Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1095: arrangement

At this time, the colorful clouds in the alchemy furnace have been dispersed, and six medicinal herbs have been produced. Each of the medicinal herbs is surrounded by colorful clouds.

"This day is a robbery!"

Qin Shuang’s eyes jumped and excited. She refines and produced countless Dan Yun Dan medicines. It is the first time to refine the Caiyun Dan medicine, and it is the first time to refine the medicinal herbs that have to undergo Dan.

After experiencing the catastrophe, this shows that the refining medicinal herbs have exceeded the limits of the martial arts mainland and are rejected by the heavens. To destroy this remedy.


A thunder passed through the roof and fell down into the alchemy furnace. The piano double reached out and blocked one hand on the alchemy furnace. This kind of robbing is too weak for Qinqin. The Thunder bombarded the hands of Qinshuang.


The nine thunders soon ended.


Six medicinal herbs towed the colorful clouds from the alchemy furnace and flew them out. They wanted to escape. The piano had a smile on both sides of the mouth. Both hands pulled out the blurred afterimages in the air. The power of the nine-day Xuanxian ignited the speed, which would easily Six medicinal herbs were caught in the hands. Put the five medicinal herbs into a new jade bottle and carefully measure the remaining one. Crystal clear jade medicinal herbs hover around the colorful clouds, full of fragrance.

Qin double took this medicinal medicine, then lowered his eyes and entered the cultivation.

This time was longer, and it took nearly two hours to spend time. Qin Qin opened his eyes with joy. The effect of each medicinal herb is five times that of the whole herb, and the six medicinal herbs are thirty times.

"It's done!" Qin's eyes are full of energy: "Just call you Yuanshen Dan!"

Qin double knows that this kind of medicinal medicine is not just to satisfy her realm. When she enters the spiritual world, she is surrounded by the heavens of Xianyuanli and Lingyuan. The grade of Yuanshen Dan will be greatly improved, suitable for her to enter the spirit. Take it after the world.

So, in the next time, Qin double did not do anything else, every day spent in alchemy, and in the eyes of outsiders, above the palace of Qinshuang, there were thunderous robberies from time to time, but the thunder was not Big, it is not like the smashing of the piano double breakthrough, which makes everyone's heart strange, but no one dares to ask.

This situation lasted for thirty-three days. The sacred mountain finally calmed down.

Qin doubled a little bit, there are a lot of ordinary medicinal herbs, this is because Qin double when trying to refine Dan Yuan Yuan Shen Dan, the experiment has not been successful many times, have been refined into ordinary remedies, there are seven More than a hundred. There are also many Danxian medicinal herbs, because the refining of Danwudan has failed many times, and it has been refined into more than 900 tablets. Because of the refining of Dan Yun Dan medicine, Danwudan medicine has failed more times and has been refined into Danwudan medicine, with more than 1,100. Later, Qin Shuang refining Dan Yun Dan medicine, more than 1,200.

In the dark corner, she got more than 3,000. Every time she alchemy, she cut a lot of dark corners. Even so, it consumed more than 300 dark corners.

Qin double thought about it, and now her martial arts training is already the mid-term peak of the tenth layer of Wusheng, and the law is also the seventh peak of the Mahayana period. Qin double has a feeling that she can't stay in the warrior's mainland for a long time, and will soon fly to the spiritual world. And she is also very yearning for the spiritual world. There is the place where the strong should go.


Qinwu and Qin Jingyun are too low, but Qinwu and Qin Jingyun are very special because of the Qinshuang. Undoubtedly, after the piano flies up and rises to the spiritual world, the emperor of this string moon empire is a certain Qin Wu, Qin Jingyun will exist as the prince of the country, and strive to cultivate, and strive to fly to the spiritual world as soon as possible. However, with the strength of both of them, can you press Wu Zongdian, the Daqin Empire, the Frost Empire and the comprehension world? After she left, Wu Zongdian, the Daqin Empire, the Frost Empire and the Comprehension Reality would not really go to the Crescent Moon Empire?

The possibility of hands-on is not great, because the Qinshou Yuwei still exists, and the Qin Qin and Qinshuang of the Daqin Empire are also the life and death of the two. It is easy not to start with the Yueyue Empire. Once the Jiyue Empire has happened, Qin Lie will help. There is Wanzhong Mountain in the realm of comprehension, and it will be the same as the Daqin Empire.


This is only a normal situation. Once there is a major interest dispute, even the Daqin Empire and the comprehension community will start to the Yueyue Empire.

An empire is never personal, and we must consider all aspects. Otherwise, the empire will be overthrown. Therefore, even in the future, Qin Lie and Wanzhongshan will deal with the Jiuyue Empire, and the Qinshuang will not be strange, so let alone the Frost Empire and Wu Zongdian.

"I always have to find a few helpers for my second brother and Jingyun!"

Qin double thought carefully, and finally she found that she only fully trusted three people, Yuan Fei, Yuan Ye and Li Yan. Yuan Fei and Yuan Ye need not say, Qin double rescued them from the identity of the slaves, they really regarded themselves as the death of the Qin double, and have withstood the test of life and death. In the double doubles of the piano, they did not disappoint the piano.

For Li Yan's mind, Qin double knows very well.

In addition to these three people, the rest can trust, but they cannot fully trust.

Like enemies and blood coats!

The heart of the piano double suddenly moved.

"Ming Moon!"

Thinking of the blue moon, I thought of Duan Hong.

The blue moon is due to the former Liu Meiruo of the Qinshuang, and the Qinshuang became the best. Qin double is also very familiar with Lan Mingyue. Although this person is a little bit off, he truly intersects himself. It is also a person who can be trusted.

Duan Hong?

The piano is somewhat inaccurate. The most important thing is that Duan Hong has a huge family. Sometimes the family's interests will exceed personal feelings.

Lan Mingyue has no family drag.

Qin double entered the town demon tower, and in the town demon tower for nearly a year, she combined with the blood to leave her Dan, to promote a new drug. She named this new medicinal herb Tianling Dan.

After half a year, Qin double left the town demon tower and came to the practice room. The gods of Qin double spread out.

Lan Mingyue, Qin Wu, Qin Jingyun, Li Yan, Yuan Fei and Yuan Ye are practicing, and they hear the sound of Qin Double. Six people hurriedly looked up, then got up and pushed open the practice room and quietly came to the gate of the palace. Six people looked at each other and their eyes showed the color of inquiry.

At this time, the door of the main hall was opened, and six people quickly entered the gate. The door behind it was closed, and six people walked toward the practice room of Qinshuang.

Soon, six people came to the practice room and saw the piano and smiling in front of the gate.

"Two children!"

"Moon Emperor!"

Six people greeted the piano separately, and the piano double reflexed to the practice room:

"come in!"


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