Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1066: balance

Qin doubled his eyes and swept through the crowd: "So, this trip to the Crescent Moon Empire is dangerous. Are everyone's injuries healed?"

Jin Longxing shook his head and said: "No, if all people are fully recovered, I am afraid that it will take at least three months. Now I can only fly, and the speed can not be too fast."

Qin double indulged for a moment: "What are your plans?"

Qin Double saw that these people came here early to wait for themselves, and they knew they must have something to say.

Duan Hong, Zhao Zirou, Lan Mingyue heard the words and said nothing. Qin Zheng, Han Che and Jin Longxing looked at each other, and finally Jin Longxing and Han Che's eyes gathered on Qin Lie. Because they all know that Qin Shuang and Qin Lie have the best relationship, let Qin Lie first open, the most appropriate. Qin Lie looked at Qin Shuang, and he opened the mouth several times, but he could not say anything. Qin Shuang’s heart has been expected, and he smiled:

"Qin brother, you and me will pay, if there is anything, then say in person."

"Good!" Qin nodded, and his face showed a shy color: "Double children, you know that I am the Prince of the Great Qin Empire, and now the father has died, I hope to re-establish the Great Qin Empire."

The piano nodded twice and turned to look at the cold road: "Han brother, you and Qin brother, do you want to rebuild the Frost Empire?"

"Yes!" The cold face was red.

Qin nodded and turned his eyes to the Golden Dragon Road: "Golden brother, do you want to rebuild Wu Zongdian?"

"Yes!" Jin Longxing’s face was also embarrassed.

"Then how do you plan?" Qin double whispered: "You want to stay, or want to go with me to the Crescent Empire."

The faces of the three people are now in a sly color. There is nothing wrong with this sentence. Since you three want to rebuild the empire and the Wuzong Temple, should you rely on your own skills?

What happened to the empire with the piano?

Do you go to the Crescent Empire and divide the empire of the Qinshuang?

"This..." Qin double's face is red like a red cloth: "I don't know what the two of them think, I still have to follow the double to the moon empire, but you can rest assured that before you deport the demon I will not rebuild the Daqin Empire. I will treat me as a member of the Crescent Moon Empire and listen to the command of the Crescent Moon Empire. I mean, when our Terran expels the demon, the two children can make me re-establish the country."

"I mean this too." Han Che and Jin Longxing also hurriedly spoke.

Then all three people looked at the piano doubles with fear. If the Terran was eventually defeated by the demon, it was all empty talk. However, once the Terran was led by Qin Double, the demon was finally expelled. With the strength and prestige of Qin double at that time, it is entirely possible to establish a unified great empire on the mainland of the warriors. At that time, as long as the piano did not agree, Jin Longxing, Qin Zheng and Han Che did not have the hope of rebuilding the Empire and Wu Zongdian.

Qin double fell into thinking, first of all, she needed the Daqin Empire, the Frost Empire, Wu Zongdian and the comprehension community to wholeheartedly obey the Crescent Moon Empire, which can be twisted into a rope, in order to survive the war against the demon, there is hope of survival.

Not bad!

It is the hope of survival, not the hope of expelling the demon. Today, with the strength of the human race, survival is the most practical goal. As for the deportation of the demon, that is the next goal.

Qin double is not alarmist.

Not bad!

With Qin Shuang's cultivation, her personal safety will not be a problem. Even if the human race is dead, the piano will not be dangerous. Even if she can't face the whole Yaozu's siege, she wants to break through and then hide. , has been practicing to fly, this will definitely not be a problem.


The whole human race is gone, what is the meaning of the piano double living alone?

What Qinqin wants is not to live alone, but to make the family alive and live with hope. So she must consider many factors.

From this point, it is inevitable to promise Qin Lie, Han Che and Jin Longxing, as well as the realm of cultivation. Only in this way can they give them hope, and if they have hope, they can fully twist into a rope.

Secondly, Qin double has no interest in the power of the empire. For the unified mainland, there is less interest in building a super empire.

The Qin family now has four people left, Qin double, Qin Jiao, Qin Wu and Qin Jingyun. Qin Shuangzhi is not in the empire, Qin Jiao has already gone to the spiritual world, Qin Jingyun is also not in the empire, and now only Qinwu, do not know his thoughts. However, in the view of Qin Shuang, Qin Wu really does not have the qualification to become a super-empire emperor.

At that time, the piano doubled up to the spiritual world, Qinwu unified an empire, once the empire split, this is not only a blessing to Qinwu, but a scourge, maybe it will die in the war.

Jin Longxing, Qin Lie and Han Che, the qualification of the person here is not stronger than Qinwu?

Not only is it strong, but it is also strong.

Although Qinwu's white tiger collection is higher than Jinlongxing, Qin Lie and Han Che's exercises are many, but this practice is also doomed to the slow pace of Qinwu's cultivation. Qin Lie looked at the face of Qin Shuang and would not kill Qin Wu.

But what about Jin Longxing and Han Che?

Therefore, even if the piano has a decision. Lift your eyes and see:

"Yes, let's work together to expel the demon. Then divide the continent into several parts. I have a proposal."

"Moon Huang please speak!"

Jin Longxing, Han Che and Qin Lie both looked at Qin Double nervously. Although Qin Double said politely, they knew that since Qin Double agreed with their requirements, then Qin Double proposed the proposal...

Or if it is a condition, they must agree, otherwise they will be insatiable and unable to cooperate. Once Qinqin does not cooperate with them, as long as Qinqin leaves alone and does not take them to the Jiuyue Empire, they don’t say that they will re-establish their country. It is lucky to be alive. However, they are also afraid that the conditions proposed by Qin Double are too harsh.

The double look of Qin has swept a few humanities seriously: "The situation of the Terran is now known to everyone. To tell a joke, we are now very hopeful about the survival, but we are here to discuss the continent of the warrior. If this is to let the demon know They will think it is a big joke."

Everyone's face is not red, and the look is endless.

I don’t know if I can survive this catastrophe, and now most of the mainland’s mainland is occupied by demons. Only the corner of the empire is in the hands of the Terran, but they are here to divide the territory.

This is not funny, what is ridiculous?

"So, we must unite all the forces that can be united. You all know that the Crescent Moon Empire now accommodates the realm of comprehension, and there are now several Mahayana monks in the realm of comprehension, which have greatly helped the Terran. Purpose, I think you know, so I think we should also promise to give them a territory."


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