Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 820: Incomplete



What is the town demon tower?

The aura is more than sixty times more than the outside, but the day before, the past one thousand and twenty-four days, so long, is the knot period, can this not disappoint the piano?

"Wang Wang..."

Hua Taixiang called two, and his thick face was full of grievances. A spirit of volatility came, Qin double received a message.

"Master, does this blame me? This space is not complete, I will grow very slowly here."

The piano was so stunned that she was very familiar with the incompleteness of the town demon tower. This is why she broke through the town demon tower when she broke through. Later on the flaming mountain, I realized this problem even when I was practicing, but also outside, just holding the town demon tower in my hand and absorbing the spiritual power in the town demon tower.

Qin Qin understands that the heavens in the town demon tower are very incomplete. If the five cracked pillars can be repaired, they should be complete. Feng Ming and Feng Yan are her distractions. The understanding of Tiandao has her main body. Even if she is practicing in the town demon tower, she can get a complete understanding of heaven from her. Therefore, on the contrary, these distractions are cultivated in the town demon tower, and there will be no problems.

"No wonder your repair is so slow!" Qin said with a dog. "You are so small, you need a complete heaven. Are you really just a dog? Or something else?"

Hua Taixiang shook his head and shook his head. A message came again: "I don't know, my inheritance will gradually emerge as I grow up. I just know that I am fast."

"Speed ​​is fast? You run me to see."


Hua Taixiang disappeared in front of Qin double, but the town demon tower is the space of the piano double, its speed is fast, and it is also within the induction of the piano double. Qin double did not open his mouth, surprised to see the direction in which Hua Taixiang disappeared.

This... There is already a speed at which the piano pair runs the phoenix dance before opening the fire phoenix body and blending the three spirits.


The figure of Hua Taixiang appeared in front of the Qin double, squatting there, looking at the piano double, and looking forward to get a praise. Qin double excitedly patted the dog's head with flowers too fragrant:

"Good! Good! When you break through the Yuan Ying period, is it faster?"

"Wang Wang!" Hua Taixiang proudly nodded.

The piano doubles the amount of flowers, and now the flower is too fragrant from the shoulder to the ground is more than one meter high, nearly four meters on the body. I expected to ask:

"Too incense, can you grow bigger and smaller?"

"I don't know, anyway, can't do it now!"

There was some disappointment in the eyes of the piano. He stood up from the ground and said: "Too incense, I have a lot of identities, you can only follow me as an identity. When I restore the identity of the piano pair, I will release you from the town demon tower. ”

Hua Taixiang screamed and slammed on the ground. The piano touched its head and laughed:

"Okay, give you something delicious."

Qin double took out a master class medicinal herb and threw it to the flower. The flower was too fragrant with a roll of tongue and swallowed the medicinal herb. Qin double observed for a while and found that Hua Taixiang did not have any discomfort at all. Then he took out a master-class medicinal herb and threw it to it. The flower was too fragrant and it was a roll of tongue. After eating it, the eyes showed the color of expectation and continued to look at the piano pair.

"Are you okay?" Qin asked with care.

Hua Taixiang shook his head, and then called two to the piano double "Wang Wang", and the tail behind him shook steadily.

Qin double took out the medicinal herbs of a large master, and it was still a ten-level peak magister, but did not produce Danwu. Raised his hand and threw it to the flower. The flower was too fragrant to the tongue, swallowed the medicinal herb, and then saw it lie on the ground, the body's breath began to fluctuate, and the golden hair of the body undulating like a wave. Qin Qin double heart was shocked, don't let the flower too fragrant to burst, after all, the flower is too fragrant only the realm of the knot period.

He was looking at the flowers and fragrant with concern in front of Hua Taixiang. In less than two hours, Hua Taixiang jumped up from the ground, circled around the piano, shook his head and shook his head, and called "Wang Wang".

The piano doubled out the material, refining a chain, then took out a storage ring, put it on the chain, and then hung the chain on the neck of the flowery incense, too fragrant to the flower:

"Too fragrant, this is the storage ring for you. I have some medicinal herbs for you. Be careful to eat, don't eat too much at once."

"Wang Wang!"

Hua Taixiang called twice, and soon refining the storage ring, and then took a medicinal medicine from the storage ring and squatted there.

The piano double shook his head and was too lazy to take care of it. When I thought about it, I sensed the place where the original wood gas was. I reached out and grabbed it. The group of wood gas was caught in the hands of the piano. Then, after a span, I stood in front of the green wooden property pillar. . Looking at the pillar of the wooden property in front of me, my heart was slightly relieved. These pillars were all in the town demon tower. After the town demon tower was refining, the cracks on each pillar were very clear. There is only one more crack now. Look down and look at the original wooden airway in your hand:

"I don't know how many cracks can you fix?"

Qin Shuangyang put the group of wood gas into the green column, and heard a humming sound coming from the pillar. The giant column had a slight vibration, and a crack began to gradually close, then the second one. Article 3...

When the giant column is no longer vibrating, the twenty-six pick crack has been repaired, but compared with all the cracks, but it has been repaired by about one in ten thousand.

"There is a long way to go!"

Qin double sighed, but finally got the loss of this source of wood. Once in shape, he came to a place in the town demon tower, where there was a pothole, which was the liquid of the green wood that the piano double received.

The piano double took out the material, refines a pool, collects the green wood, and places it on the Lingshan, the closest to the gray stone.

These green wood liquids can all be good things. When you make alchemy, you can improve the quality and success rate of the medicine.

Go check the materials that are placed on the top of Lingshan. There are ore, jade liquid paste and jade liquid. Qin double surprises that those ores have improved quality, although no qualitative changes have taken place. The jade liquid cream also became a little transparent from the milky white, and the piano double believed that once it became transparent, it was the time when the quality changed. The jade liquid has begun to change in the direction of the jade paste.

"Sure enough, the effect is extraordinary!"

In the heart of the piano, I was overjoyed and observed the Lingshan under my feet. This Lingshan has a middle-grade Lingshi vein, but now it has changed its top grade.


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