Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1031: The battle of law and force

The hall is silent and silent. Everyone is attracted by the story of Qin Double. It is the extension of the Moon and the Empire. The Yan Yun and others are also immersed in it. Just hearing it, there is a kind of uneasiness in their hearts. I feel that the next step must be the reason why the warrior and the monk hate.


The sound of the double "but" makes everyone jump from the heart.

"But after sealing the door of the demon, I don't know what the reason is. Maybe the aura of the warrior's mainland was originally affected by the demon world. Perhaps it is the war of the warrior and the demon. After the seal of the demon's door was sealed, the aura on the mainland of the warrior began to slowly decrease. From generation to generation, the aura on the mainland of the warrior was not enough for the people to cultivate to the peak, and the realm was getting lower and lower. In this case, the Terran had to study the direction of cultivation again."

Qin Shuang’s eyes swept through the humanities in the hall: “There are two directions, one is to specialize in Dantian, the one who does not know the sea, and the other is a monk who specializes in the sea and does not repair Dantian.”

The people in the hall are stunned, and they believe in the words of Qin Shuang, because the aura of the mainland is not true, and it is precisely because of the lack of aura that the martial arts have a simplified way of cultivation, and the monks have also developed a different way of cultivation than the ancient times. Especially the monks, even the gods have become the sea of ​​lotus. And before they opened the demon door, the piano also perceived that the aura was decreasing year by year. It is also in order to compete for the aura of the strong warrior continent, the island of Mishima secretly opened the door of the demon.

"The original warriors and monks were homologous, and they were two genres that were separated because of lack of aura."

The eyes of all people became embarrassed. For a time, the hall was very quiet.

"Later?" Yang Ying asked in a natural way. The eyes of everyone looked at the piano again.

Qin double sighed and continued: "At the beginning, in the early days of finding a new direction of cultivation, the Terran was very excited. They constantly improved the practice in both directions. The warriors and monks also learned from each other. communicate with.


With the efforts of generations of people, the cultivation system in both directions has gradually improved. They have gradually forgotten that both cultivation directions are from the same origin, and even forget that the homology is from the blood.


I don’t know that hundreds of thousands of years have passed. Who will remember the ancestors who fought for the survival and dignity of the Terran? Who will remember the ancestors' enthusiasm for the continuation of the human race? Who will remember their own pride in the same way?

On the contrary, I think that there are already a few **** warriors who are squatting.

At the same time, they only know that the other's cultivation practices are different from their own, and then they compete with themselves for cultivation resources, compete for the children of cultivation, and compete for the Taoist system. In this square, the practice of self-cultivation is the authentic way, and the other side is practicing heresy.

In this way, the war is inevitable! ”

The piano doubles silent, and no one speaks any more. They believe in the words of Qin double, because there is no need to deceive them. This pair of pianos does not have any benefit.

In this way, they understand why both the warriors and the monks regard the **** warriors as the squatting demon, and the face is shy.

In this way, they also know the reason for the dispute between the warriors and the monks. There is no one who is right or wrong, and there is a right or wrong. It should be that both sides are wrong.

“Actually, whether it is a warrior or a monk, the way of cultivation has great shortcomings.”

Qin double whispered again, the people in the hall could not help but look up, and there was a suspicion in the eyes. The people here are all standing on the peaks of the warriors. They don't believe in the shortcomings they have not found.

Whether it is a warrior or a monk, generations of generations have never interrupted the practice of propagating and seeking to lift the clouds. The warrior is okay, and there have been predecessors who have risen in the sky, but the monks have never.

Qin double said that she knows the shortcomings, a person in her twenties, how is this possible?

However, the strength and status of the Moon Emperor now make their eyes look forward to it.

"Don't be surprised by everyone, because I am a French-Chinese double repair, so I can understand the shortcomings of the two exercises more clearly."

Everyone’s heart jumped, and they couldn’t help but look at it.

"First talk about the monk!" Qin double slightly stunned, organized a language road: "The monk only repairs the gods, does not repair Dantian, so the body strength of the monk is very weak. It is far from the warrior, I said no Wrong?"

Qin double looked at the nine Mahayana periods, and called Changyun and others nodded.

"The human body is like a bucket, and the power of knowing the sea is like the water in a bucket. How big is the bucket, how much water can be loaded. And the power of knowing the sea is divided into gaseous, liquid and solid.

To change the gaseous state into a liquid state, it needs to be continuously compressed. Similarly, if you want to turn a liquid into a solid, you need to keep compressing it.

However, as your bucket is not strong enough, you can't bear the compression of the monk. Therefore, the realm of the monk is difficult to cultivate to the peak state from the foundation. For example, when the refining period compresses the fog into the waterline, it will be difficult for many monks to live. It is not that their comprehension is not enough, nor that their spiritual roots are not good, but that their physical strength is not enough. As for the waterline condensed into a solid state, how many people are there in the entire realm? ”

The nine Mahayana periods looked at each other and the eyes were shocked.

"The monk is not going to break the void, and the sky is rising."

Qin double suddenly slammed open, so that the nine Mahayana period was shocked, and could not help but blur out and debut:


“Why?” Qin said with a faint smile: “Can you have a flying man?”

The nine Mahayana looks can't help but stagnate. Hu Yanyun then retorted: "We have a lot of records about the monks flying in the realm of cultivation. How can we not? The emperor is somewhat ignorant."

Qin double sighed a sigh: "The physical strength of your monks is too bad, even if the gods have reached the realm of flying, they communicate the world and lead the heavens. But your physical strength has not reached the same level of knowledge. Can not withstand the squeeze of the space channel."

Qin double is not a swearing. She used to guess only, but since she arrived at the spiritual world and talked with so many sages like Zhang Daoji, I realized that the lift is also a test. If the gods are not enough, they will not be able to resonate with the heavens and open up the space for the space. But even if the realm of the gods is enough, the space for the space is opened, but the space channel has a test for the monks, and the monks will be squeezed. If the body strength does not reach the realm of ascent, then only one result is that Squeezing the body.


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