Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 811: Nine elders



"She just played against Feng Yuan and hidden her strength?"

Feng Guang frantically ran the inner spirit, and the long knife in his hand flew, turning the original offensive into a defensive. A layer of knife screen is laid out in front of the body, like a layer of knife shield.


The right arm of the piano doubled and the shock swayed out. Twenty fire phoenixes flew around the arm and gathered toward her fist to gather into a red dot. The dot is filled with violent energy, like a world of stars that is about to explode.

Wrapped in Fengqin!


The punch was bombarded on the layer of knife and shield. The strong knife and shield was blasted out of a round hole. The force of the phoenix fist was bombarded on the chest of Feng Guang. Feng Guang clearly heard the broken sternum. The sound, "squeaky", **** nose and mouth, the body shape like a projectile generally rolling toward the back.

When the piano stepped on the footsteps, Feng Xiang began to expand, and the foot produced a row of fire phoenixes, and the body shape immediately caught up with the rolling Feng Guang. Twenty fire phoenixes were born in the right arm.

"Let's be merciful!" Feng Tian yelled.

The double look of the piano is slightly moving, and finally it is still pressing the heart of the killing. Compared with this war, the Feng people will no longer have unopened monks to challenge themselves, and the movements in their hands will not help.

Just at the moment of her meal, I saw the phoenix in the rolling, and the figure suddenly disappeared. In the heart of the piano, it was a move, and even the space magical power was cultivated. The piano double walked in a walk, and her figure in the air disappeared.

Step on the air!

The space was rippling, and five feet away from the talented place, Feng Guang’s figure appeared there, and he was covered in blood. His eyes were filled with the horror of the rest of his life, but then his eyes were even more terrified.


I saw a lot of Fengming figures around him, which is the third realm of stepping into the air. Then I saw dozens of Fengming and raised my right arm and bombarded him. There is a desperate color in his eyes.

"Feng elders..."

Feng Tian anxiously shouted, his figure has already swept toward this side. But I know in my heart that she can't stop the piano double, because it happened too fast, there is a distance between her Fengming, and at this time Fengming shows the strength is completely the peak of the demon, and it is only weaker than her. On a small realm. If Feng Ming really wants to kill Feng Guang, she will not give her a chance to save.


Business. We are very happy when you have a very pleasing pair of pianos, but I see a small foot in the squint.


Feng Tiansong breathed a sigh of relief, she knew that Feng Ming would not kill Feng Guang.


Feng Guang was stepped on the ground by the piano and a big pit appeared on the ground. Feng Guang fell in the middle of the big pit and collapsed around lenses.


The figure of Qinshuang fell directly on Feng Guang’s head. One foot stepped on Feng Guang’s face again, and Feng Guang’s upper body was directly stepped into the ground, leaving only two legs standing on the ground. on.

All the disposed monks were surprised to grow up in their mouths, and the eyes showed an incredible color. To know that Fengguang is the first day of the Phoenix! Just a few decades of going out to travel, he will be upgraded to the seventh floor of the demon. If it is not Fengming, it is definitely a big event for the phoenix, even if it is in the Feng nationality, Feng Xiaoying will be suppressed by Feng Guang. Maybe, if he proposed to live in the Flame Peak, he would really be allowed to become the patriarch of the Feng nationality.


It was such a enchanting genius, but Feng Ming stepped on the foot.

Feng Tian looked at Feng Guang, who only showed two legs, and his mouth was not twitched twice. In the heart:

"This Fengming is really fierce! Only the repair of the demon sacred layer, once it broke out, there is actually the strength of the sacred eight-layer peak. Is this the power of the ancestor-level blood?"

Thinking of this, her heart could not help but be afraid and excited.

After fear, if the ancestor level is really so powerful, then if the dragon ancestors succeeded in returning to the ancestors, who else can resist the entire Yaozu?

The entire demon world must surrender to the feet of the dragon ancestors!

Excited is that now the Feng nationality has Qin double, but also has the blood of the first ancestor, and has the strength to resist the dragon ancestors. And the dragon ancestors are the ancestors of the day after tomorrow. Feng Ming is congenital is the blood of the ancestor.

Standing high!

As long as Feng Ming grows up, the Feng people will come to the world!

At this time, the Qin double on the head of Feng Guang can not help but sigh. The Feng nationality is really a Feng nationality. The so-called young Yao Jun, who had met before, could not compare with Feng Guang. If you encounter Feng Guang before, it is definitely not an opponent of Feng Guang.

The Feng nationality has such a master, the dragon should also have it!

"See you the truth!"

The battle of the piano pair is rushing, and Feng Guang, who is stepping on his feet, is scared. The two legs exposed on the ground are shaking like the willows in the wind.

Feng Tian was also shocked and hurriedly called: "Feng elders..."

Qin double converges on the war, and swings to Feng Tian: "Nothing, I just thought that the dragon should also have a young man, and have the opportunity to go to the Dragon Palace to learn."

Feng Tian's look is dignified and nodded: "Yes, the Dragon Palace does have an incomparable genius, called Yan Yan. A hundred years ago, I once fought with Feng Guang, and Feng Guang seriously injured and fled."

The eyes of Qin double are bright, and the war is rushing, and the two thighs of Feng Guanglu are shaking again. When the sky was empty, he came to the air and bowed to Fengtian:

"The patriarch, do you have a map of the location of the Dragon Palace?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to go to the Dragon Palace."

"No!" Feng Tian decisively refused to see what Qin double wants to say, and immediately waved: "Your things will be said later."

Then look at the Fengzui monks: "Distracted."

The demons scattered, but the doubles in the air were frequently seen in the air, and the color of worship appeared in the eyes.

"You come with me!"

Feng Tian grabbed the ground and pulled Feng Guang out of the ground, grabbing Feng Guang and flying over Fengshan. Qin double and eight elders followed.

Entering the hall above the Fengshan Mountain, Feng Tian placed Feng Guang on the ground, then fell to the top and sat down, and the eight elders sat on both sides. Feng Guang struggled to stand up and stood behind the piano.

Feng Tian looked at the Qin Double Road: "Feng Ming, from today you enter the Presbyterian Temple, which is the fourth elder of our Feng family. The original four elders are followed by the order."

"The patriarch, I am still only the first floor of the demon, not enough to enter the elders." Qin double does not want to be a Feng national elder, but do not want to enter the elders, she will soon leave Fengdao.

"Your strength has been reached!" Feng Tian said calmly.

Qin double knows that this is because his strength has reached the peak of the eight layers of the demon, so after the three demon sacred nine demon, the heart knows that entering the elders is a slap in the face, then he will not:

"Then I will be the ninth elder."


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