Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 774: Town demon tower change



The piano double looked up at the central gray stone, which was already only four-fifths of the original.

"Treading step..."

A sharp footstep, Qin double just turned around and saw a big dog ran towards her, volley rushed over to her, Qin double just want a style of phoenix fists bang out, they heard Feng Ming Road:

"He is a flowery incense."

The look of the piano pair is a glimpse, and the flower is too fragrant to the body of the piano, sticking out the tongue to the face of the piano. Qin doubled out his hand to block the tongue of Hua Taixiang, surprised:

"He turned out to be so big?"

After saying this sentence, Qin double also reacted. Hua Taixiang has spent more than a thousand years in the town demon tower. It is normal to be so long.

Qin double explored the gods, explored the flowers too fragrant, and could not help but be disappointed. Hua Taixiang is now in the realm of the demon king.

"So is this demon king? Have you lived on a dog for more than a thousand years?"

"Wang Wang Wang!" Hua Taixiang screamed.

Qin doubled and laughed and patted the head of the flowery incense: "Yes, you are the dog!"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Qinqin no longer pays attention to him. When he is swept, he stands in the peak of the Lingshi Mountain Range, the closest to the gray stone suspended in the air, and then begins to scatter the flag and set up a defensive array. Then I moved all the materials, Lingshi, etc. in the treasure house of the half-mountain to the array. I put the jade paste in it, and opened the jar cover. She wanted to see if Xianyuan could improve the quality of these things.

After doing all this, Qin double left the town demon tower, she appeared in the valley again, she decided to break through here. Only the stronger the strength, the more the harvest will be in the Feng nationality.

In the past year and a half, Qin double in the empty inheritance space, constantly consuming God's knowledge and spiritual power, for the law and the martial art actually reached the critical point of breakthrough, the existing realm is incomparably real. In other words, if Qinqin is now willing to break through, as long as the retreat, the spiritual power and the gods will be accumulated to complete, you can break through.

The difference between the piano and the double is the accumulation of spiritual power and sea.

Nowadays, for the accumulation of sea and spiritual power, Qin double is no longer lacking resources as before. The spiritual power she needs and the mysterious energy of the family have been very large because of her cultivation practice. . It is only the spiritual power and energy that exists between heaven and earth. I don’t know how long it takes for the piano to accumulate to break through a small step. Even practicing in the town demon tower takes a long time.

Therefore, the original Qin double needs a variety of very special and precious cultivation resources, such as the heart of the fire phoenix tree, white tiger dan liquid, fire phoenix liquid and so on.

However, now the town demon tower has given her a new choice, the spiritual power in the town demon tower has been so strong that it can not be more intense, the rich to the immortal force can not be diluted into a spiritual power, began to have a percentage One of the celestial forces. This completely guarantees the accumulation of the piano double, and there is also a difference in time and flow rate.

not to mention……

Qin double is very afraid of the immortal force in the town demon tower constantly increasing, the piano double knows, the explosion of the fairy power, even if she absorbs a trace, it will explode and die. Now Fengming is practicing in the town demon tower, and he is looking for a place where there is no trace of fairy power. If the proportion of Xianyuanli in the town demon tower is increasing, there will be one day in the town demon tower. Nowhere can I find a place without Xian Yuanli. At that time, Qin Double would never dare to go in again.

This loss is too great for the piano double. The reason why Qinqin can cultivate is so fast, 90% of the credit is in the town demon tower. If you lose the help of the town demon tower, the repair of the piano double will definitely be stagnant. Before, unless she can continue to find such resources as the fire phoenix heart, white tiger dan liquid and fire phoenix liquid. This kind of resource encounters once in a lifetime is a big chance. I want to find it constantly. How is this possible?

Qin double also thought about releasing the aura in the town demon tower to the outside, so that the aura concentration in the town demon tower was diluted, and now the fairy power will be diluted into aura. However, she found that she could not do it at all. The town demon tower can only absorb the aura from the outside to the inside, but can not release the spiritual power inside. Unless you hold her to absorb it, once you don't hold it for exercise, if you use the gods to motivate, it will not reveal a trace of fairy power.

The second method is to take out the gray stone in the town demon tower. But she found that anything in the town demon tower could be taken out by herself, that is, the gray stone could not be taken out, no matter how she permeated the idea of ​​the town demon tower, the town demon tower did not move the gray stone. Instead, I gave myself a thought that the town demon tower needs this stone.

At this time, Qin Shuang was shocked to think that after completely integrating the nine-story town demon tower, he had completely controlled the town demon tower is an illusion. I did not completely control the town demon tower.


Have already merged the nine-story town demon tower, why is it not completely controlled?

At this time, the Qin double is sitting in the valley, and the gods constantly permeate the town demon tower, and vaguely feel that there is still a ban on refining. Moreover, she has a feeling that she perceives that level of prohibition is extremely difficult. This is because she discovered that she did not completely control the town demon tower, and then she began to perceive it carefully, so that she continued to refine and refine herself. It is possible to refine the layer of the ban, even touching the ban is impossible.

Why is this happening?

Qin double thought for a few hours, and finally had a speculation.

That is because the five pillars in the town demon tower, the five pillars are cracked everywhere, want to touch the layer of prohibition, and then refine and ban, and finally completely control the town demon tower, then only the first five pillars Repair, the layer of the ban will show up.

Fix those five bans?

Ha ha……

Qin can not help but smile, she knows that now can repair the five pillars, in her speculation, want to repair the five pillars, at least need the source of gas.

The essence of the source, that is simply the legendary thing.

Therefore, now Qin Double wants to keep in the town to the demon tower at any time, and will not be invaded by the body of Xian Yuanli, causing the body to die. She has only one stupid way, that is, cultivation in the town demon tower, absorbing the spiritual power in the town demon tower, and delaying the assimilation of the fairy power.

Qin double sighed, she knows that this is just a glass of water, one by one, even if Feng Ming, even if their two cultivation practices are against the sky, the energy consumed is large, for today's vast town demon tower space, Really effective?


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