Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1103: Advance to the south



"I don't know what the Yaozu thinks. The reason why the Mozu does not send the ancestors of the ancestors is to fear that you will seek a fair battle for the three expectations and pride. If the Mozu When the ancestors came, the three of you will join hands to remove all the factors that affect your fair war.

However, only I came, but there is no problem.

My repair is not as good as any of your three. Oh..." He glanced at Feng Yandao: "Although Feng Yanxiu is weak, but he has a squad, I am not her opponent. Therefore, this alone comes to show you three, I am just watching the battle, on the one hand, by watching the war, to improve myself, on the other hand, the results of the three of you to fight, to inform the Mozu. ”

Fengguang station did not speak there, but the look also showed that the Yaozu is also this plan.

Qin doubled and nodded: "Then please ask the two for the wall."

Chi Fei and Feng Guang bowed their hands to the Qin double, and then they flew back for dozens of miles and watched from a distance.

The three tribes on the ground also looked at the three figures in the air, and each monk’s face showed a tense color, but also a kind of excitement.

Qin Shuang once took Wu Zongdian, the great Qin empire and the empire of the Frost Empire. Wan Lijun returned to the Jiuyue Empire, killing countless demon sacs on the way, even the sacred sacred and demon saints on the ninth floor of Wusheng. No one regarded her as a youth. A generation, although she is only twenty-nine years old, but no doubt, is already the first master of the Terran.

Feng Ming has killed the dragon ancestors, can you see Feng Ming as a young generation?

In the heart of the Yaozu, Fengming has long been regarded as the first master of the Yaozu. Of course, those who have such ideas are those of the older generation. Those younger generations still have a lot of dissatisfaction. After all, they just heard that they did not see it.

As for Feng Yan, the Mozu is really helpless. The singularity of Feng Yan is not her cultivation, but her martial arts. In fact, Feng Yan’s controversy is the biggest. Almost the old generation of the Mozu do not think that Feng Yan is the first master of the Mozu.

However, in any case, it is not easy to be able to stand still with Fengming for several years. Therefore, there is no such demon daring to despise Feng Yan.

The Yaozu, Mozu and Terran are all looking forward to this battle. Although this war did not determine the tribe's weakness and weakness, it also determined the direction of the mainland.

However, for Qinshuang, this is a scene. Because Feng Ming and Feng Yan are her distractions. She naturally wants to defeat Fengming and Fengyan, but she can't let two people suffer serious injuries, so as not to let the Yaozu and the Mozus get cheaper, and kill Fengming or Fengyan.

Three people stand in the air and form a triangle. Feng Ming looked disdainfully at Fengyan Road:

"She is too weak, it is better for us to fight the first one, who won, and then I will clean up Feng Yan."

"Alright!" Qin double smiled and nodded.

Feng Yan was not angry at all, and the words fell back to the Mozu camp. The red fly in the distance is a look.

"There is no surprise in honor and disgrace, Fengyan is not simple!"

The two Qin Qin and Feng Ming have already been beaten up, and they have been hit hard and the mountains and rivers are discolored. Qin double shows the strength of the tenth layer of Wusheng, Fengming also released the realm of the tenth layer of the demon. This made Feng Guang and Chi Fei's heart shake and pale.

The war was going on for one day and one night, and finally the piano doubled in a win, and a blood spouted in the air and fled to the south.

Qin Wu’s big hand waved, Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu, Wuzong and Daqin five regiments flew to the demon camp. The remaining Suzaku Legion, the Fire and Phoenix Corps, the Frost Corps and the Comprehension Legion confronted the Mozu.

The eyes of Qin double fell from the air to Feng Yan. From the camp of the Mozu, Feng Yan flew up. As her body flew, she flew out of her body. A large array of airborne cloths was placed in the air.

In the distance, Chi Fei’s heart jumped.

"There is a combination of people! This is how high the understanding of the road?"

Today is the first time that Feng Yan has revealed the realm of her unity. The Mozu monks are cheering, but the Terran monks are in the heart. Feng Guang and Chi Fei’s eyes stared at the piano and Feng Yan in the air.


The figure of Feng Yan and Qin Shuang has disappeared. The two monks are covered by layers of magnificent patterns. They can only see the magnificent glow of the sky constantly vibrating, and the loud noise from the big array is heard.

After six hours.

In the sky, there was a loud bang, a large array of smashed, and the glare of the bend was shining. Feng Yan’s figure spurred toward the south.

The shape of the piano double appeared in the radiant glow, and snorted:


The Suzaku Legion, the Fire and Phoenix Corps, the Frost Corps and the Comprehension Legion swooped over to the Mozu.

Qin Double looked at Feng Guang and Chi Fei in the air. The two great monks shook hands toward the piano and walked away.

The Terran army rushed to chase after three thousand miles and stopped. However, it only stopped for three days. In these three days, Qin Double chose the location of Jiandu, still named as the Yueyue City, and handed over the city to the Tianji Camp, and then started the army and began to clear the Central Plains. demon.

The nine regiments were in high spirits. The demon had no resistance at all and fled to the south. Therefore, the Terran army marched very fast. It took only half a year to reach the southern front.

From the moment of entering the South, the Pioneer Legion became a self-cultivation army, and Yang Yingtian and others were very excited, because they knew that they had laid down the southern frontiers. This is the foundation of their self-cultivation.

Under the command of Qin Double, the Terran Legion gave up the door of the demon, but pushed in the direction of the magic path. Because Qinqin has a strong sense of confidence in Fengming, Fengming will definitely make the demon world smoldering, so that the demon world can not focus on the human race. The repair of Feng Yan is not enough to achieve Feng Ming.

And the result is exactly the same.

After Feng Ming left the Central Plains, he plunged into the demon world. After entering the demon world, Feng Ming publicly announced that he would unify the demon world, and then led the demon to attack the warrior continent, revenge and hate. Then she attacked a demon race. No demon would be willing to be unified by Fengming and lift Fengming to her head, so the Yaozu would unite and want to kill Fengming.

However, with the strength of Fengming and the desire to escape, there is really no one who can keep her. If she and the Yaozu join forces to fight, the Yaozu can kill the phoenix after the casualties are huge. However, Feng Ming was able to quickly smash a **** run and then attacked a family of demon people when he encountered a siege or a trap.

At the end of the day, all the demon people have shrunk in the ethnic land, relying on the big array of mountains to ignore the Fengming.


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