Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 772: Space whirlwind



Later, the two of them felt as if they had crossed a water curtain, and they found themselves standing in a crystal-like world. When two people looked back, they saw that the desert smoke disappeared, but the round moon was high. Hanging the sky.

"Get out!"

The two of them knew that they finally passed through the round moon and came to the space opposite the moon. Recalling everything before, the hearts of the two people at the same time emerged after the robbery, holding hands and looking around.

This is a world of crystals, the earth is like a crystal, and there are countless crystals like stone forests on the earth. Each crystal has different shapes and sizes. Some tall and tall, from small to a hundred meters. It is full of eyes.

"What is this place?"

The two men took their hands and turned around in the same place, looking around. In the middle of the two endless crystal forests, they could not see the outside. Two people put the gods out and found that they still received the suppression, only to be able to put a hundred meters outside.

"God, should you send another line here?"

"There should be, let's fly up and see."

Two people flew in the air, but just flew ten meters away, the sky suddenly appeared countless space blades, and they were strangled toward them. Two people hurried to the ground, even if so, when two people fell on the ground, the body has been cut by the space blade, and bones are visible in many places.

"You can't fly here!" Godsend's face became ugly. Qin double took out two Vientiane fruit, two people were eaten by one person, and the piano doubled around:

"Then we will find it slowly."

Two people holding hands, walking in the channel between the crystal forests, quietly around, the footsteps of both of them are absorbed by this space. The two men have been away for a long time, but they still have not found the transmission array, but they have lost their way.

The two hands clasped together and suddenly tightened. Although there was still no sound coming from it, the two people were keenly aware of the extreme crisis and the creeps. When the two men turned back at the same time, they saw a huge whirlwind that was struck straight from the distance to them. Wherever they went, the crystal forests were shattered and watched as a huge crystal with a huge whirlwind. Breaking through the middle, smashing, turned into a few tall and beautiful crystals, and the whirlwinds have become smooth, so when the piano and the earth under the feet of the gods.


The two men ran wildly with their hands, no footsteps at all, no whirlwinds at all, no crystal breaks, but the whirlwind quickly approached the piano and the godsend.

"That's not a normal whirlwind."

"It should be a space whirlwind. We change direction."

The two people of Tianci and Qin changed their direction, but the whirlwind of that space seemed to follow the two of them. No matter how many times they changed direction, the space whirlwind will change direction and follow them closely. When two people ran and looked back from time to time, they saw the space whirlwind sweeping a piece of crystal forest into a flat land. The two of them ran through the path between the crystal forests, and the space whirlwind swept a large piece. The crystal forest was swept into the flat, but the vision of the two people and the godsend became more and more open.

"There..." Qin’s eyes suddenly lit up, pointing to the direction on the left: “Transfer!”

At this time, Tianci also saw the transmission array in the distance. The two quickly changed their direction and ran towards the transmission array.


Getting closer!


The whirlwind of the space was even further than the two of them.

Godsend clasped the hands of the piano pair and ran and shouted: "Double children, don't look back, run!"

Qinqin ran with strength and clenched the hands of God. What she didn't know was that Godsend didn't let her turn back, but she turned her head and looked back, and her eyes showed a desperate color. Because he realized that at the speed of the two of them, before the whirlwind of space swallowed them two, they would never run to the transmission array.

The two people are getting closer and closer to the transmission array. Godsend reluctantly looked at the piano and looked at each other. They suddenly held the arm of the piano and moved in the direction of the transmission array. At the same time, the spiritual power shook in the palm of the hand and shocked the piano. The hand, the body of the piano double was thrown out by the gods on the ground no more than two meters, so that the whole body strength was thrown out, like a sharp arrow to the volley of the transmission array.

Qin doubled her head and turned her head in the air. The godsend ran wildly on the ground. Behind the godsend, the space whirlwind came straight.

The distance between Qinshuang and Tianci is getting farther and farther, and the distance between Tianshen and the space whirlwind is getting closer and closer.

"Tianci..." Qin has extended his hand in two directions, and he has to stop when he is running. Godsend to the piano doubles:

"Double children, don't!"

"Do not!"

The piano double spirits work, and the lost shape slows down. In the eyes of Godsend, there is a decisive decision. The eyes are fixedly looking at the piano pair that flies in the air, and bowed to the piano:

"Double children, live well!"

The big foot in the running suddenly slammed on the ground, his body shape did not go backwards, and rushed into the space whirlwind.


The spirit of the double operation of the piano suddenly stagnate, the whole person becomes awkward, the big tears drop from the shackles, and lose the spirit of the double movement of the piano. Her body is like a meteor and rushes toward the transmission array.

Her body fell heavily on the transmission array, but she could not feel the pain at all, and she looked at the space and whirlwind.

The whirlwind of the space circumvented the transmission array and flew forward. The piano double jumped from the transmission array and chased the wind toward the space.

Only the speed of her running is too far from the whirlwind of the space. The space whirlwind is getting farther and farther away from her and has disappeared into her vision. The piano double slammed his teeth, his body was vertical, and his body flew toward the sky. When the figure reached above the sky, she once again saw the whirlwind of distant space, opened the fire and phoenix body, merged three kinds of spiritual powers, displayed the flying phoenix dance, and pursued the past with a space whirlwind.

The void of nothingness suddenly bursts silently and becomes a fragment of space, such as the dense space of the same handle, which is smashed toward the piano.

A handle of the phoenix feather sword rushed out from the Qin Shuang's knowledge of the sea, constructing a pair of armor on the body of the piano, and shrouded the piano inside. The piano double broke through the heavy space debris and chased the whirlwind of the space that swallowed the godsend. Although the armor constructed by Feng Yujian blocked the space blade, the space blade continued to hit the body of the piano double, allowing the piano to swell.


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