Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1065: Recovery hard

If you want to be able to enter the Shitan area, you must first restore your own body. As for the realm of recovery, you will be able to enter the cultivation of Xianyuan Liquid. There is no skill in the heart of Qin Double, and you can only slowly try.

Qin double sat down in Shitan and began to heal the healing.

Qin Double is a Vientiane fruit. After a hundred days, with the help of the rich demon in the town demon tower, her body finally restored the realm of Tao Wu.

At this time, the joy of the piano is that the soul and the **** of the piano have been fully restored.

Break and stand!

And because the piano double took the empty lotus seed liquid, even the soul and the **** of the piano double have been refined.

The soul of Qinshuang has now reached the peak of Yin and Shen. What she needs to do is to expel as many Yin gods as possible, accept the Yuehua meditation, and transform the Yin God into Yangshen. However, during this period of time, where does Qinshuang have time to go out and swear, Yuehua is scouring?

Therefore, the distance between the Yin and the gods is transformed into a god, and there is a very long distance.

However, I did not think that this battle with Tianti was again rejected by the heavens. Her soul was severely damaged at the beginning, but it also allowed the soul to remove more impurities. Of course, if the piano double does not have a hollow lotus seed liquid, the final result, even if the piano double does not fall, will become short-lived, and repairs to this point. However, the piano double served under the empty lotus seed liquid is different, after healing a good soul, the meditation of the Qinshuangyin, a big step toward the direction of transforming the sun. If it is said that the conversion from the Yinshen to the Yangshen requires ten layers of realm, Qinqin originally had only one layer of realm. Now that Qinshuang took this big step out, he stood on the third level.

This is definitely an unexpected harvest, a result that makes the piano double joyless.

Her **** also gained the same harvest as the soul, stepping up a step, jumping from the second layer of the Mahayana to the third. Standing at the peak of the beginning of the Mahayana period. Qin double believes that once he heals his body, the repair of the martial arts must also be promoted.

Qin Double did not extend one hand this time, but extended a finger and explored the fairy liquid in Shitan.


The muscles on the fingers of the piano collapsed instantly, but the bones only showed a slight crack. The piano double hurriedly took back the fingers, and the eyes showed a happy color. Although, now the piano double can not enter the Xianyuan liquid, but the heart of Qin double has a rough estimate. As long as your body strength returns to the human fairy period, you should be able to enter the Xianyuan liquid.

Qin double took out another Vientiane fruit, and after slowly eating it, he once again entered the cultivation.

This cultivation is five hundred days, the piano opened his eyes, and there was a trace of worry between the eyebrows. On these five hundred days, she will take a Vientiane fruit every day, leaving only 312 of the Vientiane fruit in the secret environment of the innocent desert. Of course, in the treasure house in the town demon tower, there are still the Vientiane fruit picked from the Vientiane fruit in the town demon tower, but the Vientiane fruit trees planted in the town demon tower are few. The last time it was only stepped on more than 200. One.

However, the piano spent 500 days and spent six hundred vitex fruit, but still did not repair his body to the human fairy. Once the Vientiane fruit is exhausted, it still does not repair its body to the human fairy period, and can not enter the cultivation of Xianyuan liquid. Without the bottom of the Vientiane fruit, the body of Qin double will deteriorate, re Going back to the old road, eventually the body collapsed.

"I hope that before the Vientiane is consumed, I can fix the body to the human fairy."

Qin double sighed, she had already sensed that someone came out of the law, and thought about it, leaving the town demon tower. After putting aside the array, I saw two Wusheng of Jinlongxing and Wuzongdian, as well as Qin Lie, Han Ling, Duan Hong, and Zhao Zi’s soft blue moon standing in front of him, and his eyes turned and he saw There are also some martial arts sitting there far away, but their eyes are gathered on the body of the piano.

"Sit down!" Qin double smiled.

Several people sat on the floor with their knees, and Lan Mingyue asked with concern:

"Double children, how is your injury?"

"Not yet restored!" Qin double bitterly shook his head and said: "Short time is not suitable for hands-on."

The look of everyone has become dignified. Now the souls of the mainland people have died one by one, and the biggest spiritual leader, Wu Dongying, has fallen. The spiritual leader of the Daqin Empire was degraded, and the spiritual leader of the Frost Empire was cold and degraded. Qin Double was undoubtedly the only spiritual leader left in the entire continent.

Four years ago, before the Qinshuang disappeared, the name of the Qinhuang of the Qinshuang had surpassed Qin Zheng and Han Che, but it was slightly worse than Wu Dongying.

However, when the double return of the piano, it saved the comprehension of the siege by the demon, and then saved the Wu Zongdian. Even if Wu Dongying did not die, the name of the Qin double exceeded him at this time. When Wu Dongying died, Qin double became the leader of the entire human race.

At this time, if the piano doubles again, the Terran will immediately become a loose sand, and the fighting will disappear.

Several people carefully observed the piano double, and they saw the skin of the piano exposed on the outside, with traces of cracks, like porcelain with cracks.

"Double children, can you heal?" Qin Li looked at Qin double with anxiety.

"It should be, just take time."

Qin double did not dare to tell the truth, if you let everyone know her bad physical condition, the Terran's fighting spirit will be depressed, once the demon does not give up, once again come to attack them, I am afraid that the whole army will not be far away.

"Moon Emperor!" Han Xue whispered: "When we go to the Crescent Moon Empire, will we be subjected to another siege of the demon?"

Qin double thought a little bit: "The large area of ​​the siege should not be possible. On the one hand, the demon does not understand the strength of our place. Although the flower is too fragrant... the big dog that helped us has soared, and they know I was seriously injured. But I don't know if I still have a card."

Everyone listened, and the look was not moving. The means of Qin double can be described as endless. The means of fighting against Tianrui under the punishment of the heavens will not be said. After suffering from the rejection of the heavens and being seriously injured, there is still a mermaid and a big dog. Who knows if there is no card in the piano?

"On the other hand, this demons have also been hit hard. It is not easy to organize a big war in a short time. However, this does not mean that the demons can't get up, so I believe they will go to the Crescent Moon Empire. On the way, test us. If we can't cleanly test our demons cleanly, on our long journey to the Crescent Moon Empire, the demon is likely to organize another battle against us.

After all, this is a great opportunity to kill me and eliminate the main force of the Terran. ”


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