Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1010: Regain water



When Qin Qin doubled this practice, he found that his thirty-six points were in the sword, and when he was in the heart, he knew that it was absorbed from the sword monarch. A heart soon immersed in the sword.

After ten days in a hurry, the swordsmanship in the thirty-six-hole caves has been completely refined by the piano, turned into his own sword, and has a deeper understanding of the sword, but also has a deep understanding of the sword. A layer of comprehension. With a happy mood, Qin double entered the cultivation again.

This time, because there are more Xianjing, Zhang Daoji and others have been practicing for half a year, and everyone has broken through to the beginning of Xianjun.

Not bad!

That is, everyone has returned to the beginning of Xianjun. Because at this time there were only eighty-nine people left around the Qin double, those people died in the hands of the sword monarch, or in the escape of the ancient battlefield, the remaining eighty-nine are Xianjun .

Even if it is restored to the early days of Xianjun, this is not their full-fledged cultivation, but their fairy crystals are all consumed.


This time, Zhang Daoji, they were too lazy to play the monsters, but flew directly from the forest, and restored them to the immortal, they lost a lot of scruples.

These eighty-nine people have returned to the realm of Xianjun, and Zhang Daoji wrapped up the piano pair and flew straight straight forward from the air. Whenever they encounter the ancient battlefield, they fall to the ancient battlefield and look for treasures. Not to mention, in addition to a large number of storage rings, it really let them pick up a lot of treasures, including the convenience of two Xianfu. There are also some great weapons that are intact.

Of course, in this process, I also encountered the ancient sages who did not fall like the sword monarch and are still recovering. These Xianjun who can survive are really what Qinqin has seen and what is called power. Those who can survive from the ancient times are absolutely in the ancient times, the kings of the immortals, and even the half-step kings. I am afraid that in the ancient times, they alone could kill a group of immortals. Therefore, even if they did not fully recover, these eighty-nine people who returned to the early days of Xianjun were not sure to destroy the ancient powers they encountered. Even if they could eventually destroy each other, there would be no casualties here. less.

Therefore, once they encountered such an ancient power, Zhang Daoji did not hesitate to flee. Even so, three people died.

The ancient battlefields they are passing through are ancient battlefields that have not yet been excavated. There are too many ancient battlefields here, and almost the entire planet is spread all over the ancient battlefield. In these ancient battlefields that have not been excavated, there are great sinister ghosts. In this sinister spirit, even if they all return to the early days of Xianjun, they should try to avoid encountering these murderous ghosts. It is also a fugitive to encounter these murderous ghosts. No, let the piano use Confucianism to scare those murderous ghosts and take the opportunity to escape.

Everyone flew like this for a while, licking some treasures, and it took a month to pass. It is worth mentioning in this one. What makes Qinqin excited is that she saw a water mine bead in an ancient battlefield. At that time, Qinqin jumped up with excitement. She did not expect to have water thunder beads in the spiritual world, even in the ancient times there were water thunder beads.

What does this mean?

This shows that the water mine bead level must be very high, she is so happy, naturally attracted the attention of others, everyone will come over, that Daoji face is envious of the color:

“It turned out to be a water mine!”

"Zhang Ge, is this water thunder be very powerful?"

"Well!" Zhang Daoji nodded. "In the spiritual world, there is a fairy called the next day. The fairy used by him is six water-red beads. It is very powerful. It is said that this water-red bead is not made from the day after tomorrow. Innate treasures born by nature. I did not expect that there will be water thunder beads in addition to those six."

"Innate treasures!"

The face of the piano appeared shocked, and then hesitated a little, then he categorically took out a water mine from his own knowledge:

"You brothers and sisters, I once got a water mine in my hometown. I always wanted to use the water bead as a weapon. It’s only been so long, it has not been completely refining. There is a water mine bead here, compared to the ancient There is a powerful fairy in the period is the water thunder, maybe there will be in this ancient battlefield. If your brother and sister find the water mine, the younger sister hopes to exchange things with your brother and sister."

Speaking of this, Qin double suddenly smashed, he is just a self-cultivator, not a fairy, what can he have, worthy of someone else to exchange?

Zhang Daoji seriously said: "Little sister, you have grace for us, so what you get, we will not **** it, yours is yours. But if we find the water thunder, it is our thing. You There must be something in exchange for the exchange. This is the rule."

"I understand!" Qin nodded.

"However, if anyone finds a water mine and is willing to return your love with water, you can naturally exchange it with the people we owe you."

"No no no!" Qin double quickly waved: "You have not owed me human feelings, without you, even if I came here, I am afraid I have been killed by the ghost."

"Not necessarily!" Zhang Daoji shook his head and said: "You have Confucianism, it is to restrain the ghost, so without us, you may not die. Instead, we evade many dangers because of your Confucianism. So this is not what we have paid for you. Human feelings."

Speaking of this, I turned to the crowd: "Everyone, as our immortal, the most concerned is the human debt, otherwise we will break through to the fairy king in the future, and when the sky rises to the upper Yuan, I am afraid it will be invaded by the demons. But Now it gives us a chance to return to the human condition. It depends on who is lucky and can find the water thunderball here."

Everyone nodded, Li Xiandao: "Let's just turn this ancient battlefield over and see who is lucky."

"it is good!"

The people stayed in this ancient battlefield for a month, and turned this ancient battlefield over and over again. During this period, the singularity spells in the double books of the Confucianism of the Qinshuang were almost exhausted, but they also got seven. Water thunder beads, there are fifteen water thunder beads in this piano. The seven people who got the water thunder, after giving the water to the piano double, had a relaxed look on their faces.

Returning the humanity of Qinshuang, their minds seem to have taken off a shackle.

In the past two weeks, on this day, a sudden and exhilarating voice came out from the mouth of the patrol in a state of high octave.

"People, someone!"

At this time, everyone was flying in the air, and they couldn’t help but look at the patrol, and then looked at the gaze of the patrol. They saw five monks flying from the opposite side. One of the five monks was nine days of Xuanxian. Four people, Luo Jinxian, they also saw Zhang Daoji.


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