Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1018: Kirin Nedan

It’s just that there is a suppression of the gods. The speed of the double-moving town’s demon tower is very slow. It always moves less than a hundred meters, and it is necessary to cultivate and recover in the town demon tower. So in the town demon tower has been in the past two months, Qin double's method of Taoism has broken through to the eighth layer of distraction, but still did not go to the end of this channel.

However, Qin double also felt that his cultivation speed was a little slower, Qinqin did not care, because she knew that it would be better to practice the exercises, to cultivate the environment, and to cultivate the resources. Level, the slower the pace of cultivation. This is still in the realm of distraction, although the speed of the increase is slow, but not much. If you wait until you break through to the Mahayana period, I am afraid that the speed of cultivation will be much slower.

I calculated it silently. I entered the town demon tower and started to control the town demon tower. In the outside world, it took less than three quarters of time. There should be no other people coming over and want to go. At this depth, it is necessary to reach the level of Xianjun. There are so many rumors outside, Xianjun is originally less, and a Xianjun wants to choose the correct martyrdom when passing through each martyrdom. Finally, when he comes here, the probability is very low. Qin double thinks that if you are not absolutely unlucky, at least in a day, there should be no Xianjun coming here.

However, the piano double is also controlling the town demon tower as fast as possible to the inside, can hurry to the end, or to hurry.

When Qinqin once again made the law as a breakthrough to the eighth floor of the distraction period, her heart suddenly jumped because she felt the gravity increased.

"It won't be here that Xianjun is also very difficult to fly. Is it necessary to have a fairy king to enter?"


The spirit world should not have a fairy king, and the king of the kings will fly up to the mainland. In this way, it should be a half-step fairy king. Is this a half-step Xianwang District?

Only half a step of the king can enter here? ”

The piano pair was excited at once.

If this is really a half-step fairy kingdom, first there should be treasures here, and the level of treasures is not low. Secondly, even if it is the spiritual world, the half-step fairy king should be very few?

So, when the Kirin Hill was born, the half-step fairy king of the spiritual world is also on this ancient star, should it be less? If you enter the Qilin Mountain, you will have fewer and fewer less. In the half-step fairy king who happens to be able to enter this channel, is it almost impossible to reduce it?

So, as long as I have come here, basically no one can come in again.


The piano doubled a long sigh of relief, but although the mood was relaxed, but did not relax himself, still do their best to control the town demon tower to the end of the passage.

After entering this area, the gods are suppressed and left more, and the double movement of the piano is slower.

In this way, from the Qin double into the town demon tower, the past has been nearly an hour, and the piano doubles have been broken into the ninth layer of the distraction period, when the piano double control the town demon tower After a certain distance, she was unable to land on the ground, and was preparing to continue her cultivation, her eyes suddenly lit up. She saw a khaki-colored bead...



Calling the bead is wrong, it should be called a ball, the diameter of the ball is one meter, the earth is yellow, giving a heavy feeling.

"This is... Kirin's Nedan?"

Qinqin is rushing to practice, recovering and repairing, and then close to see, but suddenly heard a voice.

"Junior, come over and help me out."

At this time, the tower door of the town demon tower is facing the khaki-colored ball, and there is no one in the field of the piano double. When the sound just appeared, the piano doubled a big jump, but when she heard that she was helping to release people, the hanging heart was put down.

In any case, the meaning in the words is that the person can't come out, so there is no threat to her. Qin double is trying to transfer the town demon tower to see who is talking to her again, but her knowledge at this time has been consumed very thoroughly, simply can not mobilize the town demon tower, simply do not care about that person, knee Sitting in the town demon tower, taking the weak water Dan, holding two crystals in his hand, began to cultivate.

However, the person did not know the situation in the town demon tower, and then continued to say there, found that the piano double did not take care of him, then angered, began to threaten the piano double, and then there was roar, and finally gasped for a rush, with temptation The voice of the road:

"Senior, let me go out, I will tell you a big secret of cultivation. In the whole spiritual world, few people know this secret."

Seeing that the piano double still did not respond, the man continued:

"You should know that people in the spiritual world think that the single spiritual root is the best spiritual root? And the purer the single spiritual root, the more it is considered to be the best spiritual root."

Seeing that the piano pair has not responded, the person seems to have risen a bit, breathing a few times, calming his mood and continuing to use the voice of temptation to say:

"But they are all wrong."

Having said that, he stopped and waited for the piano to ask.

In fact, Qin double also heard what he said, but he felt that the idea of ​​the spiritual world was wrong, because she was not a single attribute at the time, and she knew that she was only a single attribute fire root at the beginning. Later, I got the Xuanwu, and I contracted with Xuanwu, and I had the inexplicable possession of the water spirit. Later I got the inner tiger of the white tiger. After practicing the white tiger collection, I had more Jin Lingen.

In this way, the piano will understand that the spiritual root of the human body is not fixed, it can be derived, but it requires very harsh conditions, but it happens to meet the harsh conditions just by chance. And she also knows that multi-attribute roots are not bad, but the speed of cultivation will be very slow, and once they are unable to fuse multiple attributes, they will fall.

Therefore, the spiritual roots of the spiritual world are the best, and it is not unreasonable.

However, she also knows that once a multi-attribute can be successfully integrated, the power that erupts does not know how many times higher than a single attribute.

Knowing this, Qin double naturally does not care about that person's statement, so he did not speak and continued to resume cultivation.

That person almost doubts that there are no people in the town demon tower. If anyone, if you hear such shock, then you may not respond? However, he still can't open his mouth:

“In fact, the more the roots, the better, and it’s best to be a five-root.”

Qin Bian brows slightly wrinkled, she knows that the more the roots of the fusion, the stronger the strength, but why does this person say that it is best to be Wu Linggen?

Wu Linggen is the five kinds of roots of Jinmushui! Qin double suddenly moved in the heart.


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