Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1014: center


The figure of Gao Fei and Gao Jinger suddenly rushed out and attacked the man toward the past. At this time, the man’s outstretched hand had already condensed a fairy hand in the air. When he saw Gao Fei’s two men attacked, one hand, the fairy Yuan Li’s big hand turned to the Gaofei brother and sister. The past.


A loud bang, the figure of the two brothers and sisters of Gao Fei was fanned out. Two people turned a head in the air and landed on the ground. Gao Jinger blurted out:

"Da Luo Jinxian!"

Qin double is also a glimpse of the heart, although she is breaking through, but she also pays attention to the surrounding situation, and it is not impossible to fight back. After all, she is only trying to break through the law, and there is still a martial art repair, even a refiner. .

However, after hearing Gao Jinger calling out the person's cultivation, Qin double knew that he was not the opponent of the middle-aged man in front of him, that is, he was already a nine-day Xuan Xian-like sculpt, and that was not an opponent. I am just brute force, but people can borrow the power of the heavens and the earth, and they only have passive beatings, and they can’t be beaten a few times.

In this way, Gao Fei's brother and sister should not be Da Luo Jin Xian, but can resist the big Luo Jinxian casually without a death, it should be Luo Tianshang.

After the middle-aged man flew the Gaofei couple, he grabbed the string and set the string of the piano. Then he looked at the piano pair, and there was a bit of weirdness in the eyes. Then he went to Gaofei and Gao. Quietly waving:

"You come over!"

Gao Fei and Gao Jinger looked at each other and knew that they could not escape in the hands of a big Luo Jinxian. They came to the front and gave a ceremony:

"I have seen seniors!"

"She is the two of you brought in?" The middle-aged man looked at Gao Fei and Gao Jinger.



The middle-aged man looked a glimpse. He happened to pass by here. He saw someone breaking through, and the power was clearly a distraction period. This made him wonder, how could a distraction period come into here? I can't help but come over and see.

At this time, Qin double also ended the breakthrough, stood up from the branch, and bowed to the big Luo Jinxian:

"See the seniors!"

The middle-aged man looked at the curious eyes to the piano: "How did you come in?"

Qinqin certainly knows what the other party means, and he replies: "The younger generation is a refiner."


The eyes of the middle-aged man could not be brightened, the smelters of the spiritual world were very rare, and the smelters with high realms were even rare. It is able to pass through the meteorite belt and enter safely here. The realm of refining will never be too low. In this unknown little world, there is a smelter who acts as a shield for himself, which is definitely a good thing to add one layer of safety. Immediately, the face is a slow way:

"What is the realm of your refining?"

"Da Luo Jinxian!" Qin double replied immediately.

This time, that person is more satisfied, nodded and said: "You go with me."

The piano double looked at each other and then nodded. In front of a big Luo Jinxian, there is no such thing as the three of them refused. The three of them also know that this big Luo Jinxian is ready to make them cannon fodder. But if the three of them dare to refuse, they will be immediately killed by this big Luo Jinxian.

The forest was silent again, and four people were sitting on a tree with their knees. Seeing that the middle-aged man also opened a battle, the piano double activated the flag again, shrouded his body.

At this time, Qin double has already determined that even Da Luo Jinxian, can not see himself within the formation, as for the knowledge of God, perhaps his own formation can not stop the other side's knowledge, but here, God It was originally restricted, and the other party could not detect himself with God. The reason why the other party found himself was because of the momentum caused by his breakthrough. Even so, Qinshuang still did not dare to take out the town demon tower, just take the medicinal herbs, hold the fairy crystal, and begin to cultivate and stabilize the realm that he has just broken through.


All four people have removed the formation, and the big Luo Jinxian eyes swept three humanities:


Qin doubled his mouth and finally said nothing, and Gao Fei brother and sister followed the big Luo Jinxian quickly in the forest. Gao Fei’s brother and sister did not say that Qin double had a keen sense of talent and closed his mouth along the way.

The direction of the big Luo Jinxian did not happen to be the direction that Qin double wanted to go, and he did not dare to fly in the air. In this small world just discovered, who knows what dangers are encountered when flying into the air?

In this way, four people rushed during the day and practiced at night, and they passed for ten days.

In these ten days, the most they encountered were all kinds of monsters. At the beginning, four people were able to cope easily. Later, the monsters became more and more powerful, even if they were four, sometimes they could only Fled away.

But in these ten days, they met a few waves of people, these waves of people gathered together, gradually more and more people met, on the eighteenth day, Qin double found that they are running in the direction It became the direction of the bones in the boot of the boot.

And the more you go in that direction, the more people you meet, it seems that these immortals have their own skills and can judge that direction is the center of this small world.

Another month passed.

In the presence of Qin Shuang and others, a giant mountain appeared. The shape of this giant mountain is exactly the same as that of this small world on the ancient battlefield. It is a unicorn. So anyone knows that this should be the center of this small world.


No one talked again, flew up one by one, and rushed in toward the big mouth of the Kirin Mountain. The big Luo Jinxian released a fairy power, wrapped around the waist of the piano and flew into the air. Qin double eyes and looked around, did not find Zhang Daoji them. Those people should have or have already entered the Kirin Mountains, or some have not yet arrived.

As soon as he entered the mouth of the Qilin Mountain, Qin double was nervous to the extreme, for fear that there was a meteorite belt inside. But what made her relieved was that there was no meteorite belt inside, just an endless passage. It was only when they entered this passage, and those who were still flying, fell to the ground of the passage, and the piano double felt. When the body sinks, it falls on the ground.

"The gravity here is so great!" someone exclaimed.

Now Qin Qin's understanding of the spiritual world is not a rookie, and he has earnestly perceived it. It is very difficult to walk in gravity. Of course, people don't want to come in during the immortal period. Even if they pass the meteorite belt, they will not fly, they will fall to death, and the monks who can live here will be able to fly to the minimum. Only Qin double is an exception, because she is a cultivator who has reached the nine-day Xuan Xian period, and also the skills of Confucianism and Taoism.


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