Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1067: Departure

Jin Longxing, Han Che and Qin Lie glanced at each other, and the color of contemplation appeared in the eyes. In particular, Jin Longxing, he not only listened to the history of Qinshuang's dusty relationship between **** warriors, warriors and comprehensions, but also his Wu Shaodian's record of that period of history. At this time, the faces of the two Wu Zongdian warriors were full of worries, and one of them was swaying to the piano:

"Moon Emperor, the realm of cultivation and our military have hatred for a long time, can they really cooperate? If it is embarrassing, it is better not to cooperate with them."

"The source of hatred of the warrior and the comprehension community, I have already talked with the comprehension community, and they understand it. And the warriors of the Crescent Moon Empire understand that both sides can now live in harmony."

"Do you know the source of the warrior and the realm?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded, briefly telling the source of hatred of the comprehension and the warriors, and then on the Golden Dragon Road:

"Golden brother, is that right?"

"Yes!" Jin Longxing could not deny the facts at this time. If he dared to deny this time, Qin double would be able to sever cooperation with him.

However, the two Wu Sheng and the surrounding million warriors were stupid. The sound of Qin double was not low, and it was intended to be heard by everyone. The warriors who can survive the siege of the demon are not low, and the hearing is naturally strong. The words of Qin Double and the recognition of Jin Longxing are clearly heard in their ears.

"The original warrior and the comprehension are in the same place!"

The two Wu Sheng glanced at each other and then nodded toward the Golden Dragon. Jinlongxing looked at Qin Double Road:

"I agree!"

Qin Lie and Han Che also nodded and said: "We also agree."

"Good!" Qin double suddenly smiled: "Since we have made this decision that makes the demon look like a big joke, it is better to go further and assign the territory. So that everyone will start in the future."

"it is good!"

Jin Longxing, Qin Lie and Han Che’s heart are all happy. Qinshuang can divide the site at this time. It can be seen that Qin’s heart really agrees to re-establish the country, not to perfuse them.

"So, we need to divide the warrior continent into five pieces, the Crescent Moon Empire, the Great Qin Empire, the Frost Empire, the Wu Zong Dian and the Comprehension World each occupying a piece."

All three people nodded, but there was a hint of helplessness in their hearts.

Originally, the vast territory of this warrior was only the Daqin Empire and the Frost Empire. The two empires each occupied half of the territory. The Wu Zongdian is even more excessive. Although it does not occupy the territory, it occupies a transcendental position. Every year, the two empires must hand over various resources to the Wu Zongdian.

In fact, Wu Zongdian is the real ruler of the entire continent. And all the warriors, as long as they have been repaired to the Emperor Wu, in addition to the two emperors, they must quit all official positions in the empire and join the Wu Zongdian.

Can be described as overbearing.

But now?

The mainland of the Warriors was divided into five. First, the boundaries of the Frost Empire and the Daqin Empire were much less. Secondly, Wu Zongdian no longer had a detached status. It is impossible for any future empire to hand over resources to Wu Zongdian, because the strength of Wu Zongdian is not enough to crush other empire, but Wu Zongdian may want to survive in the glory of each empire. After all, the glory of Wu Zongdian will make the empire eggs extremely popular.

Therefore, Jinlongxing rationally asked for a territory as the development of Wu Zongdian.

"We can divide the mainland of the warriors into five pieces from east to west, north and south, and the central part of our empire is required." Qin said faintly.

Although the concentration of aura in the innocent desert is now the mainland of the warriors, it is because of the rejuvenation. Once the demon is expelled, the piano can be put up in a large array and placed in the middle. The central aura concentration was originally the second richest place. The first rich place was in the south, because there are demon gates and magic trails, and the rich aura is coming from the demon gate and the magic path.

However, there is no doubt that the South will face the Yao and the Mozu directly in the future. It is too dangerous. Therefore, Qin did not hesitate to point out the middle.

Jin Longxing, Qin Lie and Han Ching naturally know that the central is the best choice, and they are not willing to stay in the south. Han Che said first:

"The practice of our Frost Empire is very suitable for the North, so I want the North."

No one disagrees, because the Frost Empire is telling the truth, there is no practice of the Frost Empire, not to go to the North, it is harming others.

Jin Longxing and Qin Lie looked at each other and Qin Lie said: "I want the East."

"Then I will be in the West." Jin Longxing.

"Okay, then give the South to the real world!" Qin nodded: "However, my assumption is that once we expel the demon, I don't want to seal the demon door and the magic path."


Several people couldn't help but blurt out, but then they reacted. If the magic path and the demon door were sealed, the source of the aura was cut off. Without the source of the aura, the aura of the warrior's mainland will be consumed less and less, and finally become the appearance before the demon's door and the magic path.

"The purpose of the people we cultivate is to fly to a more advanced world. If we can't fly to a higher world, it will be alive and meaningful."

Everyone nodded, and Qin double continued: "So, we need to leave a battlefield in the southern gates and magic trails, give the Mozu and the Yaozu a hope, let them think that they will always have a day. Once again, we will conquer the mainland of our warriors. So, they will not take the initiative to seal the door of the demon and the magic path, but in order to stop the demon from invading the depths of the mainland, we must establish a city gate on the door of the demon and the magic path. Used to defend against the attack of the demon.

These two levels have two functions, one is to shoulder the responsibility of protecting the human race, and the other is to be a trial place for the human race. Therefore, it is impossible for these two cities to make the repairing community left in the south to be built separately, but to build the power of the entire military. ”

"This is what it should be!" Everyone nodded.

"Second." Qin double extended a second finger: "The demon door and the magic path should not be solely responsible for the defense of the real world. This is the whole human race. Therefore, every empire must send a large army every year. , unite against the demon."


The three people also nodded decisively. As Qinqin said, this is the whole human race. These three people are all for a while, and naturally they will not be short-sighted.

"This is all right!" Qin doubled and patted the palm: "We will start immediately. Hurry up during the day and rest at night."

"it is good!"


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