Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 836: Purpura




The piano fell heavily in the purple desert and sprinkled the purple sand.


There were three muffled sounds in the ear. The piano double looked up from the purple desert and came out to the sound. Then I saw Li Wu, Feng Tian and the curtain fell from the sky.

There is no slight joy in the heart of Qin double, but there is panic.

What is the repair of Yiwu and Fengtian?

That is the mid-peak peak of the nine-layered demon, and such a repair can not fly here, indicating that it suddenly became a very powerful air-free environment.

It is not terrifying that the piano is banned. Although the piano has the power of the eight-layer peak of the demon, but her true cultivation is not the demon, and Feng Tian and Li Wu are real nine-layered demon.

At this time, the eyes of Li Wu, Feng Tian and the curtain also looked at the piano. In the heart of the piano, I suddenly awake, where the confession of the gods was banned, and the flight was banned. Isn’t it the chance to escape from the eyes of the princes and the curtains?

Qin double climbed up and ran wildly toward the distance. Li Wu also climbed up from the ground. The reason why he and the curtain came to grasp the piano double is that the original wood in the hands of the piano, how can she let her escape?


At this time, the Mozu on the Big Island fled in panic, and the figure of the Mozu was everywhere, but in an instant, the figure of the Qin double disappeared in the panicked Mozu figure. The eager squad and the fists were continually shot, and the demons that were blocked were smashed. And behind him, Feng Tian and the curtain are also fighting together.

The shape of the piano pair rushed toward a purple sand dune.


The body of the fourth floor of Wusheng directly smashed into the sand dunes, flying the gravel that hit the sand dunes, and the Qinshuang entered the town demon tower at the moment of crashing into the sand dunes, and the town demon tower was turned into a The gravel is buried under the gravel.

One of the Mozu monks ran across the panic, and no one of the devils concerned about the disappearance of the piano.


I walked like a gale in the same wind, passing through the collapsed sand dunes, without a slight stop, rushing away.

Inside the town demon tower.

Qin double lie on the ground, gasping with a big mouth, flowers too fragrant beside her, rubbing her face with her tongue.

"Go away!"

The piano doubles the hand to push the dog's head.

"Wang Wang..."

Hua Taixiang called two times, and a message fluctuated.

"Master, who made you like this, I went out to kill him."

Qin double raised his hand and patted the dog's head with a fragrant flower: "Quiet aside, let me rest for a while."

Seeing the pale face of the piano, the flower was too fragrant and called twice, then it was next to the double. Qin double had eaten the Vientiane, knowing that he did not have to adjust his interest, just lying here, the body's injuries can slowly recover. Hua Taixiang looked up and looked at the piano double. After seeing the face of Qin double gradually recovering, he shook his tail happily.

This time the injury was very heavy. After three days in the town demon tower, the injury of Qin double was fully restored. Turned over and sat up, the flower was too fragrant and quickly sat up, the piano touched her head:

"I want to adjust my interest. When I restore my identity, I will take you out."

"Wang Wang..."

Hua Taixiang happily jumped two times in the same place, and put out his tongue to pick up the piano double, and was pushed to the side by the piano. I turned over and sat up, legs wide, taking medicinal herbs, and began to adjust the power.

In fact, during these three days, even if she was lying there and recovering her injuries, she did not have the opportunity to adjust her interest. The repairing of her body was slowly recovering, so in less than an hour, the rich aura in the medicine and the town demon tower. Under the nourishment, Qin double has been restored to the peak.

Qinqin stood up, first went to the river, took a bath, and then put on a white dress, the back of the sword, turned back to the shape of the piano, the eyes became sharp.

The gods are revealed through the town demon tower, but just after exploring the town demon tower, they will not be able to advance half a wire. Qin double slightly meditated, and then a bite out from the town demon tower. The spiritual power in the body formed a shield, which spread the surrounding gravel and looked around. I saw purple sand around myself and I was buried in the sand dunes. The town demon tower was collected into the sea, and the feet were on the ground.


The shape of the piano doubles up, the purple gravel flies, and the piano double rushes out of the sand dunes and falls on the desert. The spiritual shield was scattered and the white clothes fluttered.


The look of the piano pair was there, and the face was obsessed with purple.

I just fled all the way, and I didn’t have the time and energy to look at the surrounding scenery. Now I’m looking at it, it’s the ultimate beauty.

The purple desert is like a purple gem.

Every purple gravel exudes a purple glow, and the purple light of the billions of purple gravel seems to map out a world of fairy tales.

The purple light swayed in the wind like a ripple in the water.

In her gaze, in the center of the Big Island, a huge purple cocoon floats there. From time to time, the sound of humming sounds. There were a lot of people there, but there was no more figure around the piano.

The piano doubled and rushed toward the purple silkworm cocoon. After about two quarters of an hour, Qin double came there.

There was a huge crack there, as if the entire island was divided into two parts. The huge purple silk cocoon floated above the crack.

The piano doubles and looks around, almost all of them are around the Mozu, but these Mozus do not have the focus on the piano pair, their eyes are on the silkworm cocoon.

Qin double saw the scorpion, saw the curtain, and saw Feng Tian.

At this time, the three of them also looked at the purple silkworm cocoon, and the color of the epiphany appeared on his face.

Qin Double once again set his sight on the huge purple silkworm cocoon, and his look was a glimpse.

The purple silkworm cocoon was purple and transparent at this time, and she could clearly see a bug in the transparent purple silkworm cocoon constantly vibrating there.

The tremor seemed to be extremely painful, but it seemed to be with endless hope.

The worm fluttered and turned into a purple butterfly, which turned into a worm, and then turned into a butterfly, then became a worm, and then a butterfly...

It is from an ordinary insect, turned into a purple butterfly, off the body, and become a spiritual body. It is for the superman.

this moment.

Qin Qinshen received a sudden shock.

From the transformation of the gods to the distraction, isn’t it a kind of supernatural?

From Wushen to Wusheng, isn’t it the extraordinary sanctification?

This is the same as the butterfly...

The body of the purple butterfly is constantly changing. It is a painful reorganization, which is to break the butterfly.

Its worm skin has been smashed, purple slender body, two long tentacles, two purple wings covered with mysterious patterns, can no longer find a trace of ugly bugs.


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