Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1098: Point will

Qin Lie and Han Che were both quite equivalent, and they all reached the realm of half-step Wu Sheng.

"We should do it!" The sound of Qin double echoed in the hall.

The spirit of everyone is a revival. For the situation of the demon war, these people have some understanding of the more or less, but they did not think that the decision of Qinshuang will be so fast, and some unexpectedly, one by one, the blood will boil, but the heart is also Some worried.

Qin double will tell the situation in detail today, and everyone is excited. His face became flushed.

"Don't be too optimistic!" Qin double condensed: "There are only 20 million people in the warrior's mainland, but the number of our warriors is only this number, and this is because the demon world and the devil world want to see the blow. Feng Ming and Feng Yan, refused to increase their troops, but recalled the reason of the demon monk.

The fact is that nowadays our Terran does not have the strength to resist any one of the demon, whether it is the Yaozu or the Mozu, if we are fully conquering the mainland of the warrior, we are afraid that we can only hide in the Wansha Huangsha. Do not have the strength to confront them.

However, we have to attack again. There are several reasons for this. The first reason is that the opportunity is rare. Today is the weakest moment in the mainland of the warrior. This opportunity should not be missed.

The second reason is that the territory occupied by the Jiuyue Empire is too small, and the various warriors on the mainland of the Warriors have been continually gathering here. The resources here are not enough to sustain the cultivation of the Terran. If the resources can't keep up, the strength of the Terran will not go up. So for thousands of years, the Terran is not the opponent of the demon. Therefore, the Terran must expand its territory and rob the resources, and the people have always maintained a rapid increase.

This requires resources, and in the face of the demon, resources need us to grab and take. ”

Everyone nodded and recognized the words of Qin Double. These people are also the people at the top of the parties, and the knowledge is extraordinary. They know that Qin double is telling the truth. He wants to cultivate the whole people of the whole continent with such a place in the current empire. The result is only one possibility, that is, it not only drags down the empire of the crescent, but also makes the whole human race Not before.

It is really not a false statement to say that it is a warrior of the whole people. Although the number of people in the empire of the empire is far worse than the number of the whole people, every day, the human races come from all over the mainland of the warriors. The quantity is growing every day.

Today, the Crescent Moon Empire is the last land of the Terran, and it is the holy land of the Terran. If the Moon Empire does not expand in time, one day, let alone resources, is that the territory is not enough for the Terran to come to a foothold.

This is an urgent matter. Don't say that there is a chance now, that is, there is no chance, but also an attack.


This attack is also learned, which legion will make the legion a pioneer?

Or is it as cannon fodder?

The crowd could not help each other, and then they gathered their eyes on the piano.

"So!" Qin double did not see their look in general, continued: "The main purpose of our attack is to occupy the territory, grab resources, fight with the demon in the second place, and even not fight without fighting. ”

"Hmm?" Everyone couldn't help but look at it.

"Now the demon fights fiercely in the middle, and both sides have hatred and played a real fire. As long as we don't provoke them, I think, even if we are on the verge of them, they will only guard, not attack us. So, our first step is to occupy the East first."

There is no objection to this because everyone is now in the East, and of course the Eastern site must be hit first.

"Huang Ri Wu Sheng Shen Qiu!"


"Blood Day Wu Sheng Xueyi!"


"The demon day Wu Sheng Li Yan!"


"The Merry Day, the Holy Blue Moon!"


"Louvre Sun is reflected in the sun."


"Wu Zongri Sheng Jin Longxing!"


"Da Qin Day Sheng Qin Lie!"


"Frost Day San Han Che!"


Qin Shuang’s eyes swept over the legions of the Eight Legion, and his final eyes fell on Qin Lie’s body.

"Da Qin Day Sheng Qin Lie!"


"You can still remember, when you promised to hand over the East to your country?"

"Remember!" Qin Lie’s eyes were filled with excitement, and other people could not help but move.

Qin double extended a finger: "First, this time in the East, with the Da Qin Army as a pioneer, you can dare to."


At this time, Qin Lie was no longer suffering from the cannon fodder. This is to fight for himself, and the whole people help him to fight the country. He is not a pioneer, who is it?

He is not good, some people are willing to be, but at that time he would not want to establish a country.

"Second!" Qin double erected a second finger: "After laying the East, you will take the power of the whole people, build a big city in your chosen place, and set up a protective array for the big city."

Qin Lie was overjoyed in the heart, and everyone also blinked. Qin double continued:

"Of course, this big city is still the entire Terran attacking demon, and accepting the bridgehead of the mainland. Otherwise, the strength of the Daqin regiment can not be maintained."

Qin Lie nodded, in fact, it is true. The Daqin regiment now has no Wusheng. What do you want to take?

"Third!" Qin doubled up the third finger: "After taking the East, Qin Li can immediately establish the Daqin Empire. You can start to restore the structure of the Daqin Empire, restore the farmer's business, and recruit to settle in Daqin. The population of the empire.

However, the use of all resources is not the calculation of the Daqin Empire, but it is still controlled by the Crescent Moon Empire. He will send people into the Daqin Empire to unify the resources of the Daqin Empire.

In other words, 朕 is only an opportunity for the Daqin Empire to fight the empire shelf in advance. The Daqin Empire is still an integral part of the Crescent Moon Empire, and everything must be obeyed by the command of the Crescent Moon Empire. When the demon is expelled from the mainland of the warrior, the person who will be sent will be completely withdrawn and will give you an independent empire. ”

Qin Lie immediately nodded in agreement, as the original Prince of the Great Qin Empire, now the leader of the Daqin Empire, he said in the Qin double, he immediately knew that he had made a profit.

In fact, Qin double can not do this completely. Before the deportation of the demon, it is completely unnecessary to put the original promise on the agenda, and the forces of the parties will not complain. Now Qinqin has done this, which is an opportunity for the Daqin Empire to set up the empire shelf in advance. By the time the demon was expelled, Qin doubles withdrew the supervised man, and the Daqin Empire was able to operate independently at once, without having to start from scratch at that time.


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