Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1012: enter

Qin double relies entirely on her own body power, because she knows that her own martial arts is not here at all.


Qin double blasted his fists in a row. With the help of Feng Yujian, he slammed a road and rushed out of the meteorite belt and fell to the ground.

The double figure of the piano is a meteorite that falls rapidly toward the ground and falls at this speed. Even if the piano is the body strength of the nine-day Xuan Xian, it will be killed.

The piano doubles the heart and the movement, the Confucianism and the Golden Book come out.

“Flat step clouds!”

A cloud was born at the foot, carrying the piano pair slowly falling toward the ground. Qin doubles to look around, has long since disappeared Zhang Daoji them, and even one person can not see.


The clouds under the feet of the piano dissipated and landed on the ground.

This is a grassland, the piano double feels a bit, the gravity here is similar to the spiritual world. Looking around, I can't tell the direction. I perceive the bones in the boots and then fly them out in four directions for a distance, and then go in a direction that makes the bones hotter.

After walking for a day, I still didn't see a human trace. At this time, Qin double has walked out of this grassland and entered a forest.

Suddenly, the piano doubled back and did not look back. The right hand held the handle of the dragon sword with the backhand. The footsteps came from her left rear, and then a woman’s voice came:

"This friend!"

Qinqin slowly turned around and saw a man and a woman. The two young men were coming out of the woods, seeing the doubles, their eyes lit, and then a glimpse. The man said:

"The friendly and powerful!"

In the heart of the piano, I know that the other side can see my strength. Of course, what they see is only their own way of doing things. Nowadays, the practice of Qin double has reached the fifth peak of the distraction period, but this point is repaired, it is a garbage in the spiritual world, no wonder the other two people I will look a little.

The piano looks at two people in two directions. The man is a sunny young man. The woman is a sunny young woman. The man’s eyes are shining and the woman’s eyes are as bright as the moonlight.

After the woman opened the mouth, she smiled and shook her head:

"This friend, your hidden repair is a little over."

The young man looked a glimpse and then flashed a fine man's eye. The heart also reacted. If the piano pair is just a distracted monk, how can it pass the meteorite belt above? I am afraid that a small stone will kill the piano. Can not help but also laughed:

"This friend, no one here will believe that you are just a distracted monk."

"I really only distracted!" Qin double saw that there were no hostility to the two people. At the very least, the two men did not have the sign of the shot, and they released the hand holding the hilt.

The man and the woman heard the words, their faces were slightly changed, and they immediately revealed the alienation of the piano. No one wants to be with someone who has been debunked and who is lying in front of him.

Not bad!

In their hearts, they think that Qin double is lying! A distraction period can pass the meteorite belt, are you funny? Still take us two as fools?

Qin double naturally understands each other's heart, slightly indulged:

"I am a refiner!"

"You are a smelter?" The two men were stunned, and then their faces appeared to be relieved. The woman will do it:

"In the next high quiet, this is my brother Gao Fei."

"Qin double has seen two Taoist friends!" Qin double also handed a gift.

Gao Fei looked up and down the piano. "Qindaoyou can pass through the meteorite belt, and it can also land safely. The realm of the conjoined is very high!"

"Reluctantly cope with the environment here!" Qin double smiled.

Gao Jinger went forward: "Qindaoyou, nowadays the refiners are very rare in the spiritual world. I didn't think Qindaoyou is a refiner."

"Call coincidence!" Qin did not want to talk about himself, changed the topic: "Do you know where we are now?"

Gao Jinger shook his head and smiled: "I don't know, we are also coming in for the first time. When we came in, there were more than 50 people in our family. Only my brother and I spent three days to happen. And it was suppressed here. The gods know that even the jade can not be contacted."


The piano double looks awkward, and I can release the gods in the meteorite band just now! And how do you forget to contact them with the communication jade Jane and Zhang Daoji?

When Qin Qin was about to spread his own knowledge, he suddenly realized that his own knowledge could only spread out a square meter. He took out the communication jade and experimented, and he could not communicate.

"Qindao friends, it is better to be with us!" Gao Jinger said.

"Alright!" Qin double nodded immediately.

Gao Fei and Gao Jing's brothers and sisters are also happy to hear the face. In this strange environment, one person can be more powerful. Of course, both of them are also wary of the doubles in their hearts, just like the doubles in the heart are also guarding against them.

"Which direction do we go?" asked Gao Jinger.

"Over there!" Qin double pointed to the direction he was going.

Gao Fei’s gaze flashed: “Why is Qindaoyou sure to go there?”

“Feeling, my feelings have always been very sharp.”

The eyes of Gao Fei and Gao Jinger are bright. In the spiritual world, there is a certain kind of monk who is naturally sensitive and shuns.

"I didn't think that Qindaoyou had such a talent. It is a blessing. I don't think we are worthy of a friend. I am 41 years old this year, my brother is 45 years old, and Qindao Youfangling geometry?"

In the heart of the piano, there is no way to swear. Not to mention how the two men passed through the meteorite belt, it is safe to fall on the ground, which proves that these two people can fly. In the spiritual world, the worst cultivation is also the Tianxian period. It is only in the forties, and it is cultivated into the fairy season. This spiritual realm is really outstanding. The environment of cultivation is not comparable to the mainland. I don’t know when I can practice until the fairy season. When I think of it, my mood is low:

"I am twenty-four years old and I am about twenty-five years old."

Gao Fei's brother and sister looked at Qin Double with her low-key eyes. A person who is about to be twenty-five years old is now the fifth layer of distraction. This talent and qualification can't be bad. In the spiritual world like Qin double. There are a lot of people, at least 60%, and 20% are worse than Qinqin. There are also one-tenths of them who are stronger than Qin, and the remaining one is genius. Therefore, this talent and qualification of Qin double is not bad, it is an ordinary qualification and talent. Seeing that the piano is in a low mood, Gao Jinger hurriedly said:

"I will call you both sisters after that."

"I have seen Gao Xiong, Jing Er sister."


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