Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 825: Shuo



"Top Spirit!"

Qin Shuang’s heart glimpsed, and she saw the green cow’s demon wearing a sword’s top defensive spirit. What she didn't know was that when the secrets and the tyrants spread the news of her top-notch, even though most of the big demons didn't believe it, they always laughed at the secrets and the tyrants. The egg is still believed. This demon holy nine-layered green bull demon is one of the believers. After requesting a top defensive spirit from the patriarch, he vowed to kill the piano pair.

At this time, his heart is full of happiness. Fortunately, I prepared the top defensive spirit, otherwise he just died under the sword of Qin double.

Blocking the sword of the double piano, his confidence increased. No longer afraid of close combat, and the original demon is best at close combat. He was entangled in the piano pair. At the same time, two other big devils wearing top-level defensive spirits approached the piano pair from the other two directions. The three big demons form a triangle and the piano is tightly entangled, while the rest of the big demon is the remote release of supernatural powers, but in the twinkling of an eye, the piano pair will fall under the wind.


The piano doubled out a sword, and the big demon with the top defensive spirit on her opposite side suddenly felt that the space around her disappeared, as if the space was dug.


The big demon is violently beating.

This is not being dug up!

Instead, it was burned out by a living!

This big demon is the big elder of the Qingniu family. The big demon wearing the top defensive spirit does not know how many years have passed. In my mind, I quickly remembered a magical power that the Phoenix has lost.

Fire emptiness!

Open your mouth, you want to shout, but you find that you can't make a sound, and then you are burned to ashes.


Numerous magical powers came to the double-bombing of the piano, and the doubles exhibited a smoldering void, which itself required a moment of stagnation. It was only this moment that countless magical powers approached me. The piano double stepped out of the air, and the figure was staggered.


When the effects were blasted, the figure of the piano double appeared on the other side, and the nose and nose bleed, and the breath was disordered. Even if she made a step in the air in a timely manner, she was hit by two gods. The flesh and blood on the body collapsed and the roots of the tree shattered. And around her, the big demon saw the hope of killing the piano, and swarmed towards her.

Qin double minded a move, the eyebrows rushed out with a brilliance, that is, Qin double has been branding the phoenix sword that burned all the evil spirits. Feng Yujian traversed the mysterious trajectory in the air, suddenly the flames hollowed out, and the sword was vertical and horizontal.

A huge fire phoenix is ​​formed, dragging the endless sea of ​​fire and spreading around.


The big demon exclaimed, they felt their body was bound, burned and strangled. One big demon has released their own fields, colliding and swaying in the field of Qinshuang.


The fields of both sides are broken, but in the field of dozens of big demon, the field of Qin double collapses faster.

Shrink into the inch!

The shape of the piano pair suddenly went straight like a bonfire line, and the phoenix sword in the hand blazed a brilliance, which was confusing.

Did not wait for the big demon to react, the shape of the piano double has already rushed out, and a big demon was killed by the piano. The piano double rushed out of the big demon, but did not leave, but turned and once again rushed to the demon group. Still, I can't completely see the shrinking figure of the double figure and the one-style fast sword.

Between the heavens and the earth, the darkness is like ink, and the rain is pouring down. But the rain fell on the ground but turned into a blood red, which is the blood of the big demon, but also the blood of the double.


A figure broke through the dark clouds and landed on the periphery of the battlefield. A big demon saw the figure, and the look was great:

"Rat brother, you are coming right. I will ban Feng Ming."

The figure that appeared was a huge mouse, and his eyes looked at the doubles in the blood. The eyes suddenly slammed one by one, and they saw two golden lights bursting toward the double.

Shrink into the inch!

Qinqin took a step forward, but just took a half step and found that the space became as thick as a swamp. Let her unrecognizable shrinkage become very slow, and all the trajectories are clearly presented in the eyes of the demon.


Countless magical powers came to the piano. Qin double slammed the phoenix sword in his hand to the surrounding area, but in an instant, the piano body was surrounded by swords and shadows, like a hedgehog.


Qin Shuangqiu madly spurting blood, each of her swords pierced a smoldering void. It was just that she stabbed so many fires and emptiness, so that her body could not bear it.

The body begins to crack from the inside out, the power of spiritual power and the power of the gods is consumed madly, but the emptiness of the fire that is released by the madness breaks the space that has been banned, and the space that is originally thick like the mud becomes smooth, and the emptiness of the emptiness Collided with countless supernatural powers, the space around the piano double began to collapse, the space that was broken was imprisoned, and it collided with countless supernatural powers. The fire emptiness also dispersed in the air with those magical powers.

However, the heart of the piano is a sinking.

Her gaze looked at the huge mouse, she did not think that the demon world would have a big demon who is proficient in space. And at this time her physical condition is very bad. Even if the huge mouse left at this time, she did not have the power to fight again.

The heart sighed.

She knew that she had some expansion before, overestimating herself and underestimating the demon world. After seeing the power of the Feng and Dragons, they don’t even look at other demons. I don't know, these demon people have existed forever, and they have his strong reasons.

When the mind was moved, a stack of symbols was held in the hand, and there was a slight frustration in the heart of the piano. In the end, he still relied on Fuxi to escape.

this moment.

She realized that her strength has not reached the point where she can cross the world. It can be said that it is still far away. If the huge mouse that can release the space ban is coming for a while, I am afraid that I don't need so many big demon, I can't cope with it.

The reason why Qinqin is frustrated is because she knows that Fuxi is more powerful, and that is also something outside her body, not her own ability. Moreover, if you want to make a symbol that can threaten the surrounding big demon, the material requirements are very high, and it is not easy to refine it. Once there is no material, the piano double will not have the symbol, so the symbol can only save the emergency, but can not produce dependence.


Just as the piano double decided to release the symbol, the demons were prepared to once again ban the space around the piano in the mouse, and when they made a supernatural power, they burst into a roaring roar under them.

Both the Qin and the demon were unable to look down, and they saw a magma underneath, like a huge fountain sprayed into the air. The torrential rain turned into a rising water vapor in an instant, and the air instantly became hot.


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