Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1064: Virtual is not compensated

Qin double regained his gaze, and his heart could not help but sigh.

The blood piano left itself, and in the hands of the sky, it became a tool to deal with oneself.

Xuanwu left himself, and now Huaxiang is also leaving himself. I don't know if both of them will become their own enemies in the future.

Looking at the surroundings, the Terran warriors saw the piano and looked over, and they all walked toward the piano. Surrounded by the double piano, one by one silent.

Now there are only a few people left in the Terran, and there are only four remaining Wu Sheng. These include Jin Longxing and Lan Mingyue. That is to say, the old Wusheng of Wu Zongdian is now only left. Two.

At this time, the two old Wusheng, and Jinlongxing, Lan Mingyue two warlords who just broke through Wusheng, plus Qin Lie, Duan Hong, Zhao Zirou, Huozhongyu, the fifth daring and other Wushen Station Around the piano double. Qin binocular light sweeping:

"There are six of you left."

Qin Lie’s face showed a sad color: “Gu Qian, Sun Qiaomu, Hua Jinxiu are dead. Double children, what do we do now?”

Qin double looked back at the holy mountain, where is the holy mountain?

The beautiful palace group is gone, it is the towering mountain, and there are only three left, just like a highland.

Qin double sighed a sigh: "Everyone is going to fix the day, and tomorrow, I will go to the Crescent Moon Empire. Right..."

The piano doubles and looks around: "What about Uncle Qin and Uncle Han?"

Qin Lie and Han Ling’s eyes shed tears: “There is a fall.”

"Sorrow!" The piano is soft.

Qin Lie and Han Ling silently nodded, Qin binoculars swept through the crowd: "You are still healing immediately, the demon should not dare to attack us immediately, they have lost a lot this time. It takes a while to attack our people again. ""

Everyone nodded and dispersed. Of course, they would not go far, take healing brains, start healing, or adjust their interest rates. Qin double also closed his eyes and began to heal.

Her injury is much heavier than other people. The first time Qin Qin discovered that a Vientiane could not cure his injury. Then I ate another one, then carefully thought about it and finally lost.

After all, this Vientiane is only the spiritual root of the mainland of the warrior, or it is not the spirit of the mainland on the mainland. It may be of a high level and is a fairy fruit. Just as the palace fell to the mainland of the war, I don’t know how many years have passed, or millions of years, lost the nourishment of the sage, only the nourishment of the aura, it is inevitable that the grade will fall. This can only cure the body under the Wusheng or Mahayana period, the body above the immortal period, the Vientiane can not be cured. Even if you eat more, you can only slightly relieve the injury, and once you do not take the Vientiane, your body will deteriorate and eventually collapse.

Because my body is not a Wusheng level, but a nine-day Xuanxian, wanting to cure my body, in this world, it is impossible.

Qinshuang’s look became dignified, and he couldn’t help but think of his soul and the gods. He hurriedly observed it and found that the effect of the Nether Lotus Seed Liquid was really strong, and that the Nether Lotus was not a product of this world, but in the void. When drifting, it happened to fall on the mainland of the warrior. It is not a problem to cure the gods and souls of the piano pair.

The piano is carefully considered. It seems that the gods and souls will be able to heal in three months, but the body is a big trouble. I continue to eat the Vientiane, and I can only keep my body from collapsing...


Qin Shuang’s heart moves, with Vientiane fruit bottoming, as long as he constantly takes the Vientiane fruit, the body will not collapse, and in his own town demon tower, it is the spirit of the spirit world is not as good as the town demon tower, I If you enter the town demon tower, while taking the Vientiane fruit so that your body will not collapse, while absorbing the sacred spirits in the town demon tower, can you cure your body?

"Can't wait any longer!"

Qin double immediately took out the flag and laid a line around his body, which separated the exploration of the gods and souls and also isolated his vision. Moreover, a defensive array was set up, and then the mind went to the town and entered the town demon tower.

Entering the town demon tower, Qin double did not immediately heal, but slowly walked to the front of the Vientiane fruit tree. At the beginning, she planted a batch of Vientiane in the town demon tower, and now it has been more than 5,000 years. Qin double thought, the Xianyuan force in the town demon tower is so rich, will it make the Vikings upgrade the grade?

Standing in front of the Vientiane fruit tree, Qin double was disappointed. The grade of the Vientiane fruit tree has been upgraded, but it has not yet been upgraded to the level of the fairy tree. Today it can only be regarded as a half-fruit tree, and there is no result.

Qin double knows that the fruit of Vientiane is the result of three thousand years. The fruits of the first knot were collected by Feng Ming and placed in the treasure house. Now, the next time for the Vientiane fruit tree has not yet arrived, and even the piano has some doubts. Once the Vientiane is promoted to the fairy fruit tree, will the time of the result be further extended?

Qinqin sat down under a Vientiane fruit, took out the fairy crystals brought back from the spiritual world, laid a cluster of elements around him, and then ate a Vientiane fruit, which began to work and repair. Your own body.

After a quarter of an hour, there was a hint of joy on the face of Qin Double.

Sure enough, with the end of the Vientiane fruit, it will not let his body collapse. On this basis, the rich scent of the town demon tower can indeed treat the injury of Qin double, but the speed of this treatment is extremely slow, there is no suitable Dan. The medicine can only be nourished by the strong fairy power. Qin double really does not know how long it takes to heal his injury.

Is it a hundred years?

Still a thousand years?

even more?

There are so many times in my own time, in time in the town demon tower, there is a difference in time flow rate.

Her heart suddenly moved, her eyes looked at the top of the Lingshan in the middle of the town demon tower. She remembered that on the top of the Lingshan Mountain, there was a pool of water, which was formed by the dense scent of the sacred clouds in the air. It fell for thousands of years and formed a small stone pool.

Qin double minded a move, came to the top of Lingshan, stood on the side of Xiaoshitan, staring at the pool water in Xiaoshitan, and perceiving the fairy power.

With the body of my nine-day Xuan Xian, I should be able to withstand the tempering and impact of the liquid fairy power!

Qin double first squatted down, stretched out a hand, and slowly reached into the stone pool, and immediately felt the sinister sinister force into the arm of the piano.


The muscles on the arm of the piano are broken and the bones are broken. Qin double hurriedly took back his arm and grinned. She knows that this is because her body is too weak, and the energy of Xianyuan in Shitan is too great.


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