a space law in this space?" The monks exclaimed.

"I don't know!" Empty silence shook his head: "It's just that the family has such a legend. I don't know if there is any inheritance here."

The demons were all excited and began to search around the lake. The piano did not move. As long as other monks found something, she would naturally know. She looked at the lake in front of her. The lake is very clear, and there is a fish swimming in the lake. The fish is not big, only the size of the palm, but it is jagged. Qinqin squatted down, put his hand into the lake, and gently swayed, and there was a circle that spread toward the distance.


A few sawtooth fish swam toward the hands of the piano pair. The sawtooth fish swimming in front of the piano went straight to the hands of the piano pair, opening open, revealing dense fangs, biting into the hands of the piano pair. Go up.

When the piano double-handedly grabbed it, he grabbed the slap-and-saw sawtooth fish, but at any time the look was a change, and he saw that the sawtooth fish was like the air, disappearing in her hand, and “sounding”, Dropped in the water, looking at her greedily.

At this time, a few sawtooth fish swam to the lake and looked at the piano. Tianrui and Kong Fan, who are not far from the piano, have seen the scene just now, and the two people are also changing. They each reached out and grabbed the zigzag fish in the lake.

"哗啦" a sound of water, Tian Rui and Kong Fan's face is a change, at the beginning, I clearly felt that I have caught the zigzag fish, but in a moment I feel that my hands are nothing, and that sawtooth fish It is also popular in the water.

When Kong Fan thought about it, he extended a finger to the lake. Qin double saw, my heart is also a move. The serrated fish can be turned into nothingness, and there should be no bite force. It’s a good idea to have a jagged fish bite your finger and catch it. This makes the piano double also have to admire Kong Fan's cleverness.

The actions of the three people have attracted a lot of monks to look over, and they saw a sawtooth fish instantly came to Kong Fan's finger and opened his mouth and bit the hole toward Kong Fan's finger.


The piano double heard the sound of the bone being bitten. Kong Fan screamed and hurriedly took back his hand, but the index finger had already been bitten off, and the blood was falling low in the lake and gradually swaying.

The face of the monk and other monks is a change.

"Good bite."

Kong Fan’s screams attracted all the monks in the small space, and one by one flew toward them. Qin double thought about it, condensing a big spiritual hand and grabbing the zigzag fish in the lake. A zigzag fish was clearly caught, but in an instant the sawtooth fish disappeared from the hands of the spirit and then appeared on the other side of the lake.

In this way, the surrounding monks saw the magic of the serrated fish, and they all dispersed, standing around the lake, thinking about the way, trying to catch a sawtooth fish.

However, no matter what method they use, or even take out some space aura, they can't get jagged fish. In this way, everyone understands that this sawtooth fish must be a treasure, and all of them are thinking and thinking. At this time, Qin double also experimented with various methods, and the town demon tower was sacrificed. However, it is obvious that she is unlikely to reveal the town demon tower here.

"Try the gods!"

The piano and the gods rushed out of the eyebrows and turned into a big hand, and fished over to the lake. The result is still the same, the serrated fish still ignores the big hands of the gods, swimming in the lake.

Only the eyes of Qin double flashed a trace of color. When she used her knowledge to catch the serrated fish, she found that her knowledge seemed to be shielded by what was in the lake.

Qin Shuang’s gaze looked toward the lake and frowned slightly. There are serrated fish in the lake, and there are only some long water plants.

"What shields my knowledge?"

The piano double spread the knowledge and quietly scanned it in the lake. The gaze was a move. She found that it was nothing else that shielded her from the gods. It was the long water plants in the lake.


Qinqin feels a sense of pain, those jagged fish are actually eating her gods, Qin double hurriedly took back the gods, took out a weak water suit, looked at the lake with flickering eyes Sawtooth fish.

At this time, there was a cry of pain around, but other demon monks also used the gods to explore the lake, and the jagged fish ate the gods.

The piano double frowned and his eyes gazed at the water in the lake. Raised his hand and grabbed it in the lake, he gathered a spiritual hand and grabbed a handful of water. Although there are also a few serrated fish biting a few mouths on the spiritual hand, the spiritual hand bites out a few big mouths, but the piano double catches the water grass.

Grab the water grass, the spirit of the piano doubles out, wrap the water, try to penetrate the **** into the grass. However, they found that their own knowledge could not penetrate.

How can this be?

Qin Shuang’s heart was shocked and the gods were infiltrated into the vegetation, which was too normal for Qin. When she is alchemy, she must be like this. How can this kind of water grass shield the gods?

Carefully measuring the water in the hands and searching for my own memories, I found that I didn't know the water plants at all. Infiltration does not go into the knowledge of the gods, and it is impossible to analyze the medicinal properties of this water grass. If you can't analyze the medicinal properties, you can't use it for alchemy.

There is a sudden movement in the heart of the piano, and everything is in common. Usually there must be a species in the vicinity of a species. Does this kind of water grass have a synergistic effect on sawtooth fish?

Is it possible to catch sawtooth fish with this water grass?

Qinqin once again gathered a lot of spiritual power, constantly grabbed the water in the lake, and went down a few times before grabbing a small pile in front of him. The monks around are inexplicably looking at the piano pair. Qinqin looked at the water grass almost, and then sat on the lake by the knees and began to weave with water. Soon, a fish weave woven by water grass was woven by the double.


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