Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 838: Break through Wu Sheng




At the same time, the breakthrough of Ruijin Law also reached the final stage.

On the thirteenth lap, the golden rhyme is perfectly integrated into the sea lotus, and the sea lotus is golden and bright, and every lotus flower is circulated.


The golden light of the sea lotus sank slightly, left the sharp gold god, came to the front of the sharp gold god, and then hovered, while floating upwards, while rapidly shrinking, and no lotus petals closed, giving birth to the **** .

When the sea ginseng hovered and floated to the height of the eye of the sharp gold god, it was reduced to the size of the fist, and then turned into a streamer, rushing toward the eyebrows of the sharp gold god.


The streamer rushed into the eyebrows of Ruijin Yuanshen, and a lotus mark appeared between the eyebrows of Ruijin Yuanshen. The lotus flower of the eyebrows moved, and a layer of lotus petals was continuously produced, falling down layer by layer, falling from the eyebrows of Ruijin Yuanshen, hovering toward the sea of ​​knowledge, and as it fell, it quickly became larger.


Knowing the sea and shaking, the singer is a piece of lotus. The lotus petals that continually circling from the eyebrows of the eyebrows form a new sea of ​​sensation in the sea of ​​knowledge, knowing that the sea has risen from the waves, and the power of deep knowledge has poured into the heart. The sea lotus is known, so that the sea lotus grows up rapidly, and the lotus heart is born. The lotus leaves are grown, and a new blue-blue sea lotus is born. It falls on the sea and moves to the golden light. The bottom of the sharp gold god. Ruijin Yuanshen gently fell on the sea lotus, his face appeared and smiled, and integrated with the sea lotus.


The huge powers were released, and the sea was slightly undulating. The sea lotus was gently swayed. The sharp gold **** sits on it, the left hand is placed under the navel, the right hand is holding the town demon tower, and the thirteen rounds of rhythm behind it. It has disappeared, but the lotus flower of the eyebrows is slowly rotating, and the silk is tangled. Around the sea lotus, more than three hundred handles of Jinpeng swords turn around the sea of ​​lotus, like a golden fish.

Sharp gold is divided into gods!

Sharp Golden Road is the first layer of distraction.


After both Qinshui and Ruijinfa of Qinqin broke through to the first stage of distraction, the martial arts of Qinshuang was broken, and it was not a breakthrough, but three martial arts breakthroughs at the same time.

At the moment of breakthrough, Qinqin felt that his body had undergone a qualitative change, the body became more tight and tough, and the bones, flesh and skin were constantly reorganized, the blood was improved, and the meridians became more tough. .

In her nod, the physical body began to grow and grew. The military phase became more and more solid, like a real piano double.

In the Dantian of her physical body, the Fenghuo Wuxiang, Xuan Shui Wuxiang and Ruijinwuxiang, which were left behind during the distraction period, were broken and turned into three powerful spiritual forces. These three spiritual forces began to merge. Unleash a powerful power.

Then, these three kinds of spiritual powers rushed out of the corpse of the physical body, and rushed into the meridians of the body of the body. With the slogan of the flesh, the spurt came out, and countless rhymes entered the piano. The body, entering the Dantian of the Qinshuang, was smothered by the flesh and body, and the spiritual power of the thin film was used as a guide, and began to fuse in the body of the piano.


No matter in the Dantian or the physical body of the physical body, in the Dantian of the Qinshuang, all the three spiritual powers are only 70% fusion, and there is still no integration of the three spiritual powers. The spiritual powers that did not merge had collided, causing the pain of Dan Tian from the piano pair. Fortunately, only 30%, 70% of the spiritual power is in the fusion, integration has become the mainstream, and there is no collapse of the double-class Dan Tian.

However, her physical law has a problem.

Her flesh law is the source of three spiritual powers!

Because only 70% of the spiritual power is combined, the impact received is even greater. If Dantian of Qinshuang is regarded as a world, the body of the flesh is the core, and the Dantian of the flesh is the origin. Once the source has a problem, it is hard to imagine the impact.

If there is not a 70% integration, even if it is only five or five, I am afraid that at this time, the dual source of the piano, that is, the corpse of the flesh will collapse. Once the source collapses, the physical body will collapse, with the collapse of the physical body. The whole body will collapse.

But even with 70% integration, the body of the double body of the piano double Dan Tian, ​​the three spiritual forces that are not merged are constantly colliding, resulting in constant bursting, impacting the Dantian found in the flesh, let the body of the body From time to time, Dantian cracked, and it was repaired by the synergy of the seventy-one fusion.

However, the impact of the cracks will still leak out, impacting the body of the body, so that the body of the piano doubles from time to time to produce a slight crack, and then repaired by 70% of the fusion.

The cracks in the physical body of the body naturally inevitably affect the Dantian of Qinshuang. Although the impact of the Qinshuangdantian is huge, this kind of impact does not cause the cracks of Dantian and the body of the body, but the shock has caused shocks, but Let the piano be in pain all the time.


The breath of Qin double has finally climbed to the first level of Wu Sheng, and at the same time, the breath of the purple butterfly is also rapidly increasing. The rhythm of the avenue between heaven and earth screamed.

The rhythm attracted by one person and one butterfly screamed wildly, and the Qinshuang and the purple butterfly were shrouded in it, frantically pouring into the bodies of both of them, and quickly stabilized the realm of Luoxin.

The breakthrough of Qin double caused the attention of the monks, and the look of each face changed only at this time.

"This human race turned out to be Wu Sheng! And it is not the general Wu Sheng, this kind of momentum..."

The Mozu monks felt the power of the piano double at this time, but there was no attack on the piano double. Because everyone can see that at this time, they have lost the opportunity to attack the piano double, because the piano double has been broken. The next moment, Qin double will be robbed.


The Mozu monks who are close to the Qin double are far away from the piano. They don't want to be locked in by the robbery when they are robbed, and they suffer innocent disasters. At the same time, quietly pay attention to the piano double. Because they all know that after the Qin Shuangdu robbery, it is her weakest time, if there is a chance at that time, they will not hesitate to kill the piano. Even Feng Tian, ​​Li Wu and the curtain will also focus on the attention of Qin double. Of course, their main energy is still placed on the purple butterfly. For them, even a human race that has just broken through Wusheng is too weak. If you want to kill her, you can do it at any time, and it's just a matter of convenience.

In the sky, the clouds are in harmony. In the clouds, the golden dances, from time to time, make a loud voice.


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