Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 886: Golden Dan

The piano double armor took something from the backpack. In fact, it took out a congenital Dan Yao from Zhongtiantian, and then carried the backpack back behind him. With a force in his hand, he crushed the Danma in his hand, a warthog It fell to the ground and quickly became bigger, but as it grew bigger, the original body that was as solid as the mass became illusory.

"This is... Dan demon?" Baige looked at the pig with surprise.

"Yeah!" Qin double nodded gently.

"Not Dan Dao?" Bai Ge looked more shocked at the piano.

"Yeah!" Qin double nodded again.

The white face changed for a while, and his face became sincere: "Master Qin, I am sorry for my previous actions."

The words fell, and the eyes looked at the Tan Xiao couple. They wanted Tan Xiao and his wife to make a big head, but they knew that Qin double could not agree. Finally bite the tooth:

"Master Qin, we fight side by side."

Qin Qin nodded and nodded. Bai Ge condensed: "Master Qin, can you refine the golden dan?"

"No refining!"

The piano doubles his head, and the face of Baige is disappointing. In my heart, I am confused. How can a person from the side of the bear city make a golden dan? Her alchemy realm must be very low...


It is the Dan Dao who can refine the golden Dan, and may not be able to refine the Dan Demon. Her realm of alchemy must not be low. At this time, I heard Qinqin continue to say:

"I can now refine the silver dan, I have not refining the golden dan, because I don't have the Dan of the golden dan. If there is a Dan, I will be able to refine it. I also wanted to buy it in Tongtiancheng. Didn't buy it."

Speaking of this, the piano looked forward to the white grid. Bai Ge’s heart is a hi, but then it is another sigh:

"I don't have Dan Dan of the Golden Dan. There are only four major sects in Dan, and all the golden dans are from the four main gates. It is the collection of the herbal medicine for refining the golden dan, and also needs to ask for four. Dajingmen refining system. Only the fees of the four major sects are too high, and the five golden medicinal herbs are refining. How can it be easy to collect five golden medicinal herbs?"

"Don't you know Dan?" Qin said strangely: "How do you know what herbs are needed?"

"This is not a secret, but we only know the nine herbs needed to refine the golden dan, but there is no match between the nine herbs. This is only available on Dan."

Qin Qin’s heart was awkward. When he first let Dong Qiwu go to buy Dan Fang, Dong Qiwu would honestly buy Dan Fang, but he ignored the golden Dan without Dan Fang. As long as you know the nine kinds of herbs, you can use your own alchemy realm and only need to try a few times to be able to deduct the Dan of the golden dan.

Without waiting for the double opening of the piano, Bai Ge said the names of the nine kinds of herbs, because he knew that Qin Double could return to Tongtian City and ask if he could. Qin double remembered the names of the nine kinds of herbs. She had a long time of deduction for the golden dan, and when I heard these nine herbs, my heart suddenly became clear.

"Master Qin, if you can refine the golden dan in the future, can you refine it for me? However, I only have two golden medicinal herbs."

Qin Double simply said: "When I join Tianjianmen, in my realm of alchemy, it is not difficult to get Dan Dan of Golden Dan. I will refine it for you at that time. Just need to wait. a period of time."

"I am now a silver five-story, far from the golden period, no hurry." Bai Ge said with politeness: "Master Qin, you can rest assured that in this ruin, I will protect you."

"Thank you!"

The piano double whispered, then looked at the front of the passage and shouted to the warthog in front of him:


The pig ran to the front of the passage, and the four people stood in the same place, looking at the huge body of the pig, and ran along the passage.


The ground of the passage, the left and right walls and the top of the cave suddenly exposed numerous innumerable hollows, and the dense arrows spurred out. In an instant, I shot the pig, but the pig was not an entity, but a soul. Although the body was illusory, it continued to follow the passage.


There was a humming sound in the passage, and the people were shocked. When they saw a dozen black iron spears rushing from the opposite side of the passage, they broke through the space, and the speed broke through the sound barrier. Like a dozen black meteors, it ran through the moment. The scorpion pig spurred toward the piano and four people, exhausted from the piano about six meters and fell, falling on the ground, making a heavy noise. The scorpion pig was also illusory to the extreme, and was stunned by an arrow, giving a painful roar, and the soul disappeared and disappeared without a trace.

Not to mention the Tan Xiao couple, it is the five-layer white grid in the silver period, and his face becomes pale. This kind of fascination by dense artifacts means that he does not dare to guarantee that he will not be injured. Once he is injured, his strength will be affected. If he continues to explore the remains, he will inevitably be injured and wounded, and eventually with the bodies on the ground. During the distress, I saw the piano double and took out an innate Danish demon. These congenital Dan Yaos are simply chicken ribs for Qinshuang, and they are tasteless and a pity. Now it just comes in handy.

The Danden was crushed, and another pig appeared, roaring and rushing to the front. The white grid was overjoyed, and the eyes stared at the warthog, and they saw another dense arrow and a dozen iron spears rushing toward the scorpion pig, and then the squid was in the smashing artifact. Dissipated in the middle.

The eyes of Baige and Tan Xiao and his wife could not help but look at Qin Double, and his eyes were full of expectations. The piano double did not expect, and took out a congenital demon, releasing the pig, and the pig was slamming forward along the passage under the command of the piano.

This time, there was no attack by arrows and iron spears. Qin Double and others were very happy, and they followed the pigs far behind.工具:

"Master Qin, you have to be careful about Wu Hai and Lu Bin Wang."


"Lu Bin Wang just used it for himself, his temper is very violent. A little offended, he will greet him. The Wuhai is poisonous, insidious and cunning. Many people die in the hands of these two people."

Qin nodded and said: "I have not offended them."

Bai Ge is shaking his head: "Sometimes you don't feel offended to them, but they feel that you have offended them. These two people act on their own minds. Although this remains is like a labyrinth, it is difficult to ensure that they will not meet again in the first place. In short, Be careful, even if you are in a precious treasure, there are two people in it, don't easily fight for it."



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