Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 856: Central



Qin double took the backpack and watched it. This backpack is very practical. It is divided into several compartments. One is filled with Yuanshishi, one is filled with Chinese stone, and the other is filled with Yuanshi. One contains Yuanshi coins. There are still a few gaps left, and you can load other things at that time.

Qin double sighed, from this backpack, I know that there is no such thing as a storage bag and a storage ring in this world.

Too inconvenient!

Moreover, Qin Shuang did not see the dynamic refining exercises like the bronze body forging through the library books that I saw yesterday. It is estimated that there is no such thing in the world. At the very least, there is no such thing in Xiongcheng.

Qin double put away his backpack and looked at the seven grandfather's anxious appearance. He said, "Go, I will teach you now."

"it is good!"

The seven grandfather suddenly squatted up, and the piano double backed up the backpack, and then said: "Prepare the pen and ink, and when the seven grandfathers practice, I will write down the hammer."

"it is good!"

When Tan Qianli gave a voice, someone prepared it and the group came to the Tanji Casting Shop. Entering the seven grandfather's casting room, everyone else was driven out, leaving only seven grandfathers, patriarchs, elders and Tan Xiao.

Qin Shuang began to teach the seven grandfathers to hammer the nine styles, first passed the three styles, let the seven grandfather practice there, she came to the side, wrote the hammer and the nine styles, and added their own sentiments. Then handed it to Tan Qianli. Tan Qianli repeatedly thanked, Qin double turned and saw that the seven grandfather was still there to practice the first three styles, remembering his own dragon sword, and said:

"Trouble me a separate casting room."

Tan Qianli said: "Master Qin, you want to cast?"

Qin double thought about it: "Let's do it, you prepare the materials, and then give me your weapons. I will cast a special caster for each of you."

"Thank you for the master of the piano!" Tan Qianli was ecstatic.

Qin double looked at Tan Xiaodao and said, "Take the weapon of the scorpion."

"it is good!"

These people followed the weapon and came to a caster room, where there was a caster room where they were cast, and they kept reprimanding an apprentice next to him to pull the bellows. Seeing Tan Qianli coming in, hurriedly put down the forging hammer in his hand, Shi Lidao:

"The patriarch!"

Tan Qianli nodded and said: "You go out first, the master of the piano borrows from you to use it."

The caster couldn't help but look at the piano pair. Yesterday, I heard that a caster master appeared here. Then they bowed to the piano:

"Master of the piano!"

"This master, sorry!" Qin double smiled.

"No, you're welcome!"

Qin double came to the forging stage and looked at everyone. Everyone’s face showed a sigh of color, and they all left. Tan Qianli went to the door and turned to say:

"Master Qin, I found an apprentice for you?"

"No need to!"

"okay then!"

The crowd went outside and closed the door, but no one left, waiting outside the door.

Qin double pulled the weapon of Tan Qianli and others to the side and pulled out his dragon sword. She prepared to forge a thin layer on her dragon sword, so that she could cover up the dragon sword and be able to use it herself.

After taking out the ore, it began to forge. It took more than one hour for the piano to finally wrap a very thin layer of 260 metallurgy on the dragon sword. In this way, the sword of the double piano looks like a sword in the appearance, and it can be used as a sword.

The double layer of the piano is extremely thin, but it can be inserted into the scabbard.

After doing all this, Qin double began to give Tan Qianli their casters. The time to cast them is much faster. Qin double did not eat at noon, until the afternoon, only a few people's weapons were cast. Everyone greeted them, and everyone excitedly picked up the weapons that Qin double had cast for them. Qin double is carrying a backpack:

"I am going to buy a few clothes."

Tan Qianli immediately said: "Will you go out and buy something? Laugh, go back with the master of the piano, and then let the tailor go to the master of the piano, what is the requirement of the master, let the tailor do it."

"it is good!"

Tan Xiao and Tan Fei and Qin Double returned to the cross between the Qin and the double. Soon, another tailor came in. After giving a few people a salute, they began to give the piano a double size. Then the piano double said a few requests, and the tailor left the gift.

Qin double looked at Tan Xiaodao: "Tan brother, going to the middle, how to go?"

"You really want to go to the middle?" Tan laughed seriously.

"Yeah!" Qin nodded.

"Go to the middle!" Tan Xiao’s eyes showed a trace of longing: "It’s not easy to go to the middle. It’s about putting your head on the waistband and saying that you are dead. If you want to go to the middle, you have to On the road, you have to go through the forest, walk the grassland, turn the snow-capped mountains, cross the swamp, and have to go for a year. There will be robbers in the middle, there will be monsters. If you want to go to the middle, you must go to Daling. City, Daling City is the largest city in the west. Every year, there are caravans going to the middle in March, and then returning. We will follow the caravan. Of course, we need to pay Yuanshi, among them are silver masters, big Caravans even have masters of the golden period. They can protect us. But if we die, people are not responsible, just try to protect. So, we have to listen to the arrangements. I am going through the year, ready to go with the children. Central."

"You go to the middle?" Qin asked.

"Yeah!" Tan smiled firmly and said: "Only the central part is the holy place of our warriors. If you want to go further, you must go to the middle. Moreover, the Zongmen in the middle of the country will open the mountains every ten years. When we opened the gate, we went ahead and got familiar with the middle. Master Qin, we went together."

"Tan family is going to both of you?"

"Well, other people are not old, they are low."

Tan Fei bowed his head and Qinqin excitedly said: "Well, let's go together."

"Where are you going?"

At this time, Tan Qianli’s voice came from outside, and he saw Tan Qianli and Tan Jianming walk in together.

Tan laughed and said: "I said to Master Qin, I will go to the middle with the master of the piano after the end of next year."

Tan Qianli looks like a condensate: "Is it really going?"

"Yeah!" Tan laughed firmly.

"Let's go, our Tan family is hard to get you a unicorn, can't make you ruin in Xiongcheng. However, everything should be careful, and there are more things to discuss with the master."

"I know, hey."

Tan Qianli looked at Qin Double Road again: "The trouble piano master."

"No trouble, we take care of each other."

"Master of the piano!" Tan Qianli said seriously: "In this period, you still try to reduce the time to go out."


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