Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 779: Opportunity


Isn’t the big brother’s generosity not qualified for a younger master? I am willing to have a good brother, even if he is not a good boss.

not to mention……

If I refuse to be a big brother in front of so many people, my older brother will be very sad. His eyes became firm:

"Big Brother, my ferry fruit will be given to you."

"Ha ha ha..."

Cracked high and laughed loudly, and reached out to the elders: "Da Bo, give me the fruit of the cross."

At this time, the elders have been unable to refuse. If at this time, in the face of the demon, the cracked high prestige is really gone. Even if it is given a crack high, I am afraid that the prestige of the high crack will be greatly reduced. How can a person who can't compete with the competitors only get the benefit from those who support himself? How can they get support?

The person who supports you is hoping to follow you and wait for the bigger benefits, not to give up your own benefits.

At this time, those who supported the crack high, saw the crack high and took over the ferry of the great elders, and all of them were filled with disappointment. I am hesitating in my heart, is such a person really worth following?

"Ha ha ha..." The thunder burst into laughter and bowed to the cracked high: "Big brother, I admire you this, knowing the report, even if I don't have the ability to repay my grace, I have to repay my brother's things."

People who support high cracks are very ugly. The high crack is a faint look at the cracked thunder:

"I am your big brother, always teach you the truth of the demon. You remember, knowing gratitude, you will get a bigger chance. Do not know gratitude, even if there is a big chance to be in front of you, you also catch Can't live. Second brother, go with the big brother. Big brother gives you a big chance."

When the words fell, they and the piano went in the direction of the alchemy room. The cracked mountain followed up with some confusion. He really didn't know what the big brother would give him.

The elders looked at each other and looked at the direction of the cracking high. The heart suddenly jumped vigorously. The crack is going in the direction of the alchemy room. At this time, he also remembered that Fengming is now the first Dandao teacher in the demon world. Has she already broken through the realm of Dan Dao master?

If this is true...

Cracking Gaosuo wants to cross the fruit, and said that he has a big chance to crack the mountain. There is only one result, that is, Fengming can refine and transfer Wudan.

A ferry fruit can only increase the comprehension of 10%, and can only last for three days. However, one can transfer to Wu Dan, but it can improve the comprehension of 30%, and it can last for seven days. What is the chance of Tianda?

The elders were excited when they arrived, and they quickly followed. Although other demon monks did not think of this, or did not have the grand elders to master the demon world information, I do not know that Feng Ming is Dan Dao. Or even if you know that Feng Ming is Dan Dao, you will not think that Feng Ming is the master of Dan Dao, because there has never been a Master of Dan Dao in the demon world. However, seeing the elders follow the past, these people have followed the past.

Split Gao took the Qinshuang and the Split Mountain directly to the best alchemy room of the family, and then to the Qin Double Road:

"Feng sister, you go in, we are waiting for you outside."

"No!" Qin doubled his head and said: "You two come in with me. Since you promised to give your second brother a chance, then give him a big chance."

"This..." The high-pitched look hesitated: "Is it going to affect you?"

"will not!"

The piano doubles his head and then pushes the door of the alchemy room. The two monks of the Split High and the Cracked Mountain follow.

"Let the dragon stone down!" After the piano entered the alchemy room, he immediately began to speak.

The crack is not high. When you turn around, you will let down the dragon stone. When you look back at the piano, you will see the piano with both hands and a pair of flags. A group of flags will cover the entire alchemy room. Then I looked at the crack high:

"How many Lingshi do you have?"

Split Gao put the stone in his storage ring in a storage bag and handed it to the piano:

“Is this enough?”

Qin double looked at the cracked mountain again. To be honest, the heart of the cracked mountain was somewhat unhappy. I feel that this Fengming is very greedy, and I have given you all the fruits. The older brother also gave you all his spiritual stones. He knows that Big Brother is a young master of the Scorpio family, and there are quite a few spiritual stones on his body, and the grade is not low. I am afraid that even if it is the top grade stone, there are more than 100,000, and the Chinese stone is more than one million. But even so, this Fengming still wants to be his own spiritual stone.

It’s really greedy.

I didn't want to give it to my heart, but at this time, Li Gaosheng was afraid that the cracked mountain had lost his chance. Although he did not know how Fengming wanted so many Lingshi, he knew that Fengming was definitely not a spiritual stone of greed, and he hurriedly said:

"What are you still hesitating? Take all the spirit stones out quickly."

"Big brother is crazy!" In the heart of the cracked mountain, he secretly sighed, but when he thought that he would let go out even if he even went to the fruit, he wouldn't have to smash the stone, let the big brother report it, and his heart would be comfortable. The stone in the ring was placed in a storage bag and handed to the piano. Qin’s knowledge of the doubles swept into the two storage bags, and frowned slightly:

"It's still a little worse. Forget it, I will fill it out for you."


The two enchanting and cracked mountains looked at the piano double, and the heart said: "What is this Fengming doing? So many Lingshi are not enough? Let her fill it out for us?"

At this time, I saw the piano double took out a pile of piles of stone. After about two quarters of an hour, the piano doubled with a Lingshi cloth, and the cracked high and cracked mountains could clearly feel Heaven and Earth aura rushed into the alchemy room and rushed into the gathering. It was only a quarter of an hour, and the aura in the gathering of the spirits had been so thick that it could not be seen. The two monks looked at the piano doubles in shock, and said with a high crack:

"Feng... sister... you, you... are you still a martial artist?"

The piano nodded twice and looked at the cracked high road: "Cracking brother, you are now in the middle of the demon sage."

"Yes!" Nodded.

"You go into the spiritual circle to practice, and see if you can break through to the later stage."

Splitting Gao excitedly glanced at the gathering of the spirits, then shook his head in disappointment: "If this gathering can persist for one year, and then there is a ferry fruit, I should be able to break through to the late stage of the demon, even the peak However, the Lingshi of my brother and I can only last for less than twenty days, and it is absolutely impossible to break through to the second floor of the demon."

Qinqin did not pay attention to him, but turned to the cracked mountain road: "You are now the demon god?"

"Yes!" At this time, the cracked mountain did not dare to regard the piano as a greedy person, and hurriedly replied: "My realm is lower than my older brother. I have half a year, but I can cultivate it to the peak of the demon god, but I want it. Breaking into the demon sacred, but need to understand the heavens, I guess I need time to travel, improve my mood, and then with the help of the fruit, only 60% of the breakthrough to the demon emperor."

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