Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1060: Confucianism and gold book

"Ha ha ha..." The sky resounded and laughed: "Is it by you? I want to protect Godsend?"

In the soul space, Godsend leaped and rushed into the **** face in midair. At the beginning, I competed with the sky for the body and shouted:

"Day, you dare to hurt the two, I want to kill you."

"Just do you want to protect the piano double?" In the soul space, a voice of disdain is heard.

Qin double has already rushed to the heart of Tian Rui, and a fist hit the heart of Tian Rui. The strength of the sixth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian completely broke out.

"I don't just want you to get out of the godsend and cleanse you."


The heart of Tianrui was bombarded with a big hole by the piano, and her body was worn out from the big hole because of inertia. After rushing out of the kilometer, I paused in shape and looked back. I saw that the huge body of Tianrui had turned and looked at the piano. The sound was like a thunder:

"Just rely on your nine-day mysterious power?"

The double eyes of the piano double, the other party can actually say their own strength level, and the big hole of the heart is just the same as the instant.

"You can't kill me, no one can kill me. Hahaha..."

Tianrui suddenly raised his right hand and grabbed the piano to the past. The sky-covered blood-colored hand showed a dense sucker. Each sucker was like a black hole, giving off a horrible suction. The body was involuntarily sucked in.

"Not good!" Qin said in a double heart, if this is caught in the hands of the sky. Those suckers may not be used for a long time, they will be able to **** themselves into a corpse.


The piano double snorted.

The Confucian and Taoist gold books come out.

"Long and long..."

The Confucian and Taoist gold books were instantly enlarged, and the two hands of the piano were printed on the golden books of Confucianism and Taoism. The arrogant gas was injected into the gold books of Confucianism and Taoism. The golden light of the Confucianism and the Golden Book was slammed into the gold color of the Confucius.


The sky reversed a scream, and the blood of the big hand rose, as if the water had met the fire and the blood of the bleeding.

"The flesh is out!"

In the Dantian of the Qinshuang.

The flesh-in-law opened his eyes and stepped out. He appeared behind the piano pair, his body was violent, turned into a hundred feet, and he merged with the body of the piano pair. He extended a large hand and grabbed a huge gold book of Confucianism and Taoism. The sky has turned to the sky in the sky.


The gold and gold books of Confucianism were printed on the body of Tianrui, and the sky reversed a scream. There is a big hole in the body. This is not the strength of Qin double hurts him. Even if the piano pair is now the body and strength of the nine-day Xuan Xian, it will not hurt the strange body of Tian Rui, but the power of the Confucianism Book But let Tianrui suffer real harm.

The Gorefiend doesn't know how many years of life, nor is there anything that can hurt him. In his experience, only the gas of life can hurt him, but he did not expect to encounter a madness that can hurt him.

Although today's Confucianism and Gold Book is not strong enough, the pure power can restrain him from congenital and make him feel threatened.

Tianrui opened his mouth and a blood spurted out of his air and turned into a huge guqin. The look of the piano is a glimpse.

"The blood piano!"


Tianrui volatility with one hand and the **** piano, the spirit of the piano double smashed, and the soul and the gods were hit hard.

"Hello, is it you? I am a piano!"

"Ha ha ha... The blood piano is mine, it can only listen to me, hahaha..."

The sky is mad and the fingers move faster.


The piano spurted the nose and nose, and the magical sounds rushed toward her.


In the heart of the piano, the golden guqin in the middle of the field is surrounded by the body. It is placed on the double-sided front of the piano. The fingers of the piano are moved, and the golden glory is drawn into the strings by fingers.



Long Xiaofeng Ming!

Long Fengming!

Two kinds of piano sounds stirred in space, and golden light and blood color collided between two people. The thunder of the sky was swaying, and two Thunder giants swooped down towards them.


A Thunder giant was smashed by the sky, and another Thunder giant was smashed by the water.

The surrounding tribes retreated in a farther direction, and the face was shocked. Such a fine, the two men are completely unfair, and they are fighting each other in this terrible punishment.


After the two people smashed the punishment, they even plucked the strings with one hand and rushed toward the other side, violently fighting with the other hand.


Suddenly, Tian’s fingers were stiff and the piano sounded. It is the fist that attacks the piano doubles. Qin’s fists were continuously bombarded in Tian’s body, and the sky was blasted out of several large holes.

"Two children!"

The **** face of the day turned away from the blood, showing a pale, heavenly face in bronze.


The songs of the Confucianism and the Golden Book, which are picked up by the piano, have a surprise color on their faces.


Suddenly, a hoarse snoring sounded in the mouth of the gods, and the bronzed skin became blood red, and the eyes were red blood, turning into a rebellious face. However, then the blood color receded and turned into a god-given face.

There is an anxious color on the face of Qin double. She knows that this is a godsend to wake up from a deep sleep and fight against the heavens for control of the body.

"Double children, kill, kill!" Godsend shouted: "Have you forgotten the promise to me? If I become a Gorefiend, I will kill me!"

"Kill me? I am one with Godsend, you kill me, it is to kill Godsend." The face has become the rumor of the face of the sky.

"Kill me!" became a godsend's face.

"No! There must be a way, there must be a way!" Qin double holds the golden book of Confucianism, and his face appears to be embarrassing.

His eyes fell on the Confucian and Taoist books: "Yes, the arrogance. The arrogance can purify the Gorefiend, and it will not hurt God."

The piano double lifted the Haoran gold book high, and the Haoran liquid in Zhongdantian was rising, and it was rapidly reduced, turned into a sigh of gas, and injected into the golden book of Confucianism through the hands of Qinshuang.


The golden book of Confucianism and Taoism was shaken, the golden light was released, and the light of Haoran turned to the sky.


The face turned into a heavenly rebellion, and a scream was heard in the mouth, suddenly grabbing the bloodqin in front of him and slamming into the chest.


Qin’s body was knocked out and flew out. On that day, the blood was pulled back, and the big hand grabbed the seven strings and pulled them.



Qin double sputum spurting blood, the **** piano hit, and did not hurt the piano double, but this sound of the sound, but the piano double soul vibrate, the gods almost collapsed.

Qin double raised his hand to take out the empty lotus seed liquid and took three drops. There was a scream of anger from the opposite side, and the face constantly changed between Tianti and Tianci.


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