Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 854: visit

There are also Fuqin fingers, wrapped in Fengquan, 蟠龙掌, cover the sky, the handprints of these skills, not suitable here. Unless the strength of the piano double is enough, even if it hits the opponent's body, there is no effect of the mainland of the warrior.

As for the body, Feifeng dance is definitely not good, and Fengxiang can't show it. As for shrinking the ground into inches, you don’t have to think about it. On the contrary, the glimpse of the glimpse of light can be fully displayed, but it is no longer based on the power of the world, but pure power. And also need the piano to practice.

When I think about it, Qin double feels that there are so many things that I can use now.

The first one is the fast sword sword.

The piano double pushed the door out and stood in the yard. The backhand pulled out the long sword and shone a bright light. The "squeaky" sound, the long sword was inserted back into the scabbard.

Qin’s eyebrows have a smile. Although she does not know what the strength of the golden warriors here will be, I don’t know what the most powerful martial arts here will be, but I feel that I have this kind of fast sword. Self-protection.


Qin double solved the dragon sword from the back and watched it in front of him. It is only this scabbard that is not comparable to the holy device of this world.

"锵", the dragon sword is pulled out, the dragon sword is like a spring water, the piano double feels that this dragon sword is cut with the holy device of this world, and will also cut the holy device of this world. Broken.

"It seems that it is not easy to show this sword! It is estimated that Tan Xiao did not pull the sword out to watch it, but directly placed it on his side. If you see it, you may not see yourself again. I didn't even look at the sword on my back.

Tan Xiao’s character is good, but Tan’s character may not be good. There is no need for greedy and glamorous things to happen. It seems that in the future, this sword can not be squirted at will. ”

Qin double inserted the dragon sword into the scabbard, and the heart said: "There will be a sheath later, although the scabbard is not opened, but the hardness is stronger than the sacristy here. Just, in this way, you can not use the fast sword. No. There is no sheath, no sword front, what is the use of fast sword?"

After thinking about it, Qin double put the matter down first. Then think of the sword skills that I can use for the second time.

If the sword-drawing style is a fast word, the Jiugong sword technique is a mysterious word.

The piano double footed the nine palaces, the Jiugong swordsmanship came out of the trend, and there were nine figures in the yard during the time. It was impossible to tell which one is the real piano double, and that is the virtual shadow. Just want to be like a warrior in the mainland, a slamming sound, the figure scattered, and then draw nine figures, it is impossible.

"Nine palace sword skills!"

The piano doubles a little relaxed, and then begins to practice glimpse. In fact, when practicing glimpse and floating on the mainland of the warriors, it is also starting from pure power, then adding spiritual control, and then comprehending the heavens and the power of the heavens and the earth.

It’s just less than a quarter of an hour, and the piano will practice the glimpse of the light to reach the peak that can be reached in the world. Of course, if the power of the piano pair can be enhanced in the future, the glimpse of the light will also increase.

"Not enough!"

Qin double stood there thinking, thinking slowly immersed in the star sword.

The Star Sword can be said to be a general outline. When Qin Double was on the mainland of the Warrior, he learned a lot of sword skills from it. For example, the starlight shakes, the stars are flat and broad, and the stars are gathered. Now she wants to realize a kind of fast sword from here, not a sword like a sword, but a set of fast swords.

"What star is fast?

meteor! ”

The piano is immersed in it for a moment. She has realized that the starlight is shaking and the stars are flat and broad, and then I want to comprehend a kind of fast sword, and it is not the sword that needs to comprehend the heavens and the earth. The basic sword technique is really simple for everyone like Qin Double.

Don't look at the piano doubles. Compared with here, it is only equivalent to the black iron period, but it is more than experience, experience and understanding, with the soul of Qinshuang and the realm of Yuanshen, politely speaking, absolutely standing in this world. top. Therefore, when an hour is over, the piano will create a nine-style sword technique. Once the nine-style sword skill is applied, it is like a meteor, only one word, that is fast!


Qinqin practiced swordsmanship over and over again, and suddenly stood up because she heard the rapid footsteps coming from outside the door, and it was not alone. Qin double put the dragon sword on the back and heard the knock on the door.


There was a smile on the corner of the piano. When he came to the door and opened the courtyard door, he saw six people standing outside. Three of them are Tan Xiao and Tan Fei, and one old man is the seven grandfather, and there are two middle-aged people. Not yet waiting for the piano to open, one of the middle-aged people will do it:

"This is the master of the piano?"

"you are?"

Tan Xiao hurried forward and said: "This is my father, the patriarch of our Tan family, Tan Qianli. This is our Tan Jiada elder Tan Jianming. My seven grandfather, you already know."

"Qin Shuang has seen the patriarch, the great elder, and Master Tan."

Grandpa seven quickly swayed: "Master Qin, I can't be a master in front of your eyes."

Qin double smiled and said: "Please come in."

Everyone entered the room, the guest was seated, the piano doubled the tea, and then looked at Tan Qianli:

"Thank you for these days, the patriarchs will take it."

"This is nothing, it should be. People from the rivers and lakes, helping each other, this is normal."

Having said that, Tan Qianli wants to stop talking, and Qin Double knows what the other person thinks, and smiles:

"Tan patriarch, but what is it?"

Tan Qianli looked hesitantly: "The knife of Feier is forged by the master of the piano?"

"Yes!" Qin said with a smile: "Today's itching, I forged a knife and made the patriarch smile."

Tan Qianli immediately got excited: "Master Qin, can you think that it is the best caster?"

"Okay!" Qin nodded.

"That..." Tan Qianli’s eyes are full of expectations: "Can we be the parents of our Tan?"

Qin double shook his head and said: "In a few days, I want to go to the middle to see, will not stay here."

"That's it!" Tan Qianli's eyes were full of loss. The seven grandfathers on the side were anxious to scratch their heads. It was difficult for him to be old, and he couldn't help but endure:

"Master Qin, I... I want to worship you as a teacher."

In the eyes of Tan Qianli, there is an extreme expectation. If Qinqin can pass the forged secret to the seven grandfathers, then of course it is much better than staying as an elder. Qin double stayed, the casting technique is still a pair of people's piano, when the family Qin double wants to go, the Tan family lost the ability to cast the best weapons. However, if Qin double leaves this secret to the Tan family, then the Tan family will have a technique of heirloom, and Tan will soon take off.



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