Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 773: go away




The mouth and nose of the piano double spurted blood, her speed began to drop, the space debris squeezed from her in all directions, she was like falling into the mud, the speed was getting slower, and the space blade was strangling her. Let her internal injuries become more and more serious.

Although there is armor constructed by Feng Yujian. But it was still blocked by the shards of space that rushed in the air, watching the space whirlwind disappear into her vision.

The piano double fell silently on the ground, and the earth was blood red. The piano doubled out and took out a Vientiane fruit suit, struggling to climb up and swaying toward the direction where the space whirlwind disappeared.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

In the space whirlwind, the god-given body was instantly shattered, and the god-given soul was hit hard.


The body that was shattered turned into a blood drop, and each blood dripped into a tiny **** face, opening open and swallowing away from the space debris in the cyclone.

One month.

Two months.

Three months.

Qin double stood alone on the ground of a crystal, looking around and showing disappointment and unwillingness. She has been looking for three months in a row, but still can't find the space vortex.

Qin double knows that this is not enough for his understanding of the space heaven, but there is no opportunity to comprehend the space heaven. Here is a crystal world. Unlike the previous space road and gravel world, space heaven is everywhere.

Not here!

She knows that only when she has a certain degree of understanding of space, it may be possible to find the whirlwind of space without difficulty.

Feng nationality!

In the heart of Qinshuang, the nine-color light is the supernatural power of the Fengzu ancestor level. That is to say, the space road method is one of the important magical powers of the Feng nationality. The Feng nationality should have a heritage of space heaven. Since there is no space to comprehend here, go out, go to the Feng nationality, comprehend the space heaven, and then enter here to find the godsend.

Qin doubled his footsteps. At this time, her body was cured, but she was very embarrassed. The piano doubled up the armor framed by Feng Yujian. The clothes inside were full of blood stains. The blood stained clothes were taken off and a set was taken out. The red dress was put on, turned over, and began to walk in the direction of the memory.


A few days later, the eyes of the piano doubled, looking to the left. From there she felt a glimmer of space. The figure was swept against the ground and stopped at the front of a fist-sized crystal stone. When he reached out and volleyed, he grabbed the stone in his hand and probed into the gods. The space of heaven was passed into her knowledge.

“Is this the legendary space spar?”

On the face of the piano, there was an excitement, and the gods spread out. Although there was only a distance of 100 meters, on the way later, she got eighty-six space spar.

At this point, Qin double has stood in the direction of the transmission array, facing the direction of the space whirlwind, whispered to himself:

"God, wait for me. Next time I come in, I will definitely find the space whirlwind."

Turned around, a little thought for a moment, heart thoughts, Feng Yujian held in the hand, carved a line on the crystal ground:

Godsend, find the king in March, lost space. When I go to the Feng nationality to comprehend the space heaven, I will come again to find you. Seeing people, seeing dead bodies.

The piano doubles the word.

The piano pair stepped on the transmission array and once again faced the direction in which the space whirlwind disappeared. Then take out the Lingshi and place it in the groove on the transmission array. The Guanghua is shining and the figure of the piano double disappears.

In a valley.

The figure of Qin double appeared. He glanced at the transmission array under his feet and sighed. The transmission array under his feet was a one-way transmission array, which could only be transmitted from the airborne inheritance, but could not be transmitted.

As soon as the figure was in a vertical position, he flew up to the sky and looked around. He identified the direction. It was already thousands of miles away from the entrance to the vortex. When I thought about it, I entered the town demon tower and saw Gao Xiaoxiao and Jin Yun still fainting on the ground. Sitting on the knees of both of them, Feng Ming was sitting cross-legged.

"How are the two of them still faint?" asked Qin.

"I haven't waited for them to be fully awake, I will stun them again." Feng Ming said calmly.

Qinqin smashed his mouth, at this time Gao Xiaoxiao and Jin Yun have not recognized it, the heads of the two demon are everywhere big bags that Feng Ming hit. Qin double explored with the gods and found that the toxins in them have dissipated over time. sidewalk:

"You are watching them for a while. If you wake up, they will knock them out again."

"Where are you going?"

"I want to go out and break through. In the past year and a half, I have reached the tipping point."

Speaking of this, the piano doubled a bit of Fengming, and the look was a happy saying: "Have you already demon holy layer?"

Feng Ming said with a smile: "You are outside for a year and a half. I have been in it for a thousand years. How is the environment here? If you can't break through to the demon, or do it? It's because I spend a lot of time on it." Practice all kinds of magical powers."

“All kinds of magical powers?” Qin’s eyes are bright: “What have you cultivated?”

"I will burn all the sorrows to the peak of Xiaocheng, and I am already a treasurer."


The eyes of the piano are like two little suns. She knows from the inheritance of the seven-string space that the faculty in the mainland of the warrior is actually a spiritual master, and the treasurer is the realm after the broken void, that is, beyond The realm of the spiritual master.

But how is this possible?

The refining treasure is not the material of the world that can be refined in the world of warriors. It needs the ore that has been nourished by Xianyuan.

"Is it..."

Qin Shuang’s eyes heated up and looked at Feng Ming. Feng Ming nodded:

"You are right."

Qin double immediately closed his eyes and felt the aura in the town demon tower, suddenly opened his eyes, his face showed ecstasy.

The aura in this town demon tower has produced a qualitative change, and one percent has been transformed into a fairy power. It is this one-hundredth of cents that made the materials in the town demon tower under the western golden pillars change. It became a material that can refine the treasure.

"Feng Ming, what grade of treasurer are you now?"

"Level 1 treasurer. And it is difficult to improve."

"Why?" Qin was shocked.

"Because the material grade is not enough here, maybe waiting for the fairy power in the town demon tower to be more transformed, giving birth to more high-quality materials, I have the opportunity to enhance the realm. Otherwise, even if I theoretically achieved more High realm, but not practiced, but it is not really a promotion."

Qin double once again perceives the aura in the town demon tower. After half a ring, her face showed a trace of loss. She understands why there is a senile power in the town demon tower. It is not that the spiritual power is transformed into a fairy power, but because the gray stone in the center releases more and more gray gas, and the gray There are more and more Xianyuan forces that are converted into gas, and the amount of Aura in the town demon tower is also limited. When the spiritual power has filled the limit in the town demon tower, those celestial forces can no longer be transformed into spiritual power, only the situation of Xianyuan force exists. Therefore, there is only one percent of Xianyuan.


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