Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 875: snatch

On the golden pond, the central floating book is the gold book of Confucianism, with a golden guqin on the left and a fire on the right.

Qin Doubleton feels warm and warm, and no longer feels a trace of ice. The piano doubled the fire with the power of the soul, and the fire came out with a hint of closeness. The piano doubles in the heart and conveys the idea of ​​the fire. The fire suddenly disappeared in Zhongdantian, and then appeared in front of Qinshuang. The ice around the body of the piano melted rapidly. When it melted out a space about three meters in diameter, Qinqin immediately let the fire drill down. Go, drill a small passage, and the water that melts in the space will flow out. When the water in the space was exhausted, the piano double took the fire back into the Zhongdantian.

Qinqin once again transmitted the power of the mind, and saw that the man with the knife face was only about 20 meters away from the ice flower. At this time, the muscles of the man with the knife face were broken in countless places, but there was no bleeding because of blood. Just flowing out, it was frozen into blood ice, and the blood-colored ice was crystal clear, and all the bones inside could be seen.

The two monsters still have no movements. The piano double thinks about it. It seems that the knife-faced man and the two monsters did not find themselves.

When they came, the two monsters were in a fierce battle. When the knife-faced man came, she was already frozen in the iceberg.

There is no such thing as a **** in the world, and there is no power from the soul. It is just the original refining. Did not find the piano double is also normal. In this way, the piano doubled his heart and began to play the idea of ​​the ice.

Qin double feels that he should be able to get close to the ice flower, whether it is the Confucian gold book or the fire, it should be able to protect himself from the ice.

However, after getting close to the ice, how to take the ice away?

As for the ice that the ice flower emits, what do you take to install it, and what will be frozen and cracked.

Qin double thought about it. From the middle of Dantian, he took out a large jade bottle that had eaten the medicinal herbs. How to transfer the fire and start the refining device.

With the kind of fire, the double refining speed of the piano is very fast. When the time is less than 30, the piano will refine a jade that can put down the ice flower, collect the fire, look at the jade, whisper Road:

"The power of the mind, it depends on you."

The power of the mind sheds from the heart of the piano. This is an invisible and colorless energy, but the piano double can clearly feel that she began to construct the plaid with the power of the mind. When the first pattern was constructed and imprinted on the inner wall of the jade, the piano almost shouted excitedly.

In this way, the piano double began to seal a seal with a seal on the jade, layered on it, has been branded seven seventy-four forty-nine layers, feeling that it should be able to seal the ice.

The jade was collected and taken out under a Danyun bronze dan. After an hour, Qin double has returned to its peak state, and it is still the first peak of the silver period, with the power of white dragon. She also packed her backpack and bow and arrow into Zhongdantian, leaving only a dragon sword on her back. Spread the power of the mind and pay attention to the two monsters of the knife face man.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Qin double feels that this is not the way to wait, even if the knife face man and the two monsters fight, can really be defeated, let yourself find it cheaper?

Must find a way to eat food, use a fire to burn a passage under the ice?


Now it is because he burns a hole in the iceberg far away. The energy of the two monsters is placed on the body of the man who absorbs the cold and monitors the face of the knife, while the man with the knife face puts all his energy on the resistance to the cold. I didn’t find myself, I have the ingredients of luck. If you burn yourself all the way from under the ice, how could it not be discovered?

The piano eyes turned and thought for a long time, but there was only one way. That is, I am going out from the iceberg now, and then I walked over.

Qin double thought about it and decided to fight it. Although she does not know what the ice flower is, it can be such an extraordinary treasure that it can cause such a vision. This kind of treasure is something that can be met and not demanded.

Since the determination is made, Qin double will not hesitate. The muscles on the face changed their appearance by subtle peristalsis. Then the fists were hard and bombarded toward the front.


The iceberg collapsed, and this roaring attracted the attention of the knife-faced man and the two monsters, but then they each did their own thing. They don't believe that Qin double can get close to the ice flower.

The shape of the piano pair flew toward the ice flower, and the man with the knife face looked at the piano double, and the corner of his mouth was a bit sarcasm.

The ice is 900 meters, 800 meters, 700 meters, 600 meters.

The piano double feels that his body has become stiff. Qin doubled out the Confucian gold book and thought it.

"Great day!"

"Oh la la..."

The Confucian gold book turned to the page of the double-burning "Da Ri Pu Zhao" on the piano. There was a big day on the top of the Qin double. The hot sun shone the piano, and the ice cold instantly dissipated. A page of gold books can't last long, probably only five times.

Glimmering light.

The piano double just took less than two minutes, and it was already in front of the ice flower, leaving behind a bunch of blurred afterimages behind her.


The piano doubled out of the sword, circled the root of the ice flower, and then the sword tipped, the ice flower flew into the air.

"you dare!"

In the eyes of the man in the face of the knife, the anger and endless killings were shot. I got up and ran towards the piano. However, he just ran a step, and his body had a large muscle that was frozen and the body became stiff.


The icebergs were smashed, and the snow lions and snow leopards also rushed toward the piano.

At this time, Qin double quickly took out the jade that was covered with seals on the inner wall, opened the jade, and connected the ice flower to the jade, and then covered the lid of the jade. Covered with a lid, the heart of the piano is a joy, and it is sure to be able to print the seal to the inside of the jade, and the mind will be taken into the Zhongdantian.


Two unwilling screams, the snow lion and the snow leopard body were frozen. However, Qin double knows that after the ice is collected, the temperature here will rise quickly. Immediately turn around and run, the glimpse of the floating light to the extreme, flew away under the snowy mountains.

On the way to flying, the piano looked at the mountain in two directions, and the look was a surprise. It was a piece of ice and snow. When she and Tan Xiao and his wife had just arrived under the snowy mountains, there was still no snow and ice under the mountain. Nowadays, the entrance to the place is white, even in a few miles, the valley where Tan Xiao and his wife hide is a white snow. Even further, it is a world of ice and snow.

"The power of this ice flower is too great!"



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