Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 864: Sophisticated sword




When Tan Qianli screamed, he threw himself at the Zhang family, while Tan Jianming rushed to the Tujia people. The Tan family’s people also reacted at this time, and they rushed to the past with Zhang Jia and Tu Jia.

Zhang Jiahe Tujia lost the patriarch, the psychological defense has collapsed, and where is the mental resistance?

However, they all remembered in their own family, as well as the old patriarch who had been retreating, so these people ran wildly toward their respective families, and the Tan family was crazy behind them.

Qinqin looked at the empty streets in an instant, and then went down the street without hesitation. Although she saw that her actions were not urgent or slow, she actually showed a glimpse of the light, which was extremely fast. This is still not her full strength, or to keep this one behind the speed of everyone. When she entered the Zhangjia Gate, she heard a deafening blast in the back garden.

The figure of Qinshuang suddenly accelerated, and a few flashes, he came to the back garden, and saw two figures fluttering, completely smashing the surrounding bridges, rockeries, etc., it was Tan Qianli and Zhangjia old patriarchs fighting. together.

Qin double slightly observed, it is seen that Tan Qianli slightly prevailed. The strength of the Zhang family patriarch is slightly higher than that of Tan Qianli, because the strength of Zhang’s ancestors is the third stage of the silver period, and the strength of Tan Qianli is the third stage of the silver period. However, the Zhang family patriarchs made the martial arts of the metaphysical level, while Tan Qianli was the metaphysical martial arts. Therefore, Tan Qianli only slightly occupied a little advantage, this is definitely a long-term battle.


A burst of sound, Tan Qianli and the Zhangjia old patriarch violently collided, Qin double's eyes are a slight glimpse, she saw the situation completely reversed, only an instant, but the Zhang family patriarchs occupied a weak advantage, and this faint The advantages are still expanding.

Seeing the anxious look of Tan Qianli’s face, the piano doubles in the heart.

Tan family is wrong!

Or to say that Tan’s inconvenience in the rush was not enough, or that the excitement at the time dominated their thinking.

Tan Qianli took some people to the Zhang family, but Tan Jianming took some people to the Tujia. Tan Qianli is the second floor of the silver period, while the Tujia old patriarch is the third layer of the silver period. Moreover, the old patriarch of the Tujia family will not despise Tan Jianming any more. If Tan Qianli cannot kill the Zhangjiao patriarch as soon as possible, he will join Tan Jianming, but let the Tujia ancestor kill Tan Jianming, and then come here to join hands with the Zhangjia old patriarch. He will die forever.

How can this not make him urgent?

However, the more urgent it is, the more chaotic his heart will be, and the more chaotic the heart, the more he will be at a disadvantage. Just less than the time of the three interest rates, the advantages of the Zhang family patriarchs will be further expanded.

Tan's original comprehensive strength is not as good as Zhangjia and Tujia. Now it is divided into two parts, attacking Zhangjia and Tujia respectively. At this time, it is not an opponent of Zhangjia. Tan Xiao and others were completely stopped by the Zhang family. Even if they did not stop them, they could not help Tan Qianli with their strength.


A few of them saw the face of the piano pair and they rushed to the piano. The piano double held the dragon sword in the back of the hand and slammed it out. There are dozens of fuzzy swords in the air, which is extremely fast, like a meteor.

It is the meteor sword method created by Qin Shuang.


The figure of several people was knocked out, the neck was broken, and the figure was just hit and flew, and it has become a dead body.

Qin Shuang's gaze looked at the Zhang family. At this time, although the Zhang family leader had more and more advantages, he was completely attracted by Tan Qianli and did not pay attention to the surrounding. Moreover, he felt that there is no need to pay attention. In his mind, except for the silver period of Tan Qianli, the rest of the people are ants.

At this time, there were several chapters and family members who rushed toward the piano from several directions. Qin double handed the dragon sword to the left hand, and looked at the Zhangjia old patriarch who was in the process of fighting, and then spread the glimpse of the glimpse to the extreme.


The few Zhang family members who were rushing to the piano doubles suddenly felt a flower in front of their eyes, and the figure of the piano pair disappeared. The Zhang family patriarch who is in the process of violently violently beats the heart, and an extreme danger hits his heart. I couldn’t help but lock my eyes on Tan Qianli.

"Does he have any tricks?"

A figure appeared on his left side, and the figure of the double eyes was seen in the corner of his eye. Before he even waited for a trip, he saw a glimmer of light, and then he heard a "beep".

"Fast sword!"

There are four words in his heart, and I want to turn around and have a good look at the piano. But this turn, the head fell off the neck.


A cavity of blood was sprayed from the neck.

"Fast sword!"

Tan Qianli looked at the piano double and remembered the sword just now. If it was unexpected, he could not resist it, even if his own strength was stronger than the other. If you defend yourself fully...

Just don't know if I can't stand it!

Qin double wrinkled his brows and said: "Tan chief, don't you hurry to paint home?"


Tan Qianli was shocked and remembered the danger of Tan Jianming. To the piano double arches:

"Master of the piano, I am in trouble here!"

Then he hurried away and ran to the Tujia.

Just a few people who rushed to the piano double stared at the piano double, unbelievable. Suddenly, I felt that the eyes of the piano double looked over, and it was a shock.

"The old patriarch is dead..."

"It was killed by the woman..."

The whole body stood up in an instant, and at this time, everyone knows that the Zhang family is finished. The old patriarch and the patriarch were killed, which shows that the Tan family already has a silver period master.


This thought instantly hit the heart, and the extreme fear made them lose their ability to think. At this time, there was only one "run" in the heart.

Several people turned around and ran, which caused a chain reaction. The Zhang family members who had the advantage, they gave up their opponents, fled to the gate and fled to the bear city.

Qin double did not catch up, just stood there and watched silently. It was only less than half a quarter of an hour, and there was no one in the entire chapter, fleeing and chasing.

No one dared to take the opportunity to run in and rob the fire. All know that Tan’s family has destroyed the Zhang family, and at this time, Tujia is being destroyed. Later, this Tan family is the first family of Xiongcheng. At this time, who dares not to look down on the Tan family?

Qinshuang was walking around the Zhang family, looking for the treasure house of the Zhang family, and heard the sound of the cloaking behind the back. Looking back, it was Tan Qianli, and he laughed:

"Tujia is gone?"


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