Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1085: Exquisite sword

Her eyebrows communicate with the town demon tower, the left hand holds the dragon sword, and the right index finger is already dark as ink, ready to go through the space.


Suddenly, a surprise came from a distant distance, and then saw a figure quickly pushing toward the piano. Although that person does not have space attributes, the speed is so fast that the piano doubles. Moreover, the enormous power that was radiated from the body made the body of the piano double stand up.

The dark corner has been charged two-thirds by the piano, and the piano double no longer dares to stay. When I saw the electric heart, the tower door of the town demon tower suddenly closed, quickly shrinking, and turned into a stream of light to the piano double eyebrows.


The space vibrated, the man stretched out a big hand and grabbed it to the piano. The claw shadow was still some distance away from the piano, which made the piano feel its body stiff and wanted to move the fingers. difficult. Fortunately, the kind of power is only bound to the body of the piano, but can not bind the soul and the **** of the piano.

When the piano doubled his mind, the dragon sword spurred toward the giant claws that condensed from the volley.


The piano double gods instantly detonated the dragon sword.


A cloud of mushrooms rose, and the big hand of the volley did not collapse, but it was a meal. It was just such a meal that it cut off the power of the big hand. The stiff body of the piano restored consciousness and did not hesitate to point the right hand food to the space.


The piano double sensed the light around, spit out a long breath, looked around, everything was very calm, she returned to the practice room, there is no trace of space in the space, which proves that the person did not come through the space.


The double sweat of the piano is like a pulp, and the whole person is instantly as if it has just been fished out of the water.

Think carefully, infinite fear in your heart. The strength of that person may be above Xianjun. And seeing their own looks and the town demon tower, if they fly to the fairy world in the future, the flat end is more dangerous, and the future of the piano double is covered with a layer of gray.

However, this kind of sentiment is only a moment away. Qinqin can't help but laugh. With his current cultivation, I don't know when I can fly up the fairy world. What do I want to do?

However, today's Qin double does not know that if he once again passes through the space into the dark, will it still appear in that whirlpool?

If it still appears there, in a short time, he will not be able to enter the dark.

However, the piano is not very worried. That person must have come through the passage of the dark and the fairy world, but the darkness is impossible to imagine with the fairy world forever, there is always a day of closure. After a while, go in and see. Big deal, try again a year later.

There is no dark eccentricity, and the repair of his own law will slow down a lot...


The piano has a pair of eyebrows and has a dark corner!

When I thought about it, I entered the town demon tower. As soon as the figure was moving, he stood on a plain and saw thousands of dark corners scattered on the ground. When the piano reached out and grabbed it, he grabbed a dark corner in his hand and sensed it. His face was a joy.

Sure enough, the dark corner contains a very strong power of the gods, which is a hundred times stronger than the power of the gods in the dark space. Qin double tries to run the exercises to absorb, and the look is more joyful. She found that the power of the gods in the dark corners was pure to the extreme, and there was no need for refining, which could be absorbed directly.

Stop the exercises and open your eyes to the dark corners of your hands.

That's a triangle thing, baby fist size. The whole body is dark, with one eye in the middle of the triangle. Staring at the piano double.

When the piano eyes flashed, she found that the power of the pure Yuanshen in the dark corner was overflowing and disappeared into the space inside the town demon tower.

It’s not surprising that Qin’s heart is not a dark space. There is a strong power of the gods in the dark space, so these dark corners will not only overflow the power of the gods, but also constantly absorb the gods. Power. However, it is different in the mainland of the warrior, or in the town demon tower. The power of the gods here is much less than the aura. In fact, those monks are very powerful in absorbing the aura, working through the exercises, transforming the spiritual power into the power of the gods, and directly absorbing the power of the gods in the space.

In this way, the power of the gods in the dark corners naturally overflows in the town demon tower. Although the rate of overflow is extremely slow, it is consumed.

Qinqin hurriedly took out a large number of jade boxes, put these dark corners into the jade box, and then continually put on the symbol, seal the jade box. This is to let go of your heart.

Stretching his hand from the back to solve the scabbard of the dragon sword, looking at the empty scabbard, the face of the piano double showed grief.

Long Jian began to follow the piano from the end of the double, the piano double vision dragon sword is a friend, but now it was first injured by the dark corner, and then detonated by the double. The scabbard was gently stroked with both hands, and the grief was filled.

I don't know how long it took, Qinqin dug a pit on the ground, buried the scabbard, cheered up the spirit, and swept away the grief in my heart. Binocular microcoagulation, thinking about the weapons that he will use in the future. She has two choices, one is Feng Yujian, and the other is Jin Pengjian.

Of course, the grade of Feng Yujian is much higher than that of Jin Pengjian.

Suddenly, Qin’s eyebrows were picked, and she remembered the sword she had obtained at Wu Zongdian.

At the beginning of the Wushan Temple, the statue of Yang Linglong collapsed, and two swords appeared. The two swords broke out and the power of the sword was destroyed. But then, it seems that it is running out of energy and falling to the ground. And no one can afford it. I did not expect that, in the end, I was robbed by myself and Tianrui.

"The sword should be of a high grade?"

When the piano doubled his mind, he took the sword from the storage ring and looked at it carefully.

I saw that the sword was green and green. I couldn’t see what the material was, but it was very beautiful. It was very extraordinary. There are two words on the blade:


"Exquisite sword!" Qin double gently stroked the blade, whispered and whispered: "Is this sword called Linglong sword? Is it the same as Yang Lingling's name, is Yang Linglong's **** soldier left to Wu Zongdian?"

Qin Shen's knowledge spread out, enveloped the exquisite sword, and then found a pattern on the exquisite sword, the piano doubled for a moment, then penetrated into the gods and began to refine the pattern.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

One month.

Two months.

Three months.

One year.

Two years.

Three years.

In the town demon tower has been in a hurry for three years, Qin double is very patient. The more difficult it is for this exquisite sword, the higher the grade of the exquisite sword.

Only in the process of refining her exquisite sword, she has a very strange feeling. She perceives that there is a huge seal in the exquisite sword, and this refinement of her refinement is only a passage into this space. And from the process of refining this channel, she clearly perceives that this channel is a one-way refining channel. That is to say, refining from the outside is easy, but it is impossible to refine it from the inside to the outside, or it is extremely difficult. A feeling for the piano double, as if there is something sealed inside the sword, the heart of the piano double jumped.


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