Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1331: Strongest

In her vision, Tianlinxing zoomed in quickly, and then the mountains and rivers quickly plunged into her eyes, and then the eastern corner, Xiangjiacheng, Qinfu...


Qinqin fell in the backyard of Qinfu, and he would sit in the pavilion and enjoy the cuisine of Qin San. Next to the piano, he continued to pour the wine to Wang Jing and jumped up to see the piano double. This is the way:

"Qin double, here is your home, you don't walk, jump from the sky, what's the matter?"

Qin double did not take care of him, went to the pavilion, poured himself a glass of wine, and drank it. On the side of the road, muttered to Wang:

"Qin double, you should store some monkey wine in the piano eight in the future, so as not to come to the guest, you are not at home, the guests can not drink the monkey wine. The monkey wine you drink today, or I bring it."

The piano doubled a white eye and sat down on the stone bench: "The monkey wine you brought is also for me."

"Give me, that's mine." Wang said with anger.

"Afraid of you!" Qin double shook his head helplessly: "Anxious to call me back, what's the matter?"

"The matter of the mystery has been solved."

“Really? What is the result?”

"When our nine-day Xuanxian ancestors arrived at the secret, the layout of your layout has not been broken. However, as expected by the heart of the hole, the two giant Yi people nine days Xuan Xian immediately with us The ancestors kept the distance, ready to leave, and immediately informed the other enchanted ancestors through the news of the secret.

There is no way for our ancestors, even if the two giant ancestors were beaten, your character was broken, and when you entered the secret, one person could only get one inheritance. And there are nearly 100,000 inheritance there. Therefore, the ancestors were also very helpless, and the nine-day Xuan Xian of the Yaozu also came one after another. Although the Yaozu are weak now, they also have no way to take the six ancestors on our side. Nowadays, there is no Xianjun on both sides, and the Yaozu has no advantage. And the nine-day Xuan Xian of the Yaozu is only two more than the Terran.

Once the two sides fight, our human race can't afford it, and the Yaozu can't afford it either. Therefore, an agreement was finally reached, because the inheritance in the mystery now has nearly 100,000 left, so that 100,000 places will be decided, and the Terran and the Yaozu will have a five-game ratio.

The first is the fairy period, the second is the fairy season, the third is the fairy, the fourth is Luo Tianshang, and the fifth is the Da Luo Jin Xian.

Each field decides 20,000 places.

Therefore, we human races must first pick out the strongest of these five realms. ”

After listening to the piano, he silently said: "This has nothing to do with us. We have all been passed down. And now I am only the third floor of Luo Tianshang, and you are... the seventh floor of your fairy period?"

"Yeah!" Nodded to Wang Xinran.

"We are not the highest-ranking people in their respective realms. Naturally, they are not the strongest of these two realms. Well, drink it yourself, I have to understand the Tao."

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet. This time for the entire Terran, if the Terran can win more than one, there will be 20,000 more inheritance. This is very important for today's Terran, with these inheritance, the Terran will It will be strong soon, and maybe you can regain lost habitat."

Qin nodded, and her heart was moving. She promised Wu Xianjun at the beginning. If she can help the human race, she is also duty-bound.

"So, the five family ancestors have made up their minds. In order to be able to pick out the true strongest, the five family ancestors promised that the strongest of every realm can choose one of the treasure houses of the five major families. treasure."

The sound of the piano is bright, Tianlin Star is now down, but the ancient monuments of Tianlin Star are quite a lot. I believe that the five major families must have extraordinary treasures. Maybe you have what you need.

"After the five major family draws, the strongest person in the fairy period can enter us to pick a treasure from the treasure house of the family. The strongest person in the immortal period can enter the treasure house of the Wang family to choose a treasure. The strongest person in the Tianxian period can enter Ouyang. You can choose one of the treasures in the treasure house of the family. You can enter the Confucian family to choose a treasure. The strongest of the great Luo Jinxian can enter the treasure house of Lujiazang and choose a treasure.

how about it? Interested? ”

"How to choose the strongest?" Qin double asked cleanly.

"I know that you are interested!" said to Wang Xiaohe: "The Ouyang family has a treasure called a space tower. When everyone enters the space tower together, the tower has nine floors, the highest of each state. It is the strongest."

“Space Tower? Is it a comprehension of spatial attributes?” Qin double frowns: “How do you choose the strongest? Even if you understand the spatial attributes, you may not be the strongest? Any one attribute, if one becomes the ultimate, The other does not reach the extreme, of course, it is the ultimate strength. Although the space attribute and the time attribute are the most mysterious attributes, but can not be so simple to determine the strongest?"

"Of course not!" Wang Xiaoxiao said: "The space tower of Ouyang's house is not a pure space tower. After entering, there will be monks from different realms and you will fight. You can also understand the spatial attributes, but you can also do it during the period. Comprehend the spatial attributes. Of course, after understanding the spatial attributes, it will be easier.

It is said that the space attribute has nine weights. The Ouyang family's space tower has 30 floors. The first ten layers are the first heavyweight, the middle ten is the second, and the last ten is the third. Each weight is divided into ten layers. Anyway, even if you don't get the title of the strongest, the space tower is also a big chance.

You must know that the space tower of the Ouyang family has never been opened to the outside world. Only open to my own disciples. This time it was for the human race that the space tower was opened. ”

Qin double listened, but in my heart, I had a good impression on Ouyang’s ancestors. Although Ouyang’s family had colluded with the shadows and attacked the home, it was for the sake of longevity, and she thought that she would definitely want to get Ouyang’s home. That part. This matter really tells who is right and who is wrong. However, in this ethnic group, Ouyang’s home is still doing very well.

"When does it begin?"

"It takes another month to announce the world. Waiting for all the warriors who want to go to the Ouyang family will take a month. So I decided to start the customs in two months and decide the strongest."

"Do you also participate?"

"Yeah!" Sharpened to Wang Mianguang: "I am now the seventh floor of the Tianxian period, and I have realized Xuan, and created a martial art three style according to Jian Xuan. Although it is only a prototype, I think I have a lot. The hope is to win the strongest of the fairy tales. And the strongest of Luo Tianshang is not yours."


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