Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 871: Confucianism and gold book

Qin double knows what happened just now. Looking at the Tan Xiao couple with open eyes, they jumped from the moment and bowed to the two people as a ritual:

"Thank you!"

"Thank you for this truth is true, Tan Xiao and his wife quickly waved: "We are not welcome, Qin double, now we are expelled by the sharp business group, what should we do? ”

"We are going by ourselves, but..." Qin double frowned and said: "We don't know the way!"

"The sharp business group left only two hours, we should find the horseshoe print can still kill, we can follow them." Jiang Han Rong said.

Qin Shuang and Tan Xiao’s eyes are all bright: "Good idea."

"let's go!"

The piano doubled over the horse, and the Tan Xiao couple also jumped on the horseback. The three men urged the horse to find the footprint left by the sharp business group and quickly chased it toward the front.

The sky gradually darkened, and Tan Xiao’s face showed a frustrating color:

"Piano double, we can't catch up!"

"Follow me!"

Qinqin still rushes to the horse, the sky is dark, Tan Xiao and his wife can't see the traces left by the sharp business group, but they can't help the piano. Now that she has the power of the mind, she can spread out the power of the heart of one kilometer, and can clearly see the ruts and horseshoe prints left by the sharp business group on the ground.

After running for about half an hour, Tan Xiao suddenly excitedly shouted: "Bonfire!"


The piano doubled the horse and the Tan Xiao couple stopped. The piano doubled down and said: "We are camping here, and we will follow it tomorrow."

"it is good!"

Tan Xiao and his wife also rolled over and started building tents. Soon, two small tents were built. Qin double enters his tent, puts those Danwu-level medicinal herbs into a large bottle, and then puts the remaining medicinal herbs into Zhongdantian. Holding a Danfoss bronze dan, Qin double went to the tent of Tan Xiao couple. Also, Wei Nengqin double-opened, and the Tan Xiao couple who heard the footsteps had already drilled out of the tent.

"Piano double, is there something?"

Qin double put the bottle in Tan Xiaohuai and said: "This is the remedy for you."

When the words fell, the piano double turned and left, saying, "Don't let others see."

Tan Xiao was not surprised to give him the medicinal herbs. As a Dan Dao's Qin double, there is nothing to give him some medicinal herbs. It was only the last sentence of Qin Double, which made him suspicious, opened the bottle cap, and then his hand was shaking, almost throwing the jade bottle on the ground. Then he rushed to the piano.

"Piano double, piano double, you and so on."

Qin double stood in shape and looked at Tan Xiao couple. Tan Xiao stood in front of the Qin double, and the thief looked around and looked down, then lowered the voice:

"Qin double, what is this remedy?"

"What is going on?" Qin asked inexplicably.

"That is this medicinal herb with a layer of fog? Haven't seen it, haven't you heard it?"

"This is called Danwu-class medicinal medicine. The effect of this medicinal medicine is ten times stronger than that of ordinary medicinal herbs. You will know when you eat one."

Tan Xiao looked at the piano double with amazement. The effect is ten times that of ordinary bronze dan.

How did he listen, how do you think this is a myth! Now handed it to Jiang Hanrong, then bowed to the piano:

"Please also protect the two for us!"

Qin nodded, Tan Xiao couple will take Danwudan medicine. This Danwuyan medicine just took it, and I felt a huge and pure energy began to wash their bodies. Moreover, this medicinal herb only played a role as an introduction. Under the cultivation of the Tan Xiao couple, it attracted more talents from the heavens and the earth to wash them over.

After an hour.

Tan Xiao couple opened their eyes and jumped excitedly between the eyebrows.

"Laughing brother, I think that in a few days, I will be able to break through to the fourth floor of the bronze period." Jiang Hanrong said excitedly.

Tan Xiao did not pay attention to the excitement of Jiang Hanrong, but looked at the opposite Qin double, and his face showed a solemn color:

"Qin double, this is too expensive, I can't."

Qin double pushed the bottle back and said: "You can get rid of the sharp business group for me. From that moment on, we are the life and death. Unless Tan brother is because I am not worthy of your life and death."

"No, no!" Tan Xiaowen listened quickly: "I don't mean that, I..."

Qin double shot Tan Xiao's shoulder: "Since that is not the meaning, don't say it again. These medicinal herbs are estimated to be eaten before reaching the middle. On the way, don't let others see Danfoss Dan Medicine, so as not to cause trouble."

"I understand!" Tan smiled and held the big jade bottle with both hands.

"Then I will rest first!" Qin doubled into the tent.

Tan Xiao and his wife looked at each other and their faces were full of excitement. Returning to their tents, Jiang Hanrong’s excited look gradually became frustrating:

"Laughing brother, only three of us, can we go to the middle?"

Tan Xiao’s look has become dignified. He said: “Jun, don’t think too much. Now we have the medicinal herbs given to us by Qinqin. What we have to do is to improve as soon as possible. The higher our cultivation is. The greater the hope of going to the middle."

Qinqin was sitting in his tent at the moment, and he took a look at the golden book in Zhongdantian. He looked at the book in front of him and there was no word on the cover. The piano doubled open. On the cover, I saw the first page, but there was no word in it. Qinqin turned another page, but found that the thick pages of the book were connected in one, as if the whole book had such a thick page.

Qin double grasped the head, and secretly said: "What is this to do? Do you want me to write on it?"

When Qinqin thought about it, he bit his finger and wrote on the page. However, it was found that the pages of the book were repelled by blood, and that one stroke was not on the page.

The piano has a flash in the heart.

"Is it the power of the heart?"

The piano doubled the power of the mind and began to write a word on the first page of the gold book:


The word is firmly branded on the first page, and the piano is overjoyed in the heart, then it continues to write three only, and the former word of Lei constitutes the word "Thunder of Wrath".

When the last word was written, I saw the words of Thunder Wrath seem to have become four vortexes, and began to absorb the arrogance in this world. After about half an hour, four bright golden characters were left on the first page.

Thunder's Wrath!


Qin Double found that this page of Thunder's Wrath was stripped from the thick pages of the book, and it could be flipped through. The first page was opened. The second page is still a word, but the piano double is no longer. Confused again, with the power of the mind, wrote four big characters on the second page:




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