Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1062: The sound of mermaid

In the eyes of the public, the bodies of the two gods and the Qins are slowly approaching the eye of the sky. The awe-inspiring spirit of the right arm of the piano doubles into the god-given body like a big river. The layer of golden light, let Tianci temporarily suppress the Tiansui.


The distance between the two people is widening. The two men hold the arms of both hands and have been stretched straight. The rejection of the heavens is getting bigger and bigger.

The hands clasped by the two men finally separated slowly, becoming fingers and fingers, and finally the fingertips separated.

Once the **** were separated, they lost the godsend to the doubles of the piano. The repulsive force of the day was like the dying of the ocean. The accumulated force bombarded the body of the piano. The body of the piano doubled like a meteor falling to the ground. .

"Double children..."

Godsend stretched out his hand and tried to grasp the doubles, but the body flew toward the sky.

"God, take care!"

The piano doubles up to the sky, in the sharp fall, shouting to the gods.

"Two children!"

Looking at the body of the piano double, the gods are stunned. Qin double also wants to stop or slow down the speed of the fall, but under the rejection of the heavens, it can not slow down.


The body of the piano double fell on the ground, directly blasting the earth out of a tiankeng, dusty.

"Double children..."

The godsend figure has turned into a black spot, rising toward the sky. Only the anxious voice echoed in the air.

"That is the fairy world?"

Qin Jiao looked up at the sky in the sky, his eyes flickered, and then became firm.


Her body was surrounded by dense colorful plaids, shrouded her in the inside, the right foot was a emptiness, and the feet were happily swaying. The figure flickered in the air and rushed toward the sky.


The three tribes could not help but scream. They just saw the strong doubles like the piano. They were all rejected by the heavens and bombarded. Now life and death are unknown.

How dare Qin Qin?


The world is shaking, and the body shape of Qin Jiao appears in the eyes of everyone. At this time, the body shape of Tianshen has entered the eyes of the sky. The eyes are slowly closing, and Qin Jiao is close to the eyes of the day. Only everyone can see that Qin Jiao can not be forced into this time. One point, but the figure began to fall.

That is the rejection of heaven.


A brilliance emerged from the body of Qin Jiao, floating on the head of Qin Jiao, and then instantly zoomed in.

It is a mountain, and there is a step above the mountain that does not know how many levels. At the top of that step, there is a tall tower.

"Pan Lingfeng!" Frost Empire Prince, the ice child Han Ling blurted out.

"Denglingtai!" Daqin empire Prince, Zilong Qin Lie began to call.

"Lingzhi Tower!" Wu Zongdian, the main priest of the temple, the son of the Golden Dragon line is burning.

The Panling Peak, Denglingtai and Lingzhi Tower, which are combined together, shined brightly, and the piano was shrouded inside, and rushed into the sky.


The eyes are closed, Qin Jiao also rushed into the sky at the last moment, but no one knows that Qin Jiao is alive or dead!

"Two children!"

In the silence, Lan Mingyue called out, and the body shape rushed toward the Tiankeng where the piano doubled out.


The martial arts of the Terran rushed toward the Tiankeng, and the phoenix dance and the three-headed demon looked at each other and then screamed:


Both people know that this is the best chance to reinvent the Terran. Even if the piano is not dead, it should be seriously injured. Is Heaven so good?

Take this opportunity, even if the piano is not dead, you must kill the piano.

Wu Zongdian is already dead, and the realm has been broken. If the piano is killed, the Terran has no soul.


All the demons have been killed to the Terran, and the demon and the demon are coming straight to the tiankeng.

"Protect your children!"

"Protect the moon emperor!"

The Terran and the demon collided in an instant, but the Terran was like a riddled dam, and was suddenly submerged and collapsed by the raging waters.


The figure of Lan Mingyue fell into the tiankeng. When he saw the piano doubles, he climbed up from the ground, but another **** sat on the ground. The seven bleeds, the skin cracked, and looked at the blue moon, revealing a sneer.

"Ming Moon!"


Qin Lie, Duan Hong, and Zhao Zirou also rushed into Tiankeng, Qin Lie said in a hurry:

"Mingyue, you carry your children, let's stop the demon!"

"Good!" Lan Mingyue took up the piano pair and rushed toward the tiankeng. He also said: "Brothers, I swear by Blue Moon, revenge for you."

Everyone knows that this time to stay facing the demon, it is a life of nine deaths. However, no one has hesitated, and that section of the macro is flying into the sky.

"Mingyue, etc., to eliminate the demon, you must blow my old paragraph and blow me into a legend!"

"Right right, we are legends! Hahaha..."

The crowd burst into laughter and flew over the tiankeng.

"Moon moon, put me down! When you are not running!"

When Lan Mingyue flew out of the tiankeng and just wanted to look far away, he heard the piano double said weakly in his ear.

"Double children..."

"Let me down, when did I do something that I didn't know?"

"it is good!"

Lan Mingyue is also a courageous person, put the piano down, holding the sword in his hand, standing beside the piano double.

The piano double barely stood, stroking the mermaid on the wrist, whispered:


The mermaid of the bracelet on the wrist of the piano fell off her wrist, and a boxing around the piano doubled, floating on the side of the piano double, and turned into a tall and tall double. Looking at the strange mermaid, the blue moon is not in sight.

"Two children!"

Qin Lie, Duan Hong and Zhao Zirou and others fell on the side of the Qin double, and looked at the black and white mermaid in amazement.

Then I saw the mermaid slowly opening, and humming from her mouth, but the sound of singing, but only the demon can hear, but the human race can not hear the half-filament sound.

Qin Lie and others are wondering why the mermaid is a mouthful, but there is no sound coming out, but suddenly seeing the surrounding demons fall to the ground one by one, it is about to rush to the phoenix dance and the three-headed demon in front of them. Shaking, falling from the air.


Jin Longxing, who has been strangled, does not know what happened, but he knows that something must happen to the people. At this time, even the demon who had not been attacked by the sound of mermaid, most of them were stunned and completely became the target of the human race. All the human race monks had great spirits, and harvested the harvest of the demon.



The phoenix dance and the three-headed demon shouted and rushed toward the piano double. They sharply perceive that the dark-haired mermaid is made out of the piano. As long as the piano is killed, the mermaid is not a threat.


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