Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1254: Kill

Nod to the point: "I know your mind, now the shadow should have been attacking home?"

"Not yet!" Ouyang Liang shook his head and said: "They are waiting to meet with me. However, it will not be delayed for a long time. After I kill you, I will go to the shadows and will kill them. At that time, even if The old ancestors came back from Xianjun Cave, suspected to be Ouyang, but there is no evidence, and they dare not look for the trouble of our Ouyang family.

"not to mention……

If you say your ancestors, you may die in Xianjun Cave! ”

Slightly screamed at the eyes: "Don't you be afraid of angering the other three families to unite against your Ouyang family?"

"Of course not!" Ouyang Liang smiled and said: "My Ouyang family is only for you to go home, and after you have gone home, our Ouyang family will really make good contact with the other three families, and will let the other three families perceive. To the sincerity of our Ouyang family.

This oriental corner was originally the card of our Ouyang family. Now we give up some cards to the three families, and let them perceive the sincerity of our Ouyang family. They don’t make sense without grateful to us, and we will cooperate with the three families. Help them to recapture the land opposite the land, the territory captured by the demon, what reason do they have hostile to us? ”

Silently silently said: "Is Changtianyu really so important?"

Ouyang cool eyes shrink: "It seems you already know."

Slowly lifted his right arm, and with one hand and one hand, a sword was held in his hand, staring at the air:

"If that's the case, then fight!"

Ouyang Liang sacrificed a gossip open axe, held between his hands, looking at the martyr:

"I will give you a chance to single out me!"

"You don't regret it!"

To the fierce eyes, a loud bang, his momentum rose like a wolf, the white clouds in the sky were blasted into a huge hole, and then burst into pieces.

Perceived to the strong momentum, Ouyang Liang’s war is high, and the eyes are clear:

"I didn't think you have broken through to the late Luo Jinxian, and now I am not bullying you."


The momentum of Ouyang Liang’s body also broke out. The power of the peak of the late Luo Jinxian’s peak spread in the space. The momentum continued to solidify and the pressure was more and more frightening.

Condensed with glare, then became cold, and said in a tone: "Ouyang Liang, want to go home, just step on my body."

Outside the family.

The shadow of the first floor of the first floor, Huo Ran, turned back and the knowledge spread. I will receive it immediately. Then cold channel:

"Ouyang Liang was stopped by Lie, and we attacked the big array first."


Hundreds of shadow killers, screaming and screaming, each showing their powers, launched an attack toward the family. The roar of the roar is endless, and the big array begins to shake. The monk who came to the house could not help but look back from the air and looked at the gate of the mountain. His face was full of worries. They looked at the air again. They were praying in their hearts at this time, praying that the family leader Jin Jinding could kill the enemy as soon as possible. Now they have the backbone.


Ouyang Liang’s gaze crossed the head of Lie’s head and looked toward the family’s land, and then the smile on his face was more prosperous.

"Have you heard it? The shadow has started to attack."

The look of the fierceness became dignified. He did not look back and did not use the gods to explore. He was facing Ouyang Liang at this time. He only concentrated everything and did not dare to be distracted.

"Ouyang Dan!" Ouyang Liangtou did not say back: "You will go to the altar."


A monk walked out of the team behind Ouyang Liang, and walked toward the altar. The momentum of his body spread with the advancement. The pressure of Luo Tianshang’s late peaks rolled toward the altar.

"Ouyang Hong, you lead a family monk to join the shadow, will be destroyed to the home, the film does not stay."


After a monk behind Ouyang Hong responded, the vibrating arm shouted:

"Follow me!"


Hundreds of monks of the Ouyang family followed Ouyang Hong, like a rolling torrent, heading toward the family. Xiang Lie and Xiang Tan did not dare to remove a gaze, all the energy locked in the opposite Ouyang Liang and Ouyang Dan.

To the sky above the family.

The old sword gradually fell on the downwind, and the face could not help but show an anxious color.

"To the arrogance, you still don't open the guardian big array, do you have to wait to be killed by Jin Ding?"

The sound was swaying to the family, and the people on the ground couldn’t help but look around for the arrogant figure, only to find that they could not find the arrogant figure.

All of this people panicked.

Those who are loyal to Jin Ding and Xiangyang are worried that they will turn off the guardian squad.

The loyalty to the arrogant to the invisible monks is to worry about arrogance is not to escape.

Xiangyang’s gaze looked at the valley on one side, and his face showed a complex color, stepping out and swaying. To change to the invisible face, it is necessary to follow, but was taken one step ahead of no evil, blocking his way. The eyes swept toward the few Luo Tianshang who were behind the invisible body.

"Where are these traitors going?"

"We are not traitors!" He said to the invisible: "We only support the two sons as patriarchs."

"Oh..." Xiangyang sneered two times and looked up at the old sword that was fighting in the battle with Jin Ding: "Collecting foreign enemies, and saying that you are not a traitor?"

Speaking of this, I will pay a sigh of praise to the arrogant: "When you listen to the disciples, you will catch the traitors immediately!"

"no need!"

A clear sound sounded, and I saw a figure flying from the side of the mountain. It was the pilgrimage that went back and fell on the mountain.


A strip of people flew up from the cliff. Everyone was dressed in black, like a black cloud falling on the cliff, behind the arrogant.

"Dead Camp!"

"Ha ha ha..." Laughed at the arrogance: "Big Brother, do you regret giving me the death camp now? Now you have two ways to go."

A road, immediately with all the family monks, swear to the soul with my soul.

The other way is that I ordered the death camp to kill all those who opposed me. ”

In the eyes of Xiangyang, there is a disappointment: "Second brother, have you really decided?"

"Now I let you decide, not you ask me." The violent color appeared on the face of arrogance.

"Oh..." The disappointment in Xiangyang’s eyes is more intense: "Second brother, you are now Luo Tianshang, you should be able to see that the sword is not the father's opponent. If you use the death camp to kill When the father killed the sword, do you think the father would spare you?"


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