Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1068: She must die

When everyone got up, Lan Mingyue said at this time: "Double children, I have joined the Jiuyue Empire from today, you will not accept me?"

Qin Shuang Yan Yan smiled: "You are a Wu Sheng, the string moon empire can not be."

"Is that my **** of war is not accepted?" Duan Honglang said.

The look of Qin Double is a sigh: "Section brother, your family..."

There is no family in Lan Mingyue, his father has fallen, so Lan Mingyue went to the piano and double-casted, and the piano double accepted. But Duan Hong is different, but he has a family. Duan Hong looks like a sigh:

"I am now the patriarch of the Duan family."

The piano will understand in two instants, and the patriarch of the Duan family is also dead. Immediately nodded: "Nature is welcome."

Zhao Zirou on the side has no words, it seems that he still chose to follow Qin Lie. The jade in the fire will naturally not go to the piano double. After all, the grudges of the two people are somewhat unclear.

Everyone dispersed, Jinlongxing brought together the people of Wu Zongdian, and Qin Lie also went to call the people of the Daqin Empire, and Han Chee went to call the people of the Frost Empire. Duan Hong came to the back of Qin Double with the people of Duanjia. Their actions attracted everyone. After an inquisition, they understood the reason. Then someone came over to play the piano pair.

In fact, the remaining one million people, not many people belong to Wu Zongdian, of course, although there are not many people in Wu Zongdian, but the cultivation is relatively high. For example, now only Wu Zongdian has three Wusheng, but the Daqin Empire and the Frost Empire are none.

There are less than 30,000 people in Wu Zongdian, and the remaining 90,000 people are from the Daqin Empire and the Frost Empire. However, these two empires have already been kingdoms, and the kingdoms have been occupied by demons. They are only attached to the Wu Zongdian.

However, today's Wu Zongdian is not enough to convince them. Seeing Qin Shuangdu's punishment, fighting against the sky, retreating the demon, Qinshuang has become the spiritual leader of these people, so another person came to the head and immediately formed. The effect, in addition to those who loyal to Wu Zongdian, the Daqin Empire and the Frost Empire, there are actually more than half of the warriors who have gone to Qinshuang. After the end of the assembly, the piano doubles could not be found, and only 30,000 people gathered around Jinlongxing. There are about 150,000 people gathered around Qinlie, about 250,000 people gathered around the cold, and the remaining 500,000 people are gathered around the Qinshuang.

Good birds choose to live in wood!

For those who choose the piano, Jin Longxing, Qin Lie and Han Che have long been prepared, but at this time they saw so many warriors who ran to the piano, and they could not help but smile.


The piano double eyebrows sheds the power of the gods, and it turns into a phoenix, carrying the piano in the direction of the two-dimensional empire. And other warriors also show their ability, stepping through the clouds and breaking the fog. Just because there are too many warriors who have not recovered, the speed of the double flight is not fast, sitting on the back of the fire phoenix, holding the town demon tower in the hand, shrinking in the cuff, extracting the rich fairy yuan in the town demon tower Force, repair yourself.

Three-city city.

At this time, there are no Terrans in the Sanzu City, and there are demon everywhere. Outside the Sanzu City is a demon camp. Only at this time inside and outside the tri-family city, morale is low.

In the original tri-family hall of the tri-family city, the Wusheng of the two demons gathered here, the atmosphere was heavy, and there was no demon to speak. The phoenix dance and the three-headed demon sit side by side, and the faces of the two big monks are also very ugly.

Half-sounding, a four-faced big-faced Mozu said: "The Qin double has such strength, watching her and the power of the sky, even if our ancestors are there, it may not be able to kill her. She The speed of growth is too fast. Four years ago, she disappeared into the turbulent space, what kind of adventure?"

A middle-aged Yao nationality shook his head: "Although I don't know what she has encountered, her strength is much higher than it was four years ago. This is obvious. As long as she is there, we want to occupy the mainland of the warrior. Growing up our blood food, I am afraid there is some trouble."

"And the big dog, should it be our demon? Why does it help the piano? And its power is obviously higher than the world, but it has already soared away. However, the piano has a mermaid, right. We are also a big problem."

"The Terran can never be underestimated!" Feng Dance said faintly: "At the beginning of our ancestors, we were expelled from the mainland by the Terran. Now the Terran is still weak relative to that era. It is the continent we occupy and rule. The best time, if the people grow up, the result is very serious. Therefore, we can not give the human race time to grow."

The three-headed demon said faintly: "If the piano is thrown away, today's human race is very weak. Especially after this war, Wu Zongdian has been successfully destroyed by us, and their Wusheng has not been left. So, As long as we kill the piano, the human race is not enough. And..."

The three heads of the gaze swept through the crowd: "I see that the real cultivation of the piano is not high, but her body is very powerful. Even powerful beyond the world. If you abandon the body of the piano, at least I or Feng Dance should be able to kill him."

The demons heard the memories, and the spirit was alive. The three-headed demon continues to say:

"After the sky has risen, we all see that the body of the piano doubles all over the crack, which means that her body was badly damaged by the rejection of the heavens. She forced the mermaid and the big dog's card to be lost, and finally lost. The big dog, this card, did not dare to participate in the battle.

This shows what? ”

The eyes of the demons are lit up.

"This shows that the body of Qin double has been hit hard, seriously to lose the ability to fight. I think that she is not only the body, but her **** also should be hit hard. Now what I killed the piano double The best moment."

The phoenix danced his brows stretched out and nodded slightly: "Yes, the big dog flew away, and the piano pair was hit hard, not enough. As for the remaining human warriors, we can completely destroy it." Killed. There are two aspects of our worries now.

One is the mermaid, the other is the piano double and there are no other cards. ”

Everyone's look is not a glimpse, thinking of the attack of the mermaid, the body can not stand. Then I think of the endless means of the double-layered piano.

Who knows if there is no card in the piano?

They felt a feeling in their hearts at this time.

The piano is not dead, the human race is not extinguished!

"She must die!" The three heads condensed.


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