Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1255: Break

To the arrogant face, there is a stern color: "As long as I kill you all, the rest of the masters who are high-ranking monks are supporters of me. Can the father kill us all?" His old man really did this. He didn't have to attack others and went home. So he would not only kill me, but he would have to recognize my new patriarch.

Big Brother, your thinking is too narrow!

The most important thing about the family is to pass on. As for who is the patriarch, it doesn't matter. ”

Xiangyang’s gaze is shrinking. He admits that it makes sense to arrogance. It’s really that level. His father only accepts patriotism and becomes a patriarch.

"Second brother!" Xiangyang raised his hand and pointed out the mountain gate. He was attacking the shadow of the Shanmen array. "The shadow is attacking the mountain gate now. Even if you become a patriarch, you have to face the shadow, a split family, a The family that was killed by you half, do you think it can resist the shadow?

Can our family still pass on? ”

The face of arrogance is also a change, and at this time, the old sword in the air is screaming:

"To be proud, as long as you complete the deal with me, I will leave home to nothing."


The old sword was rushed to Jin Ding, and the figure fell from the air and pulled a large pit from the ground.

"And in my fierce battle, I dare to distract me? Look for death!"

He screamed at Jin Ding and rushed toward the big pit. The long sword in his hand shot the sword and mans, like a beam of light.


Inside the pit, the old figure of the sword spurred out, and he was covered in blood, and the sword was like a dragon, and the light beam was hard. At the same time, shouted:

"To the arrogance, what are you waiting for? Still not doing it? This is the only way to protect your family."

Slightly hesitated to the arrogant look, then became firm, slowly raised the token in his hand, cold channel:

"Big Brother, even if you become a patriarch, you can't save the family. Only I have this ability, I also want to protect the family..."

"Speak your trade with the old sword." Xiangyang interrupted the words to the arrogant: "You still don't know, when we went out to practice, my father would send someone to protect us. So, you are outside the family. The father knows very well, but his father believes that vying for the position of the patriarch is also the driving force for your promotion of the realm. You are to the family, to be strong, and only the family to benefit.

However, now you are colluding with outsiders, what trade do you trade with Swordsman? ”

"There is a lot of nonsense!" At this time, the arrogant has lifted the token high: "The death camp command..."

At this time, I saw Xiangyang take a token from the storage ring, exactly the same as the token in the hands. Xiangyang’s eyebrows transmit a glimpse of the gods and enter the tokens in his hands.


Then I saw the token in the hands of the arrogant bursting into the air, and stood up to the arrogant empty hand. Holding a token in the hands of Xiangyang:

"Second brother, since I already knew that you are occupying the position of the patriarch, and have a complicated relationship with the people outside. For example, the old sword, after a detailed investigation of the family for many years, could not investigate his origin. You Say, how can I give the death camp to you with confidence?

You are not a patriarch who does not know that the death camp token has two pieces, the mother. The piece I gave you is a sub-token, and this piece in my hand is the parent token. With the parent token, I can destroy the sub-token in your hand at any time.

Second brother, telling the identity of the old sword and the content of the transaction, I will ask the father to spare you. ”

The raised hand was slowly released to the arrogance, and the look changed. Xiangyang looked at the arrogant:

"What? Want me to order the death camp, kill you?"

Ten miles away from the family.

The sky shook, and the cracks in the silk space spread sharply. They fought together with Lie and Ouyang Liang. At this time, there were three scars on the body of Lie, and the blood rushed out and fell completely.

On the other side, the altar and Ouyang Dan played a difficult point. Although Ouyang Dan's cultivation was higher than the altar, the blood sea fan in the hands of the altar gave Ouyang Dan a great threat.


Ouyang cool and powerful, at this time the body is high and half a liter, the heaven and earth Yuanli frantically poured into his body, a pair of big hands will lift the gossip axe high.

His blood rushes, his pulse, his breath, at this moment, it is in harmony with the laws of heaven and earth, and the gossip open axe in his hand releases a radiant glow, and the light rushes through the gossip pattern, releasing endless power.

"Open the sky!"

Ouyang Liang violently drank, and the gossip in the hands of the gossip headed toward the fierce, the momentum will completely shroud and lock.

He is eager to hide from the fierce, he can't hide, and he can't avoid it. Taking a deep breath, the body swelled up, and the sword in his hand rang, and a straight sword stabbed the gossip.

"Ding Jiangshan!"

The sniper's sword light is like the celestial jade pillar, and the sword light circulates like a dragon.


The flowing gossip pattern collided with the sword mans, and there were countless black cracks in the space, like the collapse of the sand tower. In the end, the gossip and the sword were hit in one place.


Hong Zhong Da Lu’s sound rang, numb to the fierce arm, and the whole body fell to the ground like a projectile.


There was a big pit on the ground, and it was deeply immersed in it.


The groundwater was sprayed out like a fountain, and the violent figure rushed along with the fountain and flew away in the direction of the right.

"Escape? Today is here to die!" Ouyang Liang chased the past toward the fierce.


To the bite of the tongue, the speed jumped sharply, and Ouyang Liang, who was chasing behind her, suddenly shouted:

"Xiang Lie, Ouyang Hong has gone to the home with a break!"

The figure that flew to the ground was a meal, and I couldn’t help but turn my head to the direction of home.

To the family!


Suddenly someone was horrified, and the opposite sun and pilgrimage did not turn their eyes to the direction of the mountain gate. They saw a white cloud drifting down from the sky. It was the monk of the Ouyang family.


One white monk fell in front of the mountain gate, and the first floor of the shadow that was bombarding the mountain gate shouted:

"What about your patriarch?"

"In the back, kill the fierce. Shadow the landlord, you can stop."


The shadow landlord looked a glimpse, but then saw Ouyang Hong took out a symbol.


"Not bad!"

"Good!" The shadow of the landlord's body receded, and the shadow killer also stopped and retreated toward the rear.

Ouyang Hong activated the break line and sacrificed to the mountain gate. The broken character fell on the mountain gate, and there was no roaring sound, but it was silent.

However, the array at the gate of the mountain is like a snow that meets the sun and is silent.


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