Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 837: Purple butterfly




Its breath is getting stronger and stronger, and a trace of silk circling around its body, like a tiny purple butterfly flying. These purple butterflies sometimes dig into its body, sometimes from its body, and circling.

The piano is touched by the soul, and this scene vividly interprets the broken butterfly.


The huge purple silkworm cocoon splits a gap, and the purple butterfly forgets to wear it out from the gap. The silkworm cocoon is like a universe, one side of the world, and the purple butterfly is to break the void, drill the cocoon, and fly freely. .

The purple butterfly finally got out of the gap of the silkworm cocoon, standing on the silkworm cocoon, the breath was constantly rising, and a layer of purple halo spread from the circle of its body, standing at the forefront. The monk pushed away from the rear. Even the scorpion and the curtain could not stand still and retreat toward the back. This made them both face change and looked at the purple butterfly above the purple silkworm cocoon. The eyes were full of taboos.


At the moment when the purple butterfly broke, the soul of Qin double seemed to open up a layer of fog and saw a new world. She felt that her state of mind had broken through the Mahayana period and reached an unprecedented realm, as if this There is no secret in one world that can hide her. The Tao of this world has become very clear in front of her eyes.

She couldn't control it, the Xuan Shui Dao Law began to break through, the Ruijin Dao Law began to break through, and even the martial arts could not suppress it and began to break through.

Qin double has been completely immersed in the epiphany at this time, if Qin double can still stay awake at this time, she will certainly suppress the breakthrough of the martial arts, because her three spiritual powers only have 70% integration, but not yet fully integrated.

But she has forgotten the time at this time, forgot the space, and forgot herself, completely immersed in the epiphany of the extraordinary.

In her knowledge of the sea.

A huge blue-colored sea lotus floats on the sea, sitting on the blue-blue sea lotus on the blue-eyed Xuan Shui Yuan Shen, with his left hand under the navel and his right hand in front of him. On the palm of his hand, eight water thunder beads, like eight stars, hovered slowly, rotating thirteen azure rhymes behind her.

The thirteen azure rhythms suddenly flew up from the back of the gods, hovering in the air, like a roulette, shrouded the past with a blue-colored sea lotus below, and finally covered the sea lotus completely.

The thirteenth circle of rhyme shrank toward the middle of the sea lotus, and the sea lotus was swaying wildly, and the vibrations and humming in the sea were like the beginning of the heavens and the earth, and the sea was madly gathering toward the sea lotus, forming under the sea lotus. A whirlpool, the knowledge of the sea into a trace of the gods into the knowledge of Hailian, the entire knowledge of the sea is rapidly becoming shallower, absorbed by the sea lotus.

A circle of azure rhythm disappeared, and it was completely integrated into the azure sea lotus. The sea lotus became more radiant, the power was heavy, and the sea was recognized by the sea lotus. There is no need for the power of heaven and earth, the energy contained in the medicinal herbs and the demon tower, and the dense rhythm rushes wildly into the body of the piano, pure rhyme, repulsing the aura, pouring into the body of the piano pair. .

The second circle of rhyme is integrated into the sea of ​​lotus, and the power of knowing the sea lotus has become as violent as Wang Yang, and the speed of absorbing the power of the sea is also faster.

The third circle of rhyme is integrated into the sea of ​​lotus, the fourth lap, the fifth lap... the twelfth lap...


In the thirteenth lap, the rhyme is perfectly integrated into the sea of ​​lotus, and the sea lotus is blue as the sea, and every lotus flower flows on the lotus. "Hey..."

The blue sea, like the sea, sank slightly, left the Xuan Shui Yuan Shen, came to the Xuan Shui Yuan Shen, and then hovered, while floating upwards, while rapidly shrinking, and no lotus petals closed, pregnant Yuan God.

When the sea lotus floated to the height of the eyebrows of Xuan Shui Yuan Shen, it was reduced to the size of the fist, and then turned into a streamer, rushing toward the eyebrows of Xuan Shui Yuanshen.


The streamer rushed into the eyebrows of Xuan Shui Yuan Shen, and a lotus mark appeared between the eyes of Xuan Shui Yuan Shen. The lotus flower of the eyebrows moved, and a layer of lotus petals was continuously produced, falling down layer by layer, falling from the eyebrows of Xuan Shui Yuanshen, hovering toward the sea of ​​knowledge, and as it fell, it quickly became larger.


Knowing the sea and shaking, the singer is a piece of lotus. The lotus petals that continually circling from the eyebrows of the eyebrows form a new sea of ​​sensation in the sea of ​​knowledge, knowing that the sea has risen from the waves, and the power of deep knowledge has poured into the heart. Know the sea lotus, let the sea lotus grow up quickly, derived from the lotus heart, grow lotus leaves, a new blue-blue sea lotus is born, falls on the sea of ​​knowledge, moved to the blue-blue Below the water god. Xuan Shui Yuan Shen gently fell on the sea lotus, his face appeared and smiled, and integrated with the sea lotus.


The huge powers were released, and the sea was slightly undulating. The sea lotus was gently swayed. The Xuanshui Yuanshen sat on it, the left hand was placed under the navel, the right hand held the eight water thunder beads, and the thirteen behind the wheel The rhythm of the circle has disappeared, but the lotus flower of the eyebrows is slowly rotating, and the rhythm of the silk is entwined. Around the sea lotus, the fish teeth of more than 5,000 big-mouthed fishes have been plucked into a needle-like spirit by the double piano, like a small white fish.

Xuan Moisture!

The Xuanshui method divides the first layer of God.

The surrounding Mozu discovered the Qin double in the breakthrough, and the scorpion, the curtain and Feng Tian also saw the Qin double. It’s just that they have never seen the piano pair and feel very strange.

The eyes of all the monks were removed from the body of the piano. At this time, no monk would pay attention to a breakthrough monk. The purple butterfly whose breath is rising is much bigger than the attraction of the piano.

They know that the purple butterfly has broken into a butterfly!

But what about breaking into a butterfly?

However, it is a demon butterfly that has just been cultivated. Although the momentum is very large, a huge island is turned into a purple desert, and the spread of the breath, they are forced to retreat, can not get close. However, they are very clear in their hearts, this is only because it is breaking into a butterfly, in the process, it is in harmony with the heavens, this is the power of heaven, not the power of the purple butterfly. When it breaks through, this power will disappear. At that time, they captured the purple butterfly and snatched the silkworm cocoon.

The purple butterfly must have something strange, the silkworm must have a top baby. Therefore, the eyes of the monks are closely staring at the purple butterfly whose breath is rising, ready to rush, not to pay attention to anything outside.


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