Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 781: Double breakthrough


After another day, the realm of the two people stabilized. The crack height has reached the peak of the first layer of the demon sac, and after a period of precipitation, it can impact the second layer of the demon. And there is still one in his body that turns to Wu Dan and two three-grain thick Tudan. The cracked mountain is stable at the beginning of the first layer of the demon. It was only that he consumed both Houtudan and Duwudan.

Even so, for the cracked mountain, it is also an unexpected joy. Can definitely be called a big chance. It took a decade to go, but now it only breaks into the demon sac in only 21 days, surpassing the thunder. As the saying goes, one step ahead, step by step lead, from the previous he chased the cracked mine, and now it has become a cracked mine to chase him. The order of the two changes, the mentality of the two people is completely different. The cracked mountain will become more confident, and more confident will make him more smooth in understanding the heavens in the future, and the speed of cultivation will also speed up. In turn, the mentality of cracking the thunder will become very bad. The transcendence of the split mountain will be like adding a shackle to his mind, which will make his mind become heavy and the understanding of heaven will be weakened.

"Thank you!" The cracked mountain was bent down deeply.

Splitting high and looking at the piano double road: "Feng sister, our family has two cross-fruits..."

Qin double shook his head, she only had a relationship with the crack high, and did not have a relationship with the cracked Tianzhu family, did not want to be a cracking Tianzhu family alchemy, so he shook his head:

"Chu Gao brother, I have a rush to the Yao nationality, I will have time to come to the nobles, or you have time to go to Fengming City, I will make alchemy for you."

"Thank you!"

Although there are regrets in the heart, but the crack high is still sincerely invited: "Feng sister, we go out, I practice for you."

"No need!" Qin double shook his head and said: "I have been delayed for a long time. After going out from here, I will leave immediately."

Alchemy outdoor.

Big elders, four elders, etc., as well as cracked thunder and cracked ground are also sitting cross-legged. They are here to wait for the cracks to rise, want to see what is the chance in the crack high mouth?

For the cultivating monks, the time of twenty days is a moment. These people are sitting cross-legged in the passage at this time, while practicing and waiting.


They heard the sound of the broken dragon stone, and a group of demon monks suddenly opened their eyes and stood up and looked at the door of the alchemy room.

The door was pushed open, the piano double, the cracked high and the cracked mountain three people came out from the inside. A few gods swept over to the three of them, and then the elders looked at the three men with stunned eyes, and the elders stunned and said:

"Higher, is your demon holy layer peak?"

"You, you, you..." The four elders looked at the cracked mountain incredulously: "You... broke through to the demon?"

The cracked thunder looked nervously at the cracked mountain, and the eyes were looking forward to it, expecting the cracked mountain to shake his head. But I saw the cracked mountain with a smile and nodded:

"Exactly, the four elders."

At this moment, the thief found that the temperament of the cracked mountain has changed and become more confident. His eyes only swept him faintly, and he never stayed for a moment.

The heart of the thunder suddenly sank and the face was gloomy.

At this moment, he felt that there was a filth in the original transparent heart. He could have broken through to the realm of the demon sacred within three months. Now he has an unknown. It seems that he does not know how long it will take before he can break through to the realm of the demon. .

On the other side of the cracked land, the eyes at this time are full of remorse, he saw the repair of the cracked mountain at this time, saw the change of the mountain temperament, he knew that he missed a chance. And it was a very important opportunity. It was the chance that a big brother sent him in front of him, but he refused.

The great remorse came to my mind, and for the first time he began to suspect that he was always neutral, right?

"Ha ha ha..."

The elders laughed happily. At this time, how did he not know that what he had done before was not a weak character. It was not a decisive decision, but an intelligent anomaly. In the camp of the thunder, he is not too weak to **** the enemy forces, not to take advantage of his own camp, but to bring his own camp, such a young master, who will not follow?

After today, it is conceivable that the reputation of cracking high will definitely increase. In addition, the cracking mountain that supports the cracking high also breaks through to the demon sac, and their strength here is greatly increased. At this time, the monks in the crack high camp also looked at the crack high. The cracked high smiles look at the gloomy cracked thunder:

"Three brothers, originally used your fertility fruit, they thought about giving you a few cross-going Dan, did not expect... Hehe... Now with the second brother’s Wu Gou fruit, I have to prepare the ferry that I was originally prepared for. The enlightenment share of Wu Dan gave the second brother, and the second brother easily broke through to the demon saint. The older brother said to you as a demon, knowing gratitude."

The face of the cracked thunder became awkward, but it did not say a word.

The elders looked bright and bowed to the piano: "Feng Daoyou..."

"Great elders!" Qin double interrupted the elders: "I am in a hurry, and this is a good word."

"Ah? Then..." The elders showed urgency on their faces.

"Feng sister, I said before that you can go to my treasure house to pick treasures!"

The face of the demon is a change, but the elder is a move in the heart, with a smile on his face:

"Feng Daoyou, you help the children and the mountains to break through. We can't say that the cracked Tianzhu people can't show up. How can I choose a treasure in my family's treasure chest?"

"Big brother!" The four elders changed their faces.

The elders did not look at the four elders, but they still said to the piano double in the spring breeze:

"Feng Daoyou, I heard that you refining Du Wu Dan?"

The four elders heard that Du Wu Dan also shut up. Of course he knew the importance of Du Wudan. Looking into the eyes of Qin double is also full of expectations. The piano nodded twice, and the face of the demon was ecstasy. The elders hurriedly said:

"You are Master Dandao?"

Qin double smiled and nodded: "Just broke through soon."

The elder elder’s face immediately showed more respectful colors, and once again he shook hands: “Master Feng, you are the first person in the Dandao world of our demon world, I am very happy.”

"This is nothing." Qin said faintly: "I have a keen sense of alchemy."

The elders of the elders were in a hurry and cautiously asked: "So, Master Feng hopes to reach the realm of Dan Dao Master?"

"It won't be long!" Feng Ming said faintly.

If this sentence is said by other demon people, the elders will definitely spit on her face. However, the Qin double is different. Because Qin Double is now a master of Dan Dao, standing in the peak of the Dan Daojie, such a Dan Dao Da said that she can become a master of Dan Dao, still a bit credible.

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