Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1105: Xiao Lingjie



"Second brother." Qin doubled his head and looked at Qinwudao: "I am afraid I will not use it for a long time, I will fly to the spiritual world."

"You... want to fly?" Qin Wu looked at the piano with a mistake: "I..."

"Don't worry!" Qin said: "You have been doing very well, especially the four years I was not there. So even if I fly away from the mainland, you will do well."

The cockroaches on the face of Qinwu gradually disappeared and became firm: "Double children, you can rest assured. I will look at the Yueyue Empire."

Speaking of this, I look at the door of the demon: "I will send the strongest army here, accept the temper here, and let them become the strongest army in the mainland."

Qin double shook his head and said: "It is still a rotation. Today, the Crescent Moon Empire has six major regiments: Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qilin and Huofeng.

Each legion is stationed here for one year, then goes back to practice for five years and then rotates. This rhythm is right for cultivation. And this will make the overall strength of the Crescent Moon Empire stronger, not just which one is strong. The six legions are quite powerful and it is interesting to compete. ”

Jin Longxing, Qin Lie, Han Che, Yang Yingtian, etc. are thoughtful.

Jin Longxing, Qin Lie and Han Che quickly decided that after the line of defense was completely completed, they also rotated the three corps of their empire like the Crescent Moon Empire, and after returning to their empire, they would slowly re- To form a legion, at least the empire must have four legions.

Only Yang Yingtian, Bu Haishan and Si Xing and others frowned slightly, because their comprehension was not unified into a country, or it was in the situation of Zongmen. And since it is no longer living on the island, Yiye Island is going to be renamed Yiyezong, Wuxue Island is going to be renamed Snowless, and Huanglu Island is going to be renamed Huangluzong.

The three people decided to go back and discuss it. Since they returned to the mainland of the warriors, they must stand firm and make themselves stronger.

At this time, Qin’s eyes suddenly shrank and his face became pale. In a hurry to leave a sentence, everything is responsible for Qin Wu, the body shape will rise to the sky, one step, and disappeared.

Close to the horizon!

Everyone looked a glimpse and looked at the back of the piano, which was inexplicable.

"Looking at the direction of the emperor's departure is the magic path!" Jin Longxing condensed.

"And the look of the emperor is very bad!" Qin Lie showed a trace of worry in his eyes.

"Is there something happening in the magic path defense line?" Yang Yingtian looks dignified.

"Always pay attention to the news of the magic path!" Qin Wu decisively ordered.

At this time, Qin Double is going to the Magic Trail at the fastest speed, and at the same time, he communicates Feng Ming in the demon world.

"Feng Ming, Feng Yan has an accident, and immediately enters the devil world."

After a long period of continuous operation, the piano double only took more than one hour, and then came to the magic path, the body shape, then slowed down the speed and entered the magic path.

The two sides of the magic path are still dangerous and have a dense and fragmented space. Here, the piano pair did not dare to use the world, so as not to accidentally rush into the space debris. Although she is now repaired, even if it is rushed into the space debris, it may not be dangerous, but it will inevitably delay a lot of time.

After two quarters of an hour.

Qin double walked out of the magic trail and took one step.

The next moment, she appeared the entrance to the devil world, when the entrance to the devil was silent, there was no demon, and a black passage stood there.

Qin double did not hesitate, relying on his powerful body, rushed into the entrance of the devil.

Without any attack, the figure of the piano pair appeared in the devil world.

"Moon Emperor!"

From the opposite side of the Qin double, I thought of a panic voice. When the piano eyes swept away, I saw a group of Mozu monks looking at themselves blankly. Presumably, these Mozu monks are guarding the entrance to the devil world. If the human race breaks into the devil world, it can be notified in time.

The piano took a step and the figure disappeared into the entrance of the devil. The Mozu monks had just breathed a sigh of relief, and they saw a giant palm falling in the sky, and they slammed the band of the Mozu monks into powder.

Qin double flew away in the direction of sensing Feng Yan.

The devil world is also more than the mainland of the warrior, the piano double constantly makes a world of temperament, and quickly push into Fengyan.


She suddenly stopped in the air and her face became paler. The perception between her and Feng Yan became very weak. There were only two results. One was that Feng Yan was hurt and the other was Fengyan. Another continent, just like when Qinqin went to the mainland.


The figure of Qinqin fell on a square. Her figure stunned the monks of the Mozu in the square. The eyes of the tens of thousands of monks gathered toward the piano, but when they saw it clearly, it was a double. At the time, the eyes are not exposed to the color of fear. After seeing so many demons around, there was a fierce color in each of them.

Qin Shuang’s eyes only looked at the devils, and they looked at a huge stone monument that was straight into the sky. The top of the stone tablet was engraved with three characters:

Little spirit world!

"Little spirit world?"

The piano doubles in the heart!

"What does this little spiritual world have to do with the real spiritual world?"

Qin double is a person who has really entered the spiritual world. Although he only stayed on the ancient star of the spiritual world for a while, he has no real understanding of the spiritual world, but it is only the ancient battlefield of the ancient star and the desolation and tragic ancient battlefield. Make her unforgettable.

I did not expect that there was a place in the Devil World called Xiao Lingjie, which made her curious. At this moment, her heart has already affirmed that Feng Yan must have entered the small spiritual world, otherwise it will not become so weak with her perception.

"I don't know what is this little spiritual world?"


At this time, the demon monks below, shouted and rushed to the piano double.

Qin double is too lazy to take care of them, wasting time. I punched a punch and bombarded the past with the huge stone monument. The demons, who were in front of the huge stone tablets, burst into flames, and the densely-knit Monk monks made a passage through the piano. Then the piano took a step and rushed toward the huge stone tablet.

In the realm of Qin double, I can see at a glance that the huge stone monument is the door to the spiritual world, so her figure rushed toward the huge stone tablet without hesitation.

The stone staggered a bit, like a stone cast into the lake, the shape of the piano double disappeared inside the stone tablet.

As if passing through a water curtain, the piano is standing on a dark earth, looking at the surroundings, this is a world that can't see the margin.


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