Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1104: Establish a line of defense



Feng Ming is also very cautious. She knows that every Yaozu family can survive to this day. There are cards that can't be ignored. In the ethnic land, there must be a card to protect the inheritance of the race. If she really does not carelessly break into a certain Yaozu. Maybe you will encounter a situation where you are defeated.

As for the small families in the Yaozu, Fengming has no interest. She is in the demon world like a dragon, seeing the end of the dragon, suddenly east and west, let the demon nervous, nervously shrinking in the mountain gate. In my heart, I prayed that Feng Ming was killed by the Thunder.

The purpose of Fengming in the demon world is to gain time for the piano, so that the piano has time to lay the defense. It can be said that Feng Ming has done a very easy job in the demon world and achieved his goal.

However, Feng Yan is very difficult to do in the devil world.

After all, her cultivation is only the eighth layer of the devil. Instead, she is united by the demon and chased her to hide in Tibet. However, it is still not too long to disappear. It always takes a while to come out and make some noise, attract the Mozu, and fight for the piano. On several occasions, Feng Yan almost fell, and he was seriously injured, only to break through the encirclement and flee.

Qin double also knows the difficulty of Feng Yan, so she gave up the door of the demon door from the beginning and came to the magic path at the fastest speed. In the distance of the magic path thousands of miles away, began to build defense lines. The nine major legions were built in turn, and these warriors and monks took the construction. The speed was not comparable to that of ordinary people. It took only three months to complete the construction of the magic path. The only difference was the layout of the big array.

The martial arts division and the martial arts division of the Tianji camp were concentrated in the magic path defense line, laying out the basic formations, and the nine major legions practiced while watching the magic path.

At this time, the narrow path of the original became a lot wider, but even so, there were no monks from the inside, and the demons were surrounded by Fengyan. The Qinshuang entered the town demon tower and began to refine the flag.

After three months, the basic patterns and plaids were laid out. The piano doubled out the pens and began to connect the lines of the lines together. The high walls of the lines of defense continued to rise into the sky with a colorful beam. One month later. The piano double began to hit the flag on the side of the ground, and the beams of light came one after another. After one and a half months, the lines and the striated lines simultaneously released a dazzling light, which rushed upwards, and the rays of the waves flowed in the light. Patterns and patterns, magnificent and unusual. The light lasted for a quarter of an hour and gradually converges.

Big formation!

The comprehension community did not form a comprehension empire, but formed a consortium of comprehension. However, the comprehension army was not disbanded for the time being. Instead, it was divided into three comprehension corps, which were led by the three forces with the Mahayana monks. The Luofu Legion led by Luo Fuzong, a leaf army led by Yiye Island, is a snow-free army led by Snow Island.

The Daqin Army Corps was also divided into three legions, namely the Volvo, the Voldemort, and the Volunteers.

The Frost Corps is also divided into three legions, namely the Ice Legion, the Cold Front, and the Frost Front.

The Wuzong Legion was also divided into three legions, namely the township, the town demon, and the town's three major legions.

A leaf army in the comprehension world, the Volvo Legion of the Daqin Empire, the Ice Front Army of the Frost Empire, the township army of the Wuzong Empire, the Kirin Legion of the Crescent Moon Empire, stayed behind the magic path defense line, and the remaining Terran was close to the demon gate.

The magic path and the demon door are not far apart. In less than fifteen days, the remaining legions arrived thousands of miles away from the gate of the demon and began to build defense lines.

In the rest of the month, I spent a lot of time in the building defense line of the Terran.

The sun is still about a time away from the sky.

The two sides of the piano sit on the branches of an old tree and close their eyes. Above the clouds above her head, the sacred gods of the doubles sit on top of the clouds, squirting the sun and tempering their own gods.

The closer to noon, the more intense the sun.

The face of the Yangshen of the Qinshuang has a painful color, and the rise of the Yangshen spurs a trace of black smoke.


The yang of Qinqin spit out a sigh of relief, and even sprayed a point of ignition.

Subsequently, Qinshuang’s Yuanshen sank into the clouds and swooped down to the piano doubles, entering the soul space of Qin Double. Originally like a statue of the piano double, it instantly lived up, slowly opened his eyes, and the eyes showed a happy color.

"The Yangshen has reached the sixth floor, and the four layers have reached the conditions of soaring. The law has also reached the eleventh level of the Mahayana period. There are only nine layers in each level of the fairy world. I don't know if I have reached it. In the immortal period, each realm will become nine layers, or still threeteen layers."

Qin double stood up from the branch and looked at the line of defense being built. When the sky was empty, the figure flew up and flew toward the line of defense.

"Moon Emperor."

Several Wusheng and Mahayana on the defense line pleaded to Qinqin, and Qinqin also returned gifts, and together with everyone to inspect the demon door defense.

"Moon Emperor, why don't we repair the line of defense to the front of the demon?" Jin Longxing asked.

"This is because I want to turn this thousand miles into the battlefield of the Terran and the Yaozu. Our current strength is not enough to attack the demon world, and if the defense is repaired in front of the demon, the space to fight the demon is almost No, only a place as big as a demon door can't function as a human trial and temper.

Feng Ming returned to the demon world, and must have a dispute with the Yaozu, which made the demon world innocent to attack our human race. When the dispute of the Yaozu is over, the Yaozu will certainly build a defense line in front of the demon's door, as a base to protect the demon and attack the Terran. Such a region between the Terran defense line and the Yaozu defense line is the area where the Terran and the Yaozu fight.

If any race has no pressure, it will decline. I hope that the Yaozu and the Mozu can always give pressure to the Terran. I hope that one day, the Terran will become stronger and can attack the Demon and the Devil. ”

Jin Longxing and others are incomprehensible. Now the Terran can say that they have recovered the mainland of the Warriors, but at this time, people will often think more about themselves than the previous cohesiveness.

not to mention……

These people are the emperors of the future forces, naturally want to think about their future empire.

At the beginning, every empire sent a corps to the magic path or the demon door defense line to fight the demon. Although they did not have the guts to violate this promise, they also decided to send their own weakest army to defend the line.


At this point their mind changed their minds. They all decided to send their strongest empire to come here. By fighting the demon and honing themselves, they will become stronger and stronger.

This demon catastrophe, let the people understand a truth, only their own strength, is the foundation of the body.

The naked jungle rule.


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