Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1016: No retreat

The piano nodded twice and looked at Gao Fei's brother and sister. Gao Fei's brother and sister saw from the eyes of Qin Shuang, Qin Qin was to let them leave.

After the back of the piano double disappeared, Gao Fei sighed a sigh: "Quiet, let's leave. This is not where we come, even if there are treasures, we can't get it, maybe we will die." We left here and went outside to pick some herbs."


Gao Jinger nodded, and two people tried to withdraw from the martyrdom. They immediately took the medicinal herbs and began to recover the wounds. The two Luo Tianshang also withdrew from the martyrdom and swallowed the medicinal herbs.

The piano doubles with everyone, perceiving the direction of the bones. After walking for more than half a day, the piano doubles feels a sinking in the body, and the heart is shocked. It has reached the point where it is difficult to walk for nine days. Then he sat down on the ground.

At the same time, in addition to the nine-day Xuan Xian, the other three monks also sat down on the ground, but the cultivation of these three people was the late Luo Jinxian late, but there was no body cracking, and stood swaying. stand up. Only the nine-day Xuan Xian looked deep into the passage ahead, only paused for a half-time, and then continued to move forward. And the three big Luo Jinxian also clenched their teeth and did not reconcile to follow.

Qinqin sat silently, stretched out and took out a medicinal dress, then looked at the four figures and disappeared into their own vision, and then stood up and walked toward the front.

She just pretended that she couldn't bear the gravity here. In fact, she was in the realm of her nine-day Xuanxian refining body. Although it was difficult to walk here, it was stronger than the three big Luo Jinxian. She just hoped that the four people would walk into other martyrdoms. She would follow the direction of the skeleton to see what was there.

What only disappointed her was that there was no rumor in front, as if it would always lead to the destination. After about an hour, the piano doubled and walked in the footsteps, his face changed slightly, because she saw that the three big Luo Jinxian were kneeling on the ground at this time, the muscles of the body were cracked and the blood was flowing. At first glance, it is impossible to withstand the gravity here, and then it is difficult to move forward.

Being able to persist for so long, these three big Luo Jinxian have surprised the Qin double. The Qinshuang suddenly appeared, which surprised the three big Luo Jinxian. The three big Luo Jinxian heard the heavy footsteps of the piano, could not help but look back to the piano and see the piano double, could not help but grow up, looking at the piano double. The big Luo Jinxian, who has been playing the piano as a cannon, has become cold and hard to say:

"You are lying to me!"

There is a killing in the eyes of Qin double. This is the best time to kill these four big Luo Jinxian. The four big Luo Jinxian also felt the killing of the piano pair, and they turned to the doubles one by one, struggling to move the handcuffs, and sacrificed their own fairy instruments, pointing to the piano pair. However, they did not attack the piano pair. They were hesitant in the three hearts. The sudden appearance of the piano doubles made them not aware of the depth of the piano. Once they attacked and could not kill the piano, they would lead to the killing.

Qin Qin is also hesitant, she is really not sure to kill this Luo Luo Jinxian, with her method of law and martial arts, want to kill three big Luo Jinxian, it is impossible. Only by approaching them can they be killed by the power of their own practitioners. But can you really get close to them?

Can you really be close to them and won’t be killed by them?


The piano double pulled out the dragon sword behind it and slowly proceeded step by step. The three great Luo Jinxian look discolored, looking at the piano pair coldly, and the fairy wares that were sacrificed were eager to try.

When the piano is still 30 meters away from them, the piano double suddenly went sideways, bypassing the three big Luo Jinxian, and then continued to move forward. The three big Luo Jinxian could not help but spit out a sigh of relief, and the movement of Qin Double showed that they did not want to fight with the three of them. However, the retreat of Qin double, but let the three big Luo Jinxian heart gave birth to a murder.

A distracting scorpion ant just dared to kill the three of them, which is what their pride can't tolerate.

Qin double keenly perceives the killing of the three big Luo Jinxian, and can't help but look at the three big Luo Jinxian, the killing in the eyes is unmasked.

The three big Luo Jinxian look can not help but lag, the heart is considering the consequences of the battle. Suddenly, the big Luo Jinxian, who had always used the piano as a cannon fodder, struggled to stand up and slammed back toward the back. While retreating, he looked at the Qinshuangdao with a killing look:

"Taro, I will block you in the passage, you are dead. If you are courageous, you will kill me now."

The piano is cold and the eyes are full of killing. Just seeing that the other party is still able to stand up, she knows that even if she wants to kill each other, I am afraid I can't do it, and maybe I will be killed by the law. At the same time, the two big Luo Jinxian also stood up and stepped back, looking at the eyes of Qin double is also full of killing.

Qin double looked at the three big Luo Jinxian coldly, until the three big Luo Jinxian had already withdrawn very far, she turned and walked forward with determination. It’s just that her heart is full of bitterness. If I want to leave here and return to the ancient battlefield, I am afraid it will be difficult.


The piano doubles **** sitting on the ground, the skin of the body begins to crack, and the blood flows out. The gravity here has reached the point that even Xianjun can't fly. It is not something that the piano can bear.

"It's you!"

A surprised voice sounded, the piano double looked up, and saw that nine days Xuan Xianzheng was in front of her less than 50 meters away, staring at her in shock.

Qin double saw the wretched look of the nine-day Xuan Xian, knowing that the other party threatened her even if it was threatening. But I am afraid that I am not a big threat to the other party. Then he regained his gaze and felt the gravity here. He couldn’t help but move. This is a good place for refining. It’s just that she dismissed the idea in an instant. Now there is only one nine-day Xuanxian, but it doesn’t mean that there will be no monarch-level monks coming here. The reason why no one is coming now is because they have the guidelines of the bones and go straight to here, and those sinisters have taken the road, but as time goes by, there will be immortal arrivals, and maybe even Half step fairy king arrived. At that time, I was really a little ants, and my life was in the hands of others.

"You must leave here as soon as possible!"

The piano was secretly in the heart, but then there was a smile on his face. Now that she is able to leave the only passage, it is to quit, but she is sure that the three big Luo Jinxian will be in the middle of the channel. I have no way out.

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